• last month
Another tough loss for our Miami Heat yesterday... The Heat fell to the Milwaukee Bucks 120 to 113, Tyler Herro gave the Miami Heat 40 points but it wasn’t enough. Nikola Jović breaks his hand essentially putting an end to his season? Tim Reynolds and Anthony Chiang uncover disturbing statistics, Leroy argues that with or without Jimmy Butler this team is a .500 team.


00:00it. Morning, everybody. So,
00:05Leroy here with you on a lovely
00:09Monday. I mean, if you don't
00:10like, if you like gloomy
00:12birthday. Yeah, it's gloomy.
00:14Holy smokes. It's like a heat
00:17fourth quarter. You don't, you
00:19don't know, it's not raining
00:20yet but you know, the storms
00:21are coming. Dude, like, I'm to
00:25the point where I can't even
00:26watch this team until the
00:27second half. Yeah, because you
00:29know, it's a beautiful basket.
00:30Thank you. That was the most
00:33beautiful first quarter
00:34basketball ever. When's it
00:36going to get ruined? Yeah. The
00:39answer was as soon as I saw
00:40Nico's poor little hand.
00:45Broken. Broken, dude. Broken.
00:51You want to talk about lost joy?
00:53What about Nico? Lost boy. I'm
00:57I was like, no, not him. Not
01:00him. And they just go there.
01:03You can just see and and the
01:05trainer does the thing and he
01:06goes, does that hurt? He goes,
01:07yes. Ow. That's not good. My
01:12favorite. Y'all want to know
01:14what that going to the hood
01:15doctor is? Which is grandma and
01:17mama. Hey, grandma, it hurts
01:19when I do this. Don't do that.
01:21I'll do it. Well, I think he
01:26played like the entire first
01:27half with it and he wasn't like
01:28he said it happened in the first
01:29quarter. He goes, he's like,
01:30you know, he didn't want to come
01:31out but he's going to be out for
01:33a while. That's not great. Not
01:36great on the shooting hand.
01:37Although on on a light note, I'm
01:41liking the aggressiveness of
01:42Wiggins. He did. He did. He did
01:46yam it right on Brook Lopez's
01:48head. Yeah. And then he started
01:50throwing it to the other team.
01:51I got confused. It's kind of
01:54just how it goes. It's like,
01:55all right, what are we doing
01:56here? Fourth quarter. Oh, Kevin
01:58Porter jr. Is going to look like
01:59Michael Jordan. Okay, cool.
02:03Cool. Now to stop. It's like,
02:05it's, I don't know. I don't even
02:06know like what television show
02:07to relate it to, but it's this,
02:09it's like the, the, the faces
02:11change on the other side, but
02:13it's the same setup every time.
02:15Great start. Yeah. Okay. Back
02:18and forth. And then just Epic
02:20collapse in your face. Right.
02:22You know, that's, it's the, it's
02:24the same thing that Tyler did
02:25his best to try and keep it from
02:27happening yesterday. And he was
02:29awesome. I mean, just bombs and
02:32just hitting tough team, tough
02:34shot after tough shot. Oh, one
02:36three with his 40 pieces this
02:38year. And, uh, you know, I went
02:42three against the bucks this
02:43year. Oh, Oh, the back out of
02:48tonight. If you guys like
02:49torture Atlanta Hawks tonight.
02:52Oh my goodness. They just
02:53scored 140. Oh my God. That was
02:56great. It was one 48, one 45.
02:58What's the final score? They
03:00lost the pistons. And that's,
03:02they didn't, did they go into
03:03overtime or no? Did they go over?
03:06I think it was regulation. I
03:07think it was regulation.
03:08Regulation. One 40 pieces. It
03:11was all over the place.
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03:19Volkswagen, they're going to
03:20Volkswagen. We'll talk a
03:21little, uh, heat with Amy
03:22Audemars coming up in the 11
03:24o'clock hour today. She will
03:26join us for a little 15 minutes
03:27of heat and frog boy. Yes.
03:30He's got tickets to give away.
03:31Yes, I do. What game do you
03:33have to give away? Oh, I don't
03:35even want to tell you, dude,
03:37because everyone's going to
03:38want to call on, you know, tell
03:41everybody what tickets they are.
