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Dealul Vânturilor Episodul 179 subtitrat în română
Dealul Vânturilor Episodul 179 subtitrat în română
Dealul Vânturilor Episodul 179 subtitrat în română
Dealul Vânturilor Episodul 179 subtitrat în română
Dealul Vânturilor Episodul 179 subtitrat în română
Dealul Vânturilor Episodul 179 subtitrat în română
Dealul Vânturilor Episodul 179 subtitrat în română
Dealul Vânturilor Episodul 179 subtitrat în română
Dealul Vânturilor Episodul 179 subtitrat în română
Dealul Vânturilor Episodul 179 subtitrat în română
Dealul Vânturilor Episodul 179 subtitrat în română
Dealul Vânturilor Episodul 179 subtitrat în română
Dealul Vânturilor Episodul 179 subtitrat în română
Dealul Vânturilor Episodul 179 subtitrat în română
Dealul Vânturilor Episodul 179 subtitrat în română
Dealul Vânturilor Episodul 179 subtitrat în română
00:02:16Olan bize dünkü çocuk sandırır herhalde tamirhanede bekleyip baskını mı yeseydik
00:02:23İşte böyle eli boş dönersiniz
00:02:26Yalnız Sadık abi bugün bir kere daha ne büyük adam olduğunu anladım abi değil mi nasıl planda ama
00:02:33şeytanın aklına bile gelmez kızın yere attığı
00:02:37Fuları bilekliği
00:02:39Başka yola koy sonra da
00:02:42ikisine telefon ver
00:02:44O paraları de boşta bu takım pes
00:02:49Bende böyle koçum her şeyi adım adım giderim
00:02:53Önceden bütün planı düşündüm tam buldum derken kaybetmenin acısını yaşa değil benden beter ol
00:03:14Koruyamadın onu kurtaramadın onu kurtaramadın
00:03:32Öyle şey ömrümde görmedim ayol
00:03:35Ay ne yaptıysak kâr etmedi adama
00:03:38Zant gibi yapıştı
00:03:41Bir geri bas değil mi büyütsüz şey
00:03:44Kumru kurşun seni kafasına koymuş
00:03:48Önüne yal koydu kıymeti çalıyı
00:03:53İmla gözüne girecek
00:03:57Ya iyi bir şey mi diyorsun kötü bir şey mi kıymet hanım bir anlasam
00:04:03Ah bir gerçeği bilseniz yine böyle der miydiniz acaba neyse nasılsa vakti gelince öğrenecekler
00:04:09Ama o zamana kadar ben ne yapacağım taraf değiştirdiğimi anlarlarsa beni mahvederler en iyisi mügün bir zamanlık olamak
00:04:16Ay giderken bir de beni sahile çay içmeye davet etmesin mi?
00:04:20Bir şok geçirdim desin
00:04:22Ne cesaret ya ne cesaret
00:04:25Yok anam yok bu Umut da hanım çekirdeğe kadar akıl yok
00:04:30Azıcık haklı olsaydı
00:04:32Ne sana vermek isterdi ne de kendin takılarını alırdı
00:04:36Eh belası da sizi bulur işte
00:04:39Oduncunun gözü o maçta
00:04:41Dilencinin gözü gömeçte
00:04:43Sen yine kıymetçe konuşmaya başladığına göre ağzından pek hayırlı şeyler çıkmıyor şekerim
00:04:49Tala bana bak
00:04:51Açıkçası Umut Bey bana pek de fena gelmedi
00:04:57Yani tarafsız bakacak olursak
00:05:00Sanki biraz fazla önyargılı yaklaştık adama
00:05:02Çok saygılı biri üstelik nazik de teyzemde herhalde seviyor gördük
00:05:08Yani bu devirde böyle birini bulmak da kolay değil
00:05:12Gelin hanım ne oldu bitti de böyle gitmeden geri çarpıdın
00:05:18Evet ne oluyoruz Selmoş
00:05:20Birdenbire kıymete mi bindi Umut Bey
