Audio Bible. Listen to the full Book of Deuteronomy in the King James Version (KJV) with text.
📖 Chapters
0:00 Deuteronomy 1. Moses Reviews Israel’s Journey from Horeb to Kadesh
7:49 Deuteronomy 2. The Journey Through the Wilderness
13:56 Deuteronomy 3. The Defeat of Og and the Division of Land
19:10 Deuteronomy 4. Call to Obedience and the Cities of Refuge
28:30 Deuteronomy 5. The Ten Commandments Reiterated
34:06 Deuteronomy 6. The Greatest Commandment: Love the Lord Your God
38:07 Deuteronomy 7. Warnings Against Idolatry and Pagan Nations
43:22 Deuteronomy 8. Remember the Lord Your God
47:00 Deuteronomy 9. Israel’s Rebellion and Moses’ Intercession
52:47 Deuteronomy 10. The New Tablets of the Law
56:34 Deuteronomy 11. Rewards for Obedience
1:01:59 Deuteronomy 12. Laws for Worship and the One True Sanctuary
1:08:16 Deuteronomy 13. Warnings Against False Prophets and Idolatry
1:12:00 Deuteronomy 14. Clean and Unclean Foods & Tithing Laws
1:16:19 Deuteronomy 15. The Year of Release and Generosity to the Poor
La Biblia en YouTube
Deuteronomy, the fifth book of the Bible, is a profound restatement of God’s Law given through Moses to the Israelites before they enter the Promised Land. It serves as both a covenant renewal and a call to faithfulness, urging Israel to remember God’s past acts and to obey His commands as they prepare for a new chapter in their history.
A cornerstone of the Torah (Pentateuch), Deuteronomy is traditionally attributed to Moses and is presented as his final address to the people before his death. The book recaps Israel’s wilderness journey, warns against idolatry, and emphasizes love and devotion to God as the foundation of obedience. It introduces the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-5), a central declaration of monotheism and devotion that continues to shape Jewish and Christian faith.
Structured as a series of speeches, Deuteronomy reinforces the blessings of obedience and the consequences of disobedience, laying out a vision for a society governed by righteousness and justice. It also foreshadows the coming of a future prophet like Moses, a passage later understood by Christians as pointing to Christ.
More than a legal code, Deuteronomy is a theological manifesto that calls God’s people to wholehearted love and commitment. Its themes of covenant renewal, divine justice, and the necessity of faith continue to resonate, making it one of the most influential books in Scripture.
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Spanish Audio Bible
© 2025. José Peña Coto. All rights reserved.
📖 Chapters
0:00 Deuteronomy 1. Moses Reviews Israel’s Journey from Horeb to Kadesh
7:49 Deuteronomy 2. The Journey Through the Wilderness
13:56 Deuteronomy 3. The Defeat of Og and the Division of Land
19:10 Deuteronomy 4. Call to Obedience and the Cities of Refuge
28:30 Deuteronomy 5. The Ten Commandments Reiterated
34:06 Deuteronomy 6. The Greatest Commandment: Love the Lord Your God
38:07 Deuteronomy 7. Warnings Against Idolatry and Pagan Nations
43:22 Deuteronomy 8. Remember the Lord Your God
47:00 Deuteronomy 9. Israel’s Rebellion and Moses’ Intercession
52:47 Deuteronomy 10. The New Tablets of the Law
56:34 Deuteronomy 11. Rewards for Obedience
1:01:59 Deuteronomy 12. Laws for Worship and the One True Sanctuary
1:08:16 Deuteronomy 13. Warnings Against False Prophets and Idolatry
1:12:00 Deuteronomy 14. Clean and Unclean Foods & Tithing Laws
1:16:19 Deuteronomy 15. The Year of Release and Generosity to the Poor
La Biblia en YouTube
Deuteronomy, the fifth book of the Bible, is a profound restatement of God’s Law given through Moses to the Israelites before they enter the Promised Land. It serves as both a covenant renewal and a call to faithfulness, urging Israel to remember God’s past acts and to obey His commands as they prepare for a new chapter in their history.
A cornerstone of the Torah (Pentateuch), Deuteronomy is traditionally attributed to Moses and is presented as his final address to the people before his death. The book recaps Israel’s wilderness journey, warns against idolatry, and emphasizes love and devotion to God as the foundation of obedience. It introduces the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-5), a central declaration of monotheism and devotion that continues to shape Jewish and Christian faith.
Structured as a series of speeches, Deuteronomy reinforces the blessings of obedience and the consequences of disobedience, laying out a vision for a society governed by righteousness and justice. It also foreshadows the coming of a future prophet like Moses, a passage later understood by Christians as pointing to Christ.
More than a legal code, Deuteronomy is a theological manifesto that calls God’s people to wholehearted love and commitment. Its themes of covenant renewal, divine justice, and the necessity of faith continue to resonate, making it one of the most influential books in Scripture.
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Spanish Audio Bible
© 2025. José Peña Coto. All rights reserved.