03:42I got the Minnesota Timberwolves
03:45that is for March 7th. How
03:47about that? March 7th against
03:49the Minnesota Timberwolves. If
03:50you guys want to see it, man.
03:52Oh yeah. I know you're going to
03:53be there. Hey, we don't need
04:00updates from channel 10 or we
04:04got to send it out. I'll be
04:07sending it out as soon as I
04:08can. I'm not going to be
04:09sending it out. I'm not going
04:11to be sending it out. I'm not
04:12going to be sending it out. I
04:14don't want to be sending out
04:15cryptic, uh, pictures and stuff
04:18like that. I'm so down bad.
04:20Look at who Ant-Man was
04:21snuggling up to. Doesn't even
04:25matter anymore. It's like
04:26whoever, whoever Bam snuggles up
04:28to now, it's like, that's who
04:29I'm not getting. I'm not
04:33blaming him. It's just like, it
04:34doesn't even matter. Bam's like,
04:35Oh, I'm best of friends with
04:36this guy. He's in San Antonio.
04:38I'm best of friends with this
04:39guy. He's in Milwaukee. I guess
04:41we're the only thing you can say
04:43Miami heat 24, 25 season. At
04:46least we're not the sons. Like
04:49that's the, uh, that's the only
04:52like the sons and sixers. That's
04:53the only teams where you're just
04:54like, we have dumped a whole lot
04:57more money into their teams.
04:59What do you, uh, what am I
05:01supposed to do with that? With
05:02that Joel and B report? Well,
05:06they came out with this report.
05:07Shams is like the Sixers are
05:10exploring other options. Like
05:12they're exploring other options
05:13for Joel and beads knee. And I'm
05:16like, what's the other op? Well,
05:18like, are you going to give him
05:19a new leg? Like, what do you
05:20know? Here's what happens.
05:23There's probably procedures that
05:25you could have, but the recovery
05:28time is extensive for, for
05:31example, people think that
05:35ligament repair in your knee is
05:40the toughest thing to come back
05:42from. It is not. There's a
05:46process called micro fracture.
05:49So when you have bone on bone or
05:51very little cartilage, they go
05:53into your femur and drill little
05:56holes. It bleeds into the cracks
06:03and coagulates creating a smooth
06:05surface. That's the concept.
06:07However, it's the only surgery
06:09where you're non-bearing for six
06:12to eight weeks. So you're
06:14literally on crutches for six to
06:16eight weeks. And then like the
06:19recovery, I had it done and I
06:22limped for eight months. It says
06:28they are consulting doctors and
06:30considering alternate alternative
06:32options, such as surgery for his
06:33injured left knee, both sides of
06:35hope for Embiid to have progress
06:37with this condition, but his
06:39determination to play and current
06:41treatments, including regular
06:43injections have not led to
06:45Nope. Cause you can't do nothing
06:47about that. Can't grow cartilage.
06:49So you can get shots to kill the
06:52pain. You can try to put, they
06:55try to put like gel injections
06:58where they put gel in there to
06:59kind of soothe the, you know, but
07:02he's, uh, seven, two, you know
07:05what I'm saying? And that in
07:08itself, is there an injection
07:11for tonight at seven 30 that
07:12could kill my pain? Yeah. It's
07:15called Jack Daniels. It's like a
07:19bourbon night. I like, uh, and I
07:24feel you from this aspect, they
07:27look so good. They look like
07:30they look so good for about a
07:32quarter and a half. So good. And
07:36then it's almost like the other
07:39team goes on that one run, like
07:42before the half and you still
07:44may be up by eight to 10 points,
07:47but you know, that run that they
07:50went on before the half is the
07:52start of something. And then
07:54they come out and like, right.
07:58Right. So, so I don't, I don't,
08:02I don't know, man. I think I
08:04always wasn't a single digit
08:05quarter. Yeah. At least we had
08:08that. I always wonder if it's a
08:13rotation thing or scheme thing.
