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IIT alumnus and senior faculty for maths and science with Orchids International School Bangalore, Ankush Sharma shared expert last-minute tips to help students approach the CBSE Class 12 Physics paper effectively, covering the important topics and more.
00:00Hello students, my name is Ankush and I'm working as a senior OCP faculty in Orbitz
00:14International School.
00:16So as we know that exam season has already started, so I'm not here to scare you on the
00:21board exams, but we know that on 21st year I'm in physics board exam, so I'm here to
00:27share my tips, my ideas so that you can score better in this particular exam and the best
00:33part is that this is not the first time you're going to face the board exam, or do the crack
00:37and crate type board exam.
00:39So about preparation strategy, so you need to divide your curriculum, your syllabus into
00:44the parts where you are having the stronger areas and the weaker areas.
00:48Stronger areas means you're not supposed to give any chance to the examiner to deduct
00:51your marks in those areas, for that what you have to do, do frequent revisions and make
00:56your strategy so that you can make your own mind maps and you will not lose any marks
01:01in those areas.
01:02Now weaker areas, what you can do, so you can have group discussion with your friends
01:07so that you can get a broader picture about the topic, then you can make your own mind
01:10maps, you can note down the key points from this topic, so that if any question comes
01:14in the board, you should be able to answer that question properly.
01:18Because you're not supposed to leave any question in board exams.
01:22Because there is no negative marking.
01:23So what is the point of leaving the question?
01:26So attempt all questions with whatever content you know, present that in an effective manner.
01:32Another thing, after doing the preparation, how will you get to know that how much preparation
01:37you have done?
01:38So best thing is that attempt previous year question papers with proper timings.
01:43If the question paper is of 3 hours, try to attempt that paper in 2 and a half hours or
01:48max 2 hours 45 minutes, so that you will get to know that where you make errors very frequently,
01:54where you can get trapped easily, or you will get to know that how to present the
01:58answers with effective content.
02:01You will get to know that your average time per question, so that you can manage it properly
02:06in the exam.
02:07Also, when you're doing that paper, so in the examination hall, the 15 minutes is given
02:13as reading time, use that time wisely, effectively, set your priority.
02:17So in priority, solve the question in reverse order means higher British questions first
02:22like 5 mark questions, then 4 mark questions, 3 mark questions like that.
02:26So that by the end year, MC questions are left, so you can tackle those questions easily
02:30because MC questions are the formula based questions and chances are that you will get
02:35answers in MC questions way too quickly.
02:38Now when you're solving the numericals, be careful about the units and also the correct
02:43formula with the correct substitution and also do not do the rough work on the last
02:51Because if you are transferring the data or answer from the last sheet, the chances
02:54are that you may commit some errors.
02:56So keep some space around 5 to 7 centimeters on the right hand side of your answer script
03:02and do the rough work along with the question that you are attempting.
03:05So these are the few things you can keep in your mind so that you can score better in
03:11the exam.
03:12Now after that, what are the common errors we generally students do in the exam?
03:17First of all, the very basic error is that not reading the question properly, not understanding
03:23the question as well as the interpretation of the question should be correct.
03:28Sometimes you miss the right interpretation of the question and because of that, you go
03:34into the wrong track.
03:36Another thing, when you're solving the numericals, use correct formulas with correct substitution
03:42and the correct unit.
03:44So there's a lot of errors that any student do.
03:47Even after solving the correct answer, sometime the question is asked in a different format
03:51of the unit and the answer you are presenting in a different form of unit.
03:56So be careful about those things.
03:58Try to conclude your answer also.
04:00Another error is like in the graphical questions, you forget to mention which parameter you
04:06are taking along which axis.
04:08Be clear about that thing.
04:10In the sign convention type of question, like in the optics or in the circuit diagram, sign
04:15conventions are important.
04:16Don't miss the sign convention, especially in the voltage rise or voltage drop or in
04:21the ray diagrams.
04:22So these sign conventions are important.
04:25Now if you talk about the AC circuit, so there also we are having the areas where students
04:31generally make mistakes.
04:32For example, in the phasor diagrams, so where's the voltage lead or the current will lead.
04:38So in that, students make mistakes under the different conditions.
04:42So be careful about those particular things.
04:45Do not commit such errors in the exam.
04:48Now after this, some important topics which you should keep in mind while preparing.
04:55So first of all, we are talking about the electrostatics and current and electricity.
04:59So in that, we are having electrostatics, first of all, we are having Gauss law and
05:03its application.
05:04Then we are having Ohm's law, then we are having Kirchhoff law and the circuit diagrams,
05:10numericals based upon the circuit diagram that we are having.
05:14Then the capacitance and the formula or energy storage formula, numericals can be asked from
05:19those topics.
05:20So prepare those topics properly.
05:22So apart from this, we are having like the Wheatstone bridge element and meter bridge
05:28So based upon that, numericals can be asked.
05:30Now the next unit we are having is magnetism and the moving charges.
05:35So in magnetism and moving charges, we are having White-Savart's law, we are having Ampere
05:39circuit law.
05:40Now we are having the magnetic field calculation, magnetic field calculation in the current
05:46carrying wire, loop or solenoid.
05:49Then we are having the moving charge in the magnetic field, moving charge in the magnetic
05:55Then we are having next unit, electromagnetic induction and AC current.
05:59In that we are having Faraday's law, EMI, then we are having Lenz's law, then we are
06:05having eddy currents, then we are having the transformer, working and its efficiency, self
06:11and mutual inductance.
06:12The next topic we are having is the optics.
06:15In optics, we are having Lenzmaker's formula, the prism formula, and then we are having
06:20the total internal reflection, then we are having Young's double slit experiment, so
06:27diffraction, polarization.
06:28So these are the topics which we should keep in our mind, this is an important topic.
06:33So from modern physics, we can say we are having the Einstein equations and the graphs
06:40of Einstein equation.
06:41We are having the Bohr's model, we are having very important photoelectric effect, then
06:46we are having the mass defect, we are having the binding energy numericals.
06:51So these are certain key topics, key areas which you can focus and so that you can score
06:57better marks.
06:58So from my side, these are the few tips or few pointers which you keep in mind.
07:03And I hope you all will come out with the flying colors.
07:06So wish you all the very best.
