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Miami Heat Assistant coach Chris Quinn has ‘not so quietly’ been linked to Miami Hurricanes head coaching job to replace Jim Larrañaga.


00:00I found this kind of interesting.
00:01Speaking of March madness, the canes are, I imagine not going to march.
00:05My name has been tough year coach.
00:07I walked away.
00:08What'd you think of this Leroy?
00:09There was a report yesterday from Jake Fisher from the Steinlein and he's
00:18reporting that the Miami hurricanes could be looking to a pretty close
00:24neighbor for coach L's replacement.
00:28It was a piece on a lot of guys in the NBA thinking of jumping to the
00:32NCAA, because there's a lot of money in right there right now
00:35with all the NIL stuff.
00:37And it's a little more, it's a little more, um, what's the word I'm looking
00:45You don't get fired as quick in college.
00:49Um, I guess, yeah, I can't, I can't believe they fired John Howard.
00:55Was it a firing or a parting of ways?
00:56What did they refer to it as?
01:00Jawan from Michigan.
01:03Um, I think there was a situation and then they parted ways.
01:09Well, either way, uh, it said in Jake's piece elsewhere in the sunshine
01:14state, various NBA coaches are being mentioned as candidates to replace Jim
01:20Laranega at Miami after Laranega stepped down in December longtime heat
01:25assistant, Chris Quinn has not so quietly been connected to the job as
01:32has former heat and current son's assistant coach, David Fisdale.
01:36Another intriguing name to monitor for the hurricanes gig, uh, has been
01:40NBA with head coaching experiences.
01:42Also Bucks assistant coach, Dave Yeager, who used to coach the Grizzlies.
01:46Seems like they kind of want, um, that he cultured down there in Miami.
01:51Yeah, that's kind of crazy.
01:54Chris Quinn has been in some NBA head coaching interview cycles.
01:59Chris Quinn jump into the college.
02:01Who you think now question.
02:03And I'm, I'm asking this cause I have my thoughts, who seems
02:09more relatable to the kids?
02:13Quinn does to me, right?
02:15But maybe that's because I haven't heard as much of Chris Quinn.
02:19Quinn works with a lot of the young guys.
02:21Like he's got a lot of young guys.
02:24He's he's on the same path as, as, um, Spo was.
02:29I mean, you know, and he played, you know, he played in the league.
02:33Um, looks, he's got a fake ID.
02:37How old is he?
02:38He's like 20.
02:39Maybe he, maybe he's 20.
02:40He looks 20.
02:41Chris Quinn, he's got a big 38, 40.
02:45No, no.
02:46I think he's 40, 41, 41.
02:50I always thought, I, man, I thought that Chris Quinn was going to get an NBA job.
02:54Like I, I, but he's saying, but it's, but nowadays it's the same money.
03:00So, so it's the same money and.
03:05Universities are a little more reluctant for, to do a buyout than an NBA coach.
03:12So you at least know you're going to get some time and it's not like,
03:16you know, it's not like this, uh, you get to stay, you get to stay local.
03:19Not that there's no pressure, but it's not like, it's not beautiful.
03:23It's not like him taking the job would be him mailing it in on this.
03:27No, no, no.
03:27But it's not, it's not Duke.
03:29It's not UNC.
03:31It's not Kentucky.
03:32It's not like Kansas.
03:35Well, there's only a handful of those teams.
03:37It's going to be a tough challenge.
03:38Don't get me wrong.
03:39It's going to be a tough challenge.
03:40It's going to be a tough challenge.
03:41It's going to be a tough challenge.
03:42It's going to be a tough challenge.
03:44It's going to be a tough challenge.
03:45Don't get me wrong, but I think he'll get a little bit of time
03:47to get things right at imagine.
03:49And I'd also imagine if you're going to lure somebody like him.
03:52That, you know, they're ready to spend some more money and to get right.
03:55It's such an interesting program because it just feels like they're good.
03:58And then they go down and then they're good.
04:00And then they go, but that, but a lot of that, you have to credit Jim
04:02like coach Laranega was such a, I think, I think that's the part
04:07because of the way it ended.
04:10That's the part that's going to get overlooked is how.
04:15Great he was at getting guys to do the right thing and be in the right
04:20spots and give the right effort.
04:23His energy, his energy was reflected on by the way the team played.
04:32So I don't know.
04:33That's an interesting one, man.
04:34All right.
04:34So Chris Quinn.
04:35But I would like to see, I would like to see Chris Quinn get a job.
04:40And, and to be honest with you, the Miami job would be great because
04:47he's still have his home base, right?
04:49You get to be home.
04:50So, so, so, and, and you have somewhat of a support system to get into coaching.
04:57True head coaching.
04:59Um, now I don't know how the thing is, is that I don't know how he deals with
05:04I don't know how he deals with the recruiting aspect and the NIO aspect of it.
05:11But as far as coaching, everybody says he's ready.
05:15Like everybody in that organization says he's the guy, the players,
05:18Spoh, when Spoh was away, he's the guy who took, took over.
05:22Everybody says Chris Quinn's that dude.
05:24When it comes to this, you did say that you think you should kick Spoh upstairs
05:29and you wanted Chris Quinn to take over.
05:30That's just why I get it.
05:32It's always like, there's a different dynamic though.
05:36When you say a guy's ready to be an NBA coach versus a guy ready to be a college
05:44coach, because if you go up through ranks in college, you understand the recruiting
05:48aspect of it, the NIO aspect of it.
05:50You understand all these things.
05:52When you come from the N the NBA to coach, you gotta be brought up to
05:59on the recruiting rules, the NIO, how much money you're going to have, where
06:03the transfer portal, who can you talk to who you can't, there's a whole lot of
06:08catching up that you would have to do.
06:11As far as that's concerned, it's South just goes.
06:14Quinn went to Notre Dame kick rocks.
06:18He did.
06:19He did.
06:20He said it looks like a golden, right?
06:23I believe the last time he had, uh, there was a bet between him and UD.
06:28Cause UD loves Cain's football, even though he's a Gator.
06:30And he made Chris Quinn where the turnover chain at practice for the, uh, for the 17
06:36Oh, geez.