00:05:22Ay hemen kızmayın canım
00:05:24Ama durduk yere de kimseye haklısızlık etmeyelim yani
00:05:27Yaptıklarımızı düşününce
00:05:29Biraz fazla ileri gittik sanki
00:05:31İçim rahat etmedi benim
00:05:33Ayıp ettik gibi geliyor
00:05:41Bence sen Umut Bey ile bir çay iç
00:05:43Bir konuşun bakalım
00:05:48Bak bak
00:05:50Kumrukuşu iyice bak
00:05:52Normal değil bizim gelin bak
00:05:58Ateşin de yok Selmoşum
00:06:00Ay ben şok
00:06:02Baya bildiğin bilinçli konuşuyorsun sen ama
00:06:04Ay ne kadar abarttınız teyze
00:06:06Git eğlen demiyorum sana
00:06:08Bir çay istiyorum sadece
00:06:10Bir konuş bakalım
00:06:12Belki fikrin değişir
00:06:14Sonra istemezsen bir daha yine görüşmezsin
00:06:17Biz herhalde Umut Bey'i arayıp
00:06:19Teyzem gelecek dedik
00:06:27Gider bir konuşursun işte
00:06:30Gider bir konuşursun işte
00:06:48Ah be Halil
00:06:50Çok yoruldun be Halil
00:06:52Ama kısmet işte
00:06:54Böyle sevda yarar adamı
00:06:56Sadık bu oyunu bir daha yapmaz
00:06:59Sadık bu oyuna bir son ver artık
00:07:01Bak genç masum suçsuz bir insanın canıyla oyun olmaz
00:07:05Zeynep nerede?
00:07:07Söyle bana nerede?
00:07:09Seni o kadar iyi anlıyorum ki Halil
00:07:11Elinde olsam
00:07:13Beni bir kaşık suda boğarsın
00:07:15Ama böyle bir olasılık
00:07:19Zeynep nerede Sadık?
00:07:21Neredeyse söyleyeceksin
00:07:25Hiç dinlemiyorsun konuşulanları
00:07:28Söyledim ya
00:07:30Ormanda Zeynepçiğin
00:07:32Daha ne diyeyim Halil
00:07:34Keşke benimde böyle bir şansım olsaydı
00:07:36Kazım amcamı kurtarabilseydim
00:07:40Sen çok şanslısın Halil
00:07:42Ama sonuçta
00:07:44Zamanı durduramam Halil
00:07:46İki saatin doldu
00:07:48Zeynep şu an ne haldedir kim bilir
00:07:52Oksijeni bit diye bitecek
00:07:57Ne yapıyordur şimdi
00:07:59Seni mi düşünüyordur
00:08:01Son nefesini vermeden
00:08:03Çok acıklı ya
00:08:05Zaman geçiyor Halil
00:08:07Sevdiğin kadını ölürken
00:08:09Sen hiç ama
00:08:11Hiç bir şey yapmayacak mısın
00:08:13Tik tak tik tak
00:08:57Ben biliyorum
00:08:59Gücü tükendi
00:09:01Nefesi tükendi
00:09:03Ama bir şey olmadı
00:09:05Dayan Zeynep
00:09:09Az daha dayan
00:09:15Olmaz ki Halil
00:09:26Olmaz ki Halil
00:09:28Bu tembellikle nasıl bulacaksın sevdiğini
00:09:30Hadi gayretlen biraz
00:09:32Bu kadar zayıf mı gönül bağın
00:09:34Halil Fırat'ın sevdası bu mu
00:09:36Bu kadar mı
00:09:40Bak derdin neyse benimle çöz
00:09:42Benim nefesimi bırak
00:09:44O masuma dokunma bırak
00:09:46Canımsa canım
00:09:48Malımsa derdin malım
00:09:50Paramın son kuruşuna kadar vereceğim
00:09:52Sana sözüm söz
00:09:55Bu kadar kıymetli miydim senin için gerçekten
00:09:57Kusura bakma Halil
00:09:59Şu an çok eğleniyorum
00:10:01Dünya üzerindeki hiçbir şey değişmem buna
00:10:15Bu saatten sonra o zaman senin içinde işte artık
00:10:17Vaktin daralıyor
00:10:20Ben bu meseleyi çözünce yıldırım gibi çökeceğim tepene
00:10:28O eğlencem
00:10:30O hevesim kurşanda kalacak
00:10:32Gırtlağına çökeceğim senin
00:10:36Boğup atacağım seni