08:16Right. Both of those are
08:17coaching. I'm just saying, I'm
08:22just curious. I don't know who's
08:24out here or please. I almost lit
08:31up my television when I saw the
08:34zone and they, they, they throw
08:37the zone. And, and the one thing
08:39about the zone is you want to be
08:41able to get to the perimeter and
08:43not let anybody, you know, in the
08:45paint and close in on them. And
08:46then they get three layups in a
08:47row. You guys want to, you guys
08:49want some stats? I got some
08:50stats. What kind of stats? Like
08:53because are you going to give
08:54depressing, depressing the heat
08:57are Owen Tim Reynolds from the
09:00associated press. Here it comes
09:02heat record when leading by eight
09:04or more points after three
09:05quarters, regular season only
09:08from February 18th of 2021
09:12through December 12th, 2024. The
09:16heats record in that time, 88
09:18and five since then four and
09:21five, geez, this is from Anthony
09:27Chang of the Miami Herald. The
09:29heat has now blown a double
09:30digit lead in 14 losses this
09:33season. That's the second most
09:35such collapses in the NBA this
09:36year, only behind the Utah jazz.
09:41Geez. Well now is that in? So my
09:45question is, is that, is that
09:47indication of how good or not
09:50good your team is? It's got to
09:53be an indication how bad they
09:54are. Right? Like, right. Like,
09:56like, but why am I fooled with
09:59such mirrors? Like, why do we,
10:01why, why can't they just look
10:02bad the whole time? Because,
10:04because here's the deal. And I
10:07say this a lot. Everybody's
10:09professional basketball player.
10:10Everybody can score buckets.
10:11Okay. So why can't they just
10:14score buckets? Okay. But what
10:16separates the OKC from the heat
10:19or teams like that is that they
10:22can do it for longer. So as of
10:25right now, the heat can give you
10:28two, two and a half of the best
10:29quarters you've seen and look
10:31like they can compete with any
10:32team in the NBA. It's that other
10:34quarter and a half that says, I
10:37wonder if we can beat the Utah
10:38jazz. And so that's the
10:41difference between a playoff
10:42team and a play in team. That's
10:43the difference between a
10:45representative of the Eastern
10:48Conference versus a team that
10:51is just in the playoffs. Like
10:54there's different levels to it,
10:55even though the basis or the
10:58starting point is everybody in
11:00the NBA has the ability to have
11:03one of those days or one of
11:05those quarters or something like
11:06that. And, and so the reason why
11:10I have said for however many
11:13years is that this team like
11:18with or without Jimmy, this team
11:20has been a 500 club. Yeah. But
11:23I'm, but like the, the thing is,
11:25is like their losses are coming
11:26different now. Like the heat.
11:28Yeah. Yeah. It, I mean it does,
11:30but, but we like, let's not
11:33forget Tobin. We've been talking
11:36about third quarter for a long
11:38time. Not just now. This is not
11:40a new thing. The numbers back it
11:42up. Like I know we've been
11:43talking about third quarter and
11:44it's like third quarter would
11:45sneak up on you. Like now it's
11:46like you set your watch to it
11:48and it's going to happen. It's
11:49more, it's more prevalent now
11:51than it's been. Right. Right. I
11:53got you. Oh, it's been so
11:54obvious this year. There's been
11:57some real like, I mean, 26, 17,
12:0118 point leads just gone. No, I
12:05know. I get it. Hashtag throw
12:08the flag, capture the flag. I
12:14can't do that. I get it. But,
12:16but again, I go to like, I get
12:22it. Everybody talks about
12:23defense, right? Everybody talks
12:26about how, you know, in order
12:30to win, you got to play defense.
12:31Okay. This team has been great
12:33at defense. They can't score
12:34right. And, and what ends up
12:36hurting them in the end is
12:37their inability to score, not
12:39their inability to play
12:40defense. And we always put it
12:42on defense and always say, Oh,
12:44well, we got to do this. And
12:45then no. Well, I think to go to
12:49your point of it being a bad
12:50team, like I think it's either
12:53way. It's like, if it's not
12:54offense, it's defense. Like
12:56there'll be like, I don't think
12:58the heat, you know, especially
12:59their starters didn't play a
13:00bad offensive game yesterday.
13:02You got a lot of production from
13:03your stars, but they got nothing
13:04from anybody else. Um, but then
13:07you can't stop anybody at the
13:08end and, and Janice and Dame
13:10are doing whatever they want
13:11at the end. And Kevin Porter
13:12jr. Looks incredible. C dollar
13:14though, says we'll figure it
13:16out. Heaton five.
13:18That sounds like you. And you're
13:19even, you're even questioning
13:21that. You're even questioning
