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BIDATA App: RBI ने नया मोबाइल एप्लीकेशन RBIDATA लॉन्च किया है. मंगलवार 18 फरवरी, 2025 को लॉन्च किए गए इस एप्लीकेशन के बारे में एक वक्तव्य जारी कर RBI ने बताया कि इसके जरिये आम लोगों को बैंकों की शाखओं के आधिकारिक पते मिल पाएंगे. इसके साथ ही भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था से जुड़े तमाम आंकड़े मिल जाएंगे. इसके अलावा इंटरनेट(Internet) पर बैंकों के पते तलाशने पर जो फ्रॉड(Fraud) होते हैं उनमें भी कमी आएगी.

#rbidata #rbidataapp #rbiapp #rbinews #reservebankofindia #indianeconomy #financialdata #rbimobileapp #rbinewrules #rbinewguidelines

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00:00After digitalization, the world is changing and India is also changing with it.
00:09With digitalization, every day something or the other new work is being done in India so that the process of people's work can be made easier.
00:19Meanwhile, the Reserve Bank of India has also made a big announcement and while making this announcement,
00:25he has also said that with this decision, all the customers of the bank in India will be more clear about their understanding of the system and transparency between the system.
00:38RBI has stated in its statement that the numbers of the Indian economy on the RBI data app have been presented in a user-friendly and attractive way.
00:48Through this app, the user will get different types of data charts and graphs, which will make it easier to understand the figures.
00:56Reserve Bank of India has launched a new mobile application RBI Data.
01:01On Tuesday, i.e. February 18, 2025, a statement was issued about this application and RBI has said that through this, ordinary people will be able to get the official addresses of the bank branches.
01:16Along with this, all the figures related to the Indian economy will also be available and in addition to this, there will be a shortage of frauds on the Internet on the search of bank addresses.
01:26RBI said while launching this application that its purpose is to make important figures related to the Indian economy available to ordinary people in an easy and attractive way.
01:38Through this, users will be able to see more than 11,000 series of economic data related to the Indian economy.
01:46RBI stated in the statement issued to provide information about this app that an important feature of this app is the banking outlet section.
01:56Through this, the user will get help in finding available banks within a radius of 20 km of their location.
02:05This application will be available for Android i.e. version 12 and above and for both iPhone and iOS users.
02:13According to the official statement, the application will also collect feedback from users to improve efficiency for people.
02:21According to RBI, this app also has the option of Sark Finance.
02:26Through this, figures related to the economy and financial situation of the South Asian Organization for Regional Cooperation i.e. Sark countries will also be available.
02:36RBI has also said that through this app, it will be easy to reach the Indian Economy Database i.e. DBIE portal.
02:45And this will make it easier to find all the figures related to the Indian economy.
02:50What is your opinion on this news? Give us your opinion in the comment box and keep watching Good Returns for such updates.
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