00:11:04Herifçi oğlu çok ciddi
00:11:06İçim çekildi sanki
00:11:10Zeynep'i bulamaz
00:11:12Ama eğer bir aksilik olur da
00:11:14Sevdiceğine kavuşursa
00:11:16Sevenleri ayırmak olmaz
00:11:19Aynı çukura gömeceğiz
00:11:21Anlaşıldı mı
00:11:31Bebek gitti
00:11:35Bir anda
00:11:45Ona istemiyorum gibi gelmişti ama
00:11:49İçine de gitmeseydim
00:12:13Gülhan nasıl kendine geldi mi
00:12:15Halillerden kötü haberi alınca
00:12:18Şoka girdi tabi
00:12:20Ama iyi şimdi en azından uyuyor
00:12:22Evde durumlar nasıl
00:12:24Zeynep ile Halilden haber var mı
00:12:26Yok hala bir haber yok
00:12:28Of bir anda Halil bir anda Gülhan
00:12:30Niye her şey bizi buduyor
00:12:32Anlamıyorum ki
00:12:34Yok Tekin
00:12:36Ben duramayacağım
00:12:38Zaten niye sizinle gelmedim onu da anlamadım
00:12:40Ben hazırlanıp yanınıza geliyorum
00:12:44Yani ne gerek var ki şimdi teyzeciğim
00:12:47Ufak bir baygınlık geçirdi
00:12:49Doktor falan dedi hiçbir şey yok
00:12:51Uyanınca taburcu edecekler zaten bizi
00:12:53Sen Halilerden haber bekle
00:12:55Peki madem
00:12:57Ama bak aklım sizde
00:12:59Gülhan uyanır uyanmaz beni ara
00:13:01En azından bir sesini duyayım
00:13:03Tamam tamam aratırım
00:13:17Ben yanındayım bir tanem benim
00:13:19Sen merak etme tamam
00:13:21Bak kocan yanında
00:13:25Ne oldu bana
00:13:31Ben rüya sandım
00:13:33Rüya sandım gerçekmiş
00:13:39Bebeğimizi kaybettik
00:13:43Yavrum gitti
00:13:45Kaybettik onu
00:13:47Ne yapacağız şimdi Tekin
00:13:49Ne yapacağız biz
00:13:51Yapma böyle ne olur
00:13:53Perişan ettin kendini
00:13:55Buradaydı benim yavrum
00:13:57Canımdan kanımdan da o benim
00:14:01Yok artık gitti
00:14:03Gitti benim bebeğim
00:14:05Ne yapacağız şimdi
00:14:07Ben iyi bakamadım onu
00:14:09Koruya batmadan
00:14:13Gitti benim yavrum
00:14:15Keşke öyle olmasaydı
00:14:17Keşke öyle olmasaydı
00:14:19Keşke öyle olmasaydı
00:14:21Keşke öyle olmasaydı
00:14:23Keşke öyle olmasaydı
00:14:29Keşke bu şekilde olmasaydı
00:14:33Ama oldu
00:14:37Elimizden hiçbir şey gelmiyor
00:14:39Bebeğimize veda etmekten başka
00:14:41Çaremiz yok
00:14:43Hayatım sen de sakin ol ne olur
00:14:47Sana da bir şey olursa ben dayanamam
00:14:49Keşke bana olsaydı
00:14:53O zaman bu için yaşamak zorunda kalmazdım
00:14:57Hayatımız boyunca unutamayacağız bunu
00:15:01Yıllarca yani kurduğumuz bebeğimiz
00:15:07Sahip çıkamadım ona
00:15:09Sen de babayız biz
00:15:13Sahip çıkamadım ben yere
00:15:15Sahip çıkamadım
00:15:17Sahip çıkamadım
00:15:23Sahip çıkamadım
00:15:25Sahip çıkamadım
00:15:45Yanlış yüz üstündeymişim
00:15:49Bulamadım seni
00:15:51Tamam merak etme hani polislerle
00:15:53We are looking for Zeynep with a huge team.
00:15:56Keep your heart open, brother.
00:16:00How can I keep my heart open?
00:16:03There is no time left.
00:16:05There is no time left, Hakan!
00:16:08Hurry up!
00:16:24This is a haunted forest.
00:16:28What am I going to do?
00:16:36Where can I find Zeynep?
00:16:41All the thorns in this forest are in my heart.
