• 2 days ago
00:00Okay, oh, that was right universe. Why did you have to do that? Why did you have to do that to be honest ah?
00:09Destroy your will
00:14Okay, is it the boxer it looked like some kind of resin type thing
00:24Sandy Sandy
00:27This reminds me of
00:42And now what so I'm making a mold and he's also cutting off it looks like a snake, but I know it's not
00:54Little cut little cut little cut cut more cut
01:00All right, so this is like a leather
01:04And now what more cutting
01:08Why did they water it now and then cut and before they didn't do that I'm confused anyway, I have a question for you
01:13What's the question?
01:14Me or for them for
01:16For you for me and for you as well, so you can let us know the question is do you see that's a tutorial
01:24I mean when you see such a crops on 5-minute crops
01:27Do you see it as a tutorial just I'll be it as of now, so I wouldn't say fun
01:34I see it as a video. Yeah, that is made to to make me waste five hours
01:42Watching all of their videos and just kind of like uh-huh and then I realized oh my gosh
01:46I've spent the whole day watching five-minute crafts. That's why you hate it. I don't hate it. I don't hate it. It's fine
01:52I respect the hustle. Okay, okay, but it does take my time
01:59But so what about question about the crop would you
02:03Could you repeat the same action what they show I could if I had the same things
02:09And the same motivation to want to do it, but I just don't want to do it
02:15How about how about you?
02:18Do you feel like the need to do these when you know, okay. Well, there you go. Yeah, I mean
02:31The whole thing the same color maybe but it looks not good. I mean if it's kind of
02:36Junk kind of car. I don't know. I give it a five color. I like that
02:46Why did you have to do that?
02:48Why did you have to do that?
02:51To get a shape of it. Why did you do that to my car?
02:59Don't do it with my car. Yeah, come on leave my car alone. I
03:03Have put it through enough stress if you need that in its life
03:07Okay, it looks like we're making
03:09Ratatouille, whatever you can hear. Okay blue smurf. It's gonna be like a smurf. Oh, never mind
03:17Is it the letter it's leather, yeah
03:23Oh, I guess they will put it why why why would they do that?
03:29Why would they do that you have a reason
03:37But they had one they had one before yeah, which was
03:42Looking good. I mean fine. Yeah, it's fine
03:46Okay, well, let's see maybe maybe it's gonna go somewhere that's cool that's yeah, it could be something from the ugly thing
03:54it's gonna it's like
03:56It's gonna it's like a
03:59Cinderella moment, you know, uh-huh, like the fairy godmother will make it beautiful
04:04So I mean Cinderella was already beautiful before but you know
04:08if you like cartoons
04:11So, okay, I'll give them a chance but so far so far it's a no-no
04:19It looks like kind of like
04:23Golf club thing. I don't know looks weird
04:27I'm not a golf player, but it doesn't look so. Okay
04:34Are you
04:36I used to just go to the driving range a lot. But that's that's my extents. Do we have any golf players in the chat?
04:42Yeah, anyone know anything about golf because clearly we don't
04:46Is there rich people?
04:50Why is it like you don't have to be rich to play golf do you I have this stereotype?
04:55Okay, I I know like you like there are obviously like people who like work at golf places that aren't super rich, you know
05:01And they play golf
05:03This is excuse. But what about the player who came to?
05:09Play there. Yeah, they're usually part of like a country club or something. I guess. Yeah. Okay. Okay
05:15I mean I could be wrong guys. Let us know do you play golf and if it's it's okay if you're rich
05:25That looks ugly
05:27How did he didn't from my point of view?
05:29Of course, yeah
05:30What he put it down first and then put it to the side but you're supposed to put it to the side first and then down
05:37Why why would you do that just for the tree that's not worth it not the Christmas tree
05:45Christmas tree in your car. No
05:49My bed
05:51Okay, so we ruined our back taillight what are we gonna do with it?
05:58Restoration looks like we have restoration nation
06:01Wow, it's a complicated way. Oh, you can cut your piece of plastic. Yeah, I wouldn't hold it like that for sure
06:08Bird to hold your dream. Oh, I don't know
06:12What do we know what do we know all we all we are is a guy and a five-minute crafter
06:18What do we know?
06:21All right, so we just bust myths, I mean that's just what we do yeah, we're meat busters
06:29Not as cool as the myth busters, but we're also myth busters. We're different. Yeah, exactly. Yeah
06:36okay, so we have our nice piece of black glass and
06:40Epoxy, of course, it wouldn't be a five-minute crap video if they didn't have epoxy in it
06:46Wow, what is it?
06:49It looks really strange. Yeah, that's cool. Is it the part of the
06:54Headlight. I
06:57Don't know why but it's kind of making me hungry right now
07:01The way that it was like it just perfectly folded or like not folded but like bent. Okay, let's figure it out
07:06Why it reminded me of like licorice?
07:09Like a candy. Uh-huh. Yeah
07:11Okay, I just I kind of wanted to I wanted to put in my mouth is what I'm trying to say
07:21Okay, so we break off these pieces of plastic
07:24No way. It's gonna look good. Yeah right now. It looks kind of weird. It looks like a weird American flag
07:32Right. Well, yeah, there is something can remind
07:36It's like the stars in the middle and then the stripes on the sides. Oh
07:42I am pleasantly surprised. Holy moly. I would give that like a
07:49Nine, it's a nine. Yeah, it looks like a cool like 90s design or something, you know
07:55I would take the closer look on it. Wow. Whoa
07:59Chill out. He just
08:02Destroyed the car. Well, perfect. Perfect. Cut. Perfect. Cut. It was a nice cut though. Yeah, but why what?
08:09And now we are still accounting it
08:16All right, so now we have a mold as
08:19Usual I kind of want to mold of my face. Do you think we can make that happen? We can make it happen
08:25Okay, guys, let me know. Do you want to see me make a mold of my entire body?
08:30Already entire body. Yeah
08:33Say something say something. Yes, it'll be an interesting video
08:42If we can get 20 million likes
08:46Okay, okay, okay likes in this case. Yeah, you heard it here folks
08:54Okay double-sided tape
09:00Okay, it's kind of weird so far
09:04Like the black and white but the whites like a it's a creamy white. I'm not sure how much I like that
09:11It looks like
09:13It looks yeah like that and also looks like glow-in-the-dark
09:17Mm-hmm a little bit. Yeah
09:19Maybe it will go in the dark. They might go in the dark
09:24So I'd be weird if your entire car just doesn't go in the dark except that one part. This is weird for me
09:29Because if they keep that plastic in there it might melt next to the engine
09:37Yeah, like they're pushing it in further than it's supposed to go that's that's true an engine doesn't get hot
09:44It depends depends from the space. We should have between
09:48Radiator and look there's a they have a cable back there. I don't know. I don't know
09:54Yeah, honey money to buy a new car and for all this one some euros, okay
10:03Get out of here
10:05Get out of here. Yeah, and it goes in the dark. What do I say? Yeah. Okay, that's kind of not bad
10:13the rest of the car needs work, but
10:17Wow, these angles are crazy
