• 2 days ago
Dubai-based Dr Gemini Mahajan explains potential long-term health risks associated with PCOS and how to overcome it

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00:00Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a complex endocrine condition affecting 5% to 10% of women of
00:13the childbearing age group.
00:15The incidence of PCOS is on a rise because of the current lifestyle and stress.
00:22Having polycystic ovaries on the ultrasound does not mean having PCOS.
00:27To diagnose PCOS, two out of the following three conditions are required.
00:33Number 1, missed periods, irregular or infrequent period cycle.
00:39Number 2, excess of facial or body hair growth and or blood test suggestive of higher testosterone
00:47levels more than normal.
00:493, an ultrasound scan suggestive of polycystic ovaries.
00:53PCOS can present with spectrum of clinical presentation which can affect menstrual periods,
01:01fertility, physical appearance.
01:04Common symptoms include irregular menstrual cycle, excess of facial hair growth or abnormal
01:12hair growth on the chest, stomach or the back, acne or oily skin, thinning of hair or male
01:21pattern baldness, obesity, weight gain, infertility, acanthosis nigricans, that is darkening of
01:30skin behind the nape of the neck, armpits and under the breast.
01:36PCOS is associated with obesity and increased insulin resistance and therefore they are
01:42at risk of developing diabetes, gestational diabetes, that is diabetes during pregnancy,
01:49hypertension and heart disease.
01:52Women with PCOS are also at risk of developing endometrial cancer, this is the cancer of
01:58the lining of the womb.
02:01They are more likely to be diagnosed with various mental health conditions like depression,
02:06anxiety and mood swings and they are also at risk of obstructive sleep apnea and excessive
02:14daytime sleepiness.
02:15There are four subtypes of PCOS, the first one is the insulin resistance PCOS, this is
02:22far more the most common type of PCOS, high insulin levels is caused due to high sugars,
02:30smoking, pollution and trans fat.
02:33High insulin level inhibits ovulation and triggers the ovaries to produce testosterone.
02:40The second type of the PCOS is caused by the pill, it is called the pill induced PCOS.
02:46Birth control pills prevent ovulation, in most of the women these effects revert back
02:54to normal once they stop taking the pills, however in some women for many months and
03:01years they do not start ovulating again.
03:06These women need to see a doctor during this period.
03:10The third type of the PCOS is the inflammatory PCOS, in PCOS due to inflammation, ovulation
03:18is prevented, androgen levels are very high and hormones are imbalanced.
03:24Inflammation can be due to stress, toxins in the environment and due to foods like gluten.
03:32The fourth type of PCOS is the hidden PCOS, in this, this is the most simple type of PCOS,
03:40once the cause of PCOS is addressed like thyroid disorder, zinc deficiency, iodine deficiency
03:47or artificial sweeteners, the effect goes away and women do start ovulating.
03:54Lifestyle changes, diet and exercise are the first line in the management of PCOS.
04:01Diet and exercise targeted for weight reduction reduces the insulin and androgen level, even
04:08a modest reduction in the weight, for example, losing 5% of the body weight can be beneficial.
04:15Complex carbohydrate foods like peas, lentils, kewana and high fiber diets, fruits and vegetables
04:23increases the blood sugar level more slowly and should be incorporated into the PCOS diet.
04:31Simple carbohydrates like breakfast cereals should be eliminated or completely avoided from the diet.
04:39Exercises like walking, yoga, pilates, tai chi, cardio and strength training are some of the best forms for the PCOS.
04:51Something as simple as walking 20 to 30 minutes after each meal may be beneficial.
04:59Intensity interval training or HIIT may be helpful in some as it helps in fat burning and weight loss.
05:06However, there's no ideal regimen for a PCOS patient and it should be individualized.
05:12It's always a good idea to talk to a personal trainer if you haven't exercised in a while or you're not in the best body shape.