00:16:53I can't breathe!
00:16:56I can't breathe!
00:17:11Our coffees are here.
00:17:17I made it just like you like it, auntie.
00:17:19I am not jealous.
00:17:20Of course you are.
00:17:24You must have made it because you love me.
00:17:26You know what you are doing.
00:17:29What do you mean, auntie?
00:17:30What is this, Selma?
00:17:32You are trying to get into my eyes to make me accept the meeting with Umut, aren't you?
00:17:36Because I am naive.
00:17:38I will be cheated immediately.
00:17:40For God's sake, auntie.
00:17:42I made a coffee for you.
00:17:44Just like I always do.
00:17:45Forget about it, honey.
00:17:47I am going to beg you.
00:17:49I don't know if I am a good person or not.
00:17:53You followed your husband's idea.
00:17:55Are you trying to make a meeting with Umut?
00:17:57You are like a commander.
00:17:59It is not a bad coffee.
00:18:01It is not a bad coffee.
00:18:03It is a lie.
00:18:05You made it like this.
00:18:09If you give your aunt a house,
00:18:11you will find a house.
00:18:13Don't do it, auntie.
00:18:15How can I know that Umut will say yes to everything?
00:18:19Well, Kıymet Hanım.
00:18:21I couldn't think of giving you the right.
00:18:23But what is the right word?
00:18:25Everything was planned step by step.
00:18:28My first nephew sacrificed me to tear me from the punishment.
00:18:32Forget it, Umut.
00:18:34You are the one who has a big heart.
00:18:37It is better than falling from the height.
00:18:40You are right, Kıymet Hanım.
00:18:43Life continues to teach.
00:18:45You are being rude, auntie.
00:18:47Would I force you for my own benefit?
00:18:53Kıymet Hanım, you tell me.
00:18:55Okay, give my aunt the right.
00:18:57But does your heart believe what you say?
00:19:04But you are breaking my heart.
00:19:11Let it be so.
00:19:17Let it be so.
00:19:48Okay, calm down, Ali.
00:19:50Calm down.
00:19:52You can't run like that without knowing where to go.
00:19:55You can't find Asil Sevda like this.
00:20:17Kıymet Hanım.
00:20:56God, help us.
00:21:04You protect and protect all Your servants.
00:21:08Zeynep, protect God.
00:21:11You show me the way.
00:21:15You show me the way.
00:21:19You help me.
00:21:32But I didn't go.
00:21:35What about you?
00:21:38Where are you now?
00:21:41My dream was so beautiful.
00:21:48You touched me.
00:21:52You opened me, of course.
00:22:08I can't believe it.
00:22:36It's a lie.
00:22:38Zeynep may have destroyed all the ropes.
00:22:42She either broke it or changed it.
00:22:44She must have done something.
00:22:50I'll go where she comes.
00:22:54I'll find a way, Zeynep.
00:22:57I'll find a way to get to you.
00:23:04Hang in there.
00:23:05Wait, I'm coming.
00:23:10Don't give up.
00:23:12Don't give up.
00:23:20Ali, I'm waiting here.
00:23:25Come and save me.
00:23:28Please come and save me.
00:23:56Come here.
00:24:01I'm coming.
00:24:06Let me tell you before you deny it.
00:24:08I know there's something going on.
00:24:10So let's not waste time on this.
00:24:12Tell me what happened.
00:24:15No, there's nothing going on, Merve.
00:24:18I wouldn't hide anything from you.
00:24:20There's nothing going on, Merve.
00:24:22I wouldn't hide anything from you.
00:24:24Cemil, don't tire me.
00:24:26Brother Hakan left the house as if he were going to war.
00:24:29My mother's eyes are here.
00:24:32It's obvious there's something going on.
00:24:34Tell me.
00:24:35It's true that there are some troubled situations.
00:24:37But it will all be solved.
00:24:39Don't worry.
00:24:40Why don't you understand?
00:24:42I'm not a child.
00:24:44You say I'm not a child, but my beautiful daughter.
00:24:47You're shouting everywhere.
00:24:49Come on in and calm down.
00:24:51Mom, are you kidding me?
00:24:53Why should I calm down?
00:24:55I asked you a few times, you didn't answer.
00:24:57How many more times will you make me pass?
