00:00DIY dress yourself. Okay, so we have an umbrella. How are we gonna dress ourselves with?
00:13So we're adding beads to this thing, this is a very interesting skirt for sure
00:18All right. We have it looks like vines kind of like poison ivy
00:24That's kind of
00:25Interesting it's a Halloween costume or what it could be a Halloween costume the yeah, I don't remember a poison ivy having the umbrella but
00:34We'll see
00:35Okay. No, so now there's a tube
00:39So it's a ballerina. It's a ballerina slash robot
00:45Slash poison ivy
00:49Very interesting why okay, so we're cutting this we got the shape of like a long. Oh, it's a snake
00:55It's a snake
00:57Right. Yes. Yeah, what else is it gonna be? It looks very very bad. I would say
01:12So for now, it looks like the piece of play-doh
01:19Doesn't look
01:22Okay, all right, all right
01:27Yeah, sure. Okay. So now we have play-doh green colored green flavored. Okay. So is it the lizard?
01:36lizard take a
01:38Kind of looks like some sort of like a costume Adam Eve sort of thing, you know, like
01:43Forest which maybe no, it's how's that? Oh Medusa Medusa, maybe Medusa
01:50For sure, I guess it's already kind of obvious. No. Yeah, maybe no we'll see in a moment
01:55Maybe she's just a lady of the forest and snakes like your first right on top of her on her toes. Yeah
02:02Yeah, that's good. Actually. Yeah
02:05Okay, so now we have glitter for our eyebrows
02:09Interesting interesting I
02:13Don't like glitter so much just because it just never goes away. Yeah, if you add glitter to anything
02:19It will be there for the next year
02:22if your
02:23Girlfriend using the glitter you immediately became you immediately have more glitter. Yeah reason. Okay, so this is not good
02:31this is
02:33Yeah, I don't like it. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry lady. Sorry Medusa lady. Yeah, we saw a lot of efforts but
02:42Could be I don't know. What do you think guys? Yeah, let us know maybe we're
02:47Yeah, maybe we're out of it, okay, yeah, maybe we don't know something I
02:55Have nothing to
02:57Comment here. Yeah, my personal opinion. I don't like it the movement. I I'm okay with the