00:24:59My daughter?
00:25:01Come on in.
00:25:03I'm tired of being fooled, don't you understand?
00:25:05If there's something important out there,
00:25:07I'm not a spoiled girl who doesn't have to learn it.
00:25:14I'll tell you what happened.
00:25:17I don't know how long I can hide it anyway.
00:25:22But promise me, you'll be calm when you hear it.
00:25:25Merve, okay?
00:25:26Okay, mom.
00:25:28Tell me.
00:25:29I'm listening.
00:25:31Your sister and your brother-in-law are not here.
00:25:37They were both kidnapped.
00:25:47Why did you kidnap my sister?
00:25:51Someone named Sadik did it.
00:25:55Why did he do it?
00:25:56What does he want from us?
00:25:57What does he want from them?
00:25:58We don't know, Cemile.
00:26:00That's all we know.
00:26:02What would we do if something happened to him, mom?
00:26:06What would we do if something happened to him?
00:26:18You are early.
00:26:21Are you sick or something?
00:26:24Don't worry.
00:26:27Your voice sounded bad.
00:26:29It was my fault.
00:26:34Nothing is more important than my wife to me.
00:26:38I told you on the phone.
00:26:40I already told you on the phone.
00:26:43Did I deserve these words, Eren?
00:26:46No, I planned everything from the beginning.
00:26:49No, I was just pretending to be innocent.
00:26:52Don't get involved, dear.
00:26:54How can I not get involved?
00:26:56They are very harsh.
00:26:58They treat me like a traitor.
00:27:00My love, honey.
00:27:02What matters is not what they say.
00:27:04What did you do?
00:27:11I love you so much.
00:27:14I used to kiss your lips when I was a child.
00:27:18I used to kiss your face.
00:27:24Did I go too far?
00:27:28What should I do?
00:27:30Please don't hurt yourself anymore.
00:27:36Look, I'm sorry too.
00:27:41You are my love.
00:27:46Eren, your hands are frozen.
00:27:50You can't do that.
00:27:54I'll go make us some hot coffee.
00:28:10I love you.
00:28:35Don't look at me like a cat.
00:28:37My heart is already made of cotton candy.
00:28:41I can't stand these eyes.
00:28:45Okay, okay.
00:28:47I'll drink that tea with Umut.
00:28:49I'll listen to you too.
00:28:52I'll see your face sad like this.
00:28:54I'll see his face.
00:28:55It would be better if it was poison.
00:28:58But I didn't want you.
00:29:02It's over.
00:29:04Don't worry.
00:29:06I understand your situation.
00:29:09If I help you, you'll get a big punishment, right?
00:29:15It was a ridiculous situation.
00:29:17I don't want you to be sad anymore.
00:29:20Thank you very much.
00:29:22Look, you'll only meet once.
00:29:24If you don't want, no one will insist on you.
00:29:36Wait, Zeynep.
00:29:38I'll find you.
00:29:40I'll find you wherever you are.
00:30:06I'll find you wherever you are.
00:30:24My baby, what happened to you?
00:30:27Your face is red.
00:30:39There was a cat I fed in the garden.
00:30:43He's gone.
00:30:45I couldn't find him.
00:30:47I guess he ran away.
00:30:49Why doesn't he come back, mom and dad?
00:30:51I'm so scared.
00:30:53I love him so much.
00:30:56Did you worry about that?
00:30:59May God never give you trouble.
00:31:02He'll definitely come back.
00:31:04He'll come back, right?
00:31:06Of course he will.
00:31:08Oh my God.
00:31:15Do you remember, mom and dad?
00:31:17You used to tell me stories when I was little.
00:31:22Of course I remember.
00:31:24Will you tell me again?
00:31:27My little baby.
00:31:29My only daughter.
00:31:31Of course I'll tell you.
00:31:33Come on, lie down.
00:31:39Let me tell you...
00:31:42...the story of Hüsnü Aşk.
00:31:46It's the story of a girl named Güzellik...
00:31:49...and a boy named Aşk.
00:31:55In an Arab tribe called Sevgi Oğulları...
00:31:59...two babies were born one night.
00:32:04They named the girl Hüsnü...
00:32:07...and the boy Aşk.
00:32:12They got engaged to each other...
00:32:16...because they were born on the same night.
00:32:20As time went by...
00:32:24...they fell in love with each other as they grew up.
00:32:30From time to time...
00:32:32...they went on a spiritual tour...
00:32:35...and chatted together.
00:32:44But a bad person named Hayret...
00:32:50...prevented them from seeing each other.
00:32:55Two desperate lovers...
00:32:58...left each other on the phone.
00:33:09A girl named Suhan...
00:33:11...noticed these lovers...
00:33:13...and carried these letters to each other.
00:33:16But these letters...
00:33:19...couldn't ease the pain of separation.
00:33:25I'm going in the right direction this time.
00:33:28To a place where there are no signs.
00:33:32To a place where my heart takes me.
00:33:36I'm going to my heart.
00:33:38Aşk's mother Gayret...
00:33:40...was very sad about this situation.
00:33:42She wanted Aşk and Hüsnü...
00:33:44...from the elders of the tribe.
00:33:49Hayret's mother Güzellik...
00:33:53...said to the elders of the tribe...
00:33:59...in the tribe council...
00:34:01...that Aşk would make fun of the elders of the tribe.
00:34:04If Aşk wanted to reunite with Hüsnü...
00:34:09...they would tell him to go to the snow globe...
00:34:12...and get the chemicals.
00:34:15But they would also tell him...
00:34:17...how difficult and scary the road was.
00:34:34Aşk would meet giants and witches on the road...
00:34:39...and would have to cross seas of fire.
00:34:47You always find me.
00:34:52My love will show you the way.
00:35:22Aşk and Gayret...
00:35:24...set out to the snow globe.
00:35:29They overcome many obstacles...
00:35:32...and Suhan saves them from every obstacle.
00:35:36But troubles never end...
00:35:41I feel it.
00:35:43I'm so close to you for the first time.
00:35:47It's like a light in my heart.
00:35:51A warm light.
00:35:55I'm coming for you.
00:35:57Wait for me. I'm coming.
00:36:11When Aşk realizes that Hüsnü...
00:36:18...is different from him...
00:36:23...and that Aşk realizes that Hüsnü is also love...
00:36:28...they realize that there is no duality...
00:36:32...but a true unity.
00:36:41I wish Aşk would have listened to me.
00:36:45He made us go down the road...
00:36:47...but he said, I'm not sure.
00:36:50You should have done what you wanted.
00:36:52You should have trusted your feelings.
00:36:56In short, my little one...
00:36:59...Aşk needs Gayret.
00:37:03This is the only way.
00:37:06Aşk needs Gayret.
00:37:10This is the only way.
00:37:16Just like my love for my son.
00:37:26My love for my sister and my brother-in-law...
00:37:28...is as strong as anything, isn't it, grandma?
00:37:32Did you see how they look at each other?
00:37:36The love in their shining eyes...
00:37:39...as long as the light in their eyes does not go out...
00:37:43...as long as they understand that they are one...
00:37:46...there is no dark path that cannot be illuminated.
00:37:52I hope you're right, grandma.
00:37:54I want to believe like you.
00:37:58You said love, you said fairy tale...
00:38:01...I'm going to miss the prayer time.
00:38:04I'll go and take my blessings.
00:38:08Don't be sad, come on.
00:38:28You're going to go now.
00:38:31You're going to take care of my sister.
00:38:34If I see her again...
00:38:39...then I'll stop breathing...
00:38:42...to beg me.
00:38:47The kid said until he was born, Halil.
00:38:49Now that the baby is gone...
00:38:51...my posts are my posts, this is me.
00:38:53I have no value left in the world.
00:38:58What will we say to people now, Tekin?
00:39:04Will I say we lost our baby?
00:39:13Will I say no more?
00:39:17Will I say I couldn't protect him?
00:39:21Will I say I'm going to die?
00:39:26My heart is breaking.
00:39:31What are we going to do, Tekin?
00:39:34We're not going to say, sister.
00:39:51Our pain is great, wife.
00:39:56But we still have a chance.
00:39:59We're young.
00:40:05We're going to have a baby in the future.
00:40:13There are things you don't know.
00:40:21If you tell Halil that the baby fell...
00:40:24...they'll kick me out of the mansion.
00:40:31You won't show me your smile again.
00:40:34Enough, Tekin.
00:40:36I'm not in a position to think about Halil's anger...
00:40:39...while I'm dealing with my baby's pain.
00:40:44My pain is enough for me.
00:40:48Besides, Halil has no right to do this.
00:40:51You're always thinking about something.
00:40:54I don't understand why you're so dry.
00:40:57What is this Halil obsession?
00:41:00You're saying Halil has no right.
00:41:03Actually, he does.
00:41:06What do you mean?
00:41:11Wife, it's not the right time.
00:41:14Wife, it's not the right time...
00:41:17...but there are some things you need to know.
00:41:24I made a lot of mistakes.
00:41:27I got involved in gambling.
00:41:30I killed myself.
00:41:33I did things that shouldn't have happened.
00:41:36I got involved with stupid people.
00:41:39They were going to kill me.
00:41:44Halil knew all of this. That's why I was angry with him.
00:41:48Halil saved me.
00:41:56I swear I regret it.
00:41:59Please, let me stay with you.
00:42:04Let me forgive myself.
00:42:07I love you so much.
00:42:10This baby was going to be our family.
00:42:13If they find out I fell...
00:42:16...we'll have to break up.
00:42:28Please, let me stay with you.
00:42:43Please, let me stay with you.
00:43:07I found you, Zeynep.
00:43:14I'm here, Zeynep.
00:43:20Zeynep, can you hear me?
00:43:24I'm going to get you out of there.
00:43:28I'm going to get you out, Zeynep.
00:43:31If necessary, my fingers will break...
00:43:34...but I'm going to dig here and get you out of there.
00:43:41I'm here to breathe, Zeynep.
00:43:44There's not much time left.
00:43:47Calm down, okay? You hear me, I know.
00:43:54Look, I'm going to get you out of here.
00:43:57We're going home.
00:44:00I'm going to make you angry again.
00:44:19You're going to be stubborn, Zeynep.
00:44:22I'm going to make you angry and take your heart.
00:44:25I promise you.
00:44:28I'm going to get you out of there.
00:44:31There's not much time left.
00:44:35Whatever comes, let it come from you.
00:44:38Come on, Zeynep.
00:45:01You always tried, Ali.
00:45:04The more you lost, the more you tried.
00:45:10But don't you see you're tired, Ali?
00:45:18Don't tire yourself anymore, it's no use.
00:45:24We don't have the love to live.
00:45:30But I know you've always loved me.
00:45:35You've always loved me.
00:45:39And my heart has always been for you.
00:45:46But it's time to say goodbye.
00:45:49Stop, Ali.
00:45:52Stop, Ali.
00:46:04My sultan, my grandmother.
00:46:07Peace be upon you.
00:46:11Peace be upon you.
00:46:23I'm glad I'm your granddaughter, grandmother.
00:46:34I love you so much, my sultan.
00:46:45I'll take my father's greetings.
00:46:52I'll take my father's greetings.
00:47:12Please come now.
00:47:15I'm so scared.
00:47:19My mother.
00:47:22My dear brother.
00:47:33Come here.
00:47:39My dear.
00:47:41Take good care of yourself.
00:47:44I love you so much.
00:47:48I feel you.
00:47:51I miss you so much.
00:47:54I feel you.
00:48:01You've endured before.
00:48:04What will you do for us?
00:48:18Come on.
00:48:37I'm here, Ceylan.
00:49:18Zeynep, come on.
00:49:20Open your eyes, Zeynep.
00:49:22It's over.
00:49:25It's over.
00:49:28It's over.
00:49:31It's over.
00:49:34It's over.
00:49:37It's over.
00:49:40It's over.
00:49:43It's over.
00:49:46I'm out of breath.
00:49:49Take a breath.
00:49:51Zeynep, take a breath.
00:49:53I know you can hear me.
00:49:55Zeynep, let yourself go.
00:50:06My daughter.
00:50:13My daughter.
00:50:26Don't go.
00:50:35If this heart lasts...
00:50:39If this heart lasts...
00:50:43Don't leave me breathless.
00:50:53Don't go.
00:50:57She'll throw it.
00:50:59She'll throw it. Don't leave me.
00:51:01Don't leave me.
00:51:03It's still hot.
00:51:05She'll throw it. Don't leave me.
00:51:29Come on.
00:51:36You're strong.
00:51:38You're weak.
00:51:40Is it for the will...
00:51:42...or because you really love me?
00:51:49Come on.
00:51:51Come on, Zeynep.
00:51:53Open your eyes. Don't leave me.
00:51:55You're a brave man, Halil.
00:51:58This love that makes my heart tremble...
00:52:01...is because of you.
00:52:03Would you try so hard for me?
00:52:08We've been through so much together, Zeynep.
00:52:11We protected each other.
00:52:16She says all of this can't be a lie.
00:52:21We loved, Halil.
00:52:25Sometimes it hurts.
00:52:27Sometimes it hurts.
00:52:30But we loved.
00:52:34We hid behind the promises.
00:52:37We loved each other with such love.
00:52:40We were never afraid of separation.
00:52:44We couldn't be with you.
00:52:48The moments I believed in the most...
00:52:50...were when the bullets pierced my heart.
00:52:54I fought a lot.
00:52:57Maybe I wanted to shoot you out of my heart.
00:53:01But I was always reborn with love.
00:53:08Maybe if I repented...
00:53:12...I would get rid of my pain...
00:53:14...my anger...
00:53:16...my frustrations.
00:53:20But I broke all my vows with you.
00:53:26You were always in my heart like a prayer.
00:53:31I loved you.
00:53:34I believed in you.
00:53:37I always wanted to believe.
00:53:43I wanted us to be together.
00:53:50...no matter how hard you try, it doesn't work.
00:53:54We couldn't be together.
00:53:57I couldn't say that we were together.
00:54:01I missed you even when I said I love you.
00:54:05I couldn't say that I love you.
00:54:11Who would hear me if I talked now?
00:54:15How could I bear it if I kept quiet?
00:54:22I saw myself when I looked at you.
00:54:26My only wish was to spend the rest of my life with you.
00:54:35We became the guardians of our hearts...
00:54:37...in the prison of the unspoken.
00:54:43We were too late for our love, Halil.
00:54:50We were too late.
00:54:56God, you are great.
00:55:00You are the one who gives love to hearts...
00:55:05...without being forced by your power.
00:55:11Now that love is burning my heart.
00:55:21Forgive me.
00:55:27It's time.
00:55:31Accept my only wish.
00:55:36My sacrifice.
00:55:40Zeynep, I can't do this without you. Open your eyes.
00:55:46Don't leave me.
00:55:51I loved you so much...
00:55:53...that it's impossible to describe.
00:56:00You are more like me than I am now.
00:56:04Realize it now.
00:56:07My name is engraved in Leyfi's safe.
00:56:12But it wasn't enough.
00:56:17Our gazes didn't touch each other.
00:56:21Our gazes didn't touch our love.
00:56:26Our gazes didn't meet each other.
00:56:34We couldn't love each other at the same time, Halil.
00:56:49It's time.
00:56:53God bless you.
00:56:57My sacrifice.
00:57:08God bless you, my love.
00:57:30Open your eyes, Halil. Please, don't leave me.
00:57:37Don't leave me, Zeynep.
00:57:41Please, don't leave me.
00:57:48Zeynep, come on.
00:57:50You can't give up.
00:57:52Come on, be strong.
00:57:54Open your eyes.
00:58:00We still have a lot of beautiful days to live, Zeynep.
00:58:03Come on, we'll live together.
00:58:05You can't leave me.
00:58:07If you leave, I'll die.
00:58:11I'll die, and I'll leave.
00:58:14Don't do it, come on.
00:58:21Come on.
00:58:42God bless you.
00:58:47God bless you thousands of times after your death.
00:58:52What a beautiful life.
00:58:55What a beautiful life.
00:58:58God bless you.
00:59:02Open your eyes.
00:59:05God bless you.
00:59:10Come on, Zeynep.
00:59:15Come on, Zeynep.
00:59:19Open your eyes.
00:59:44I knew it.
00:59:50I knew you wouldn't feel it, Zeynep.
00:59:55Thank God.
01:00:01No, no, no.
01:00:03No, no.
01:00:08Open your eyes.
01:01:03It's time to touch each other's hands
01:01:12It's time to touch each other's hands
01:01:19Whether it's love or separation
01:01:27Oh bride, beloved bride
01:01:35You killed me
