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00:00Welcome to Mojo Plays and today we're counting down our picks for the weapons, items and
00:08other gear from across Soulsborne games that are mighty tricky to get your hands on.
00:18Before we begin, we publish new content all week long, so be sure to subscribe and ring
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00:27Pure Bladestone, Demon's Souls Any Demon Slayer worth their salt is going
00:36to need to upgrade their blades if they want to cut their way to victory against the endless
00:40tirade of monsters lurking around every corner.
00:43And in that regard, having an oar on hand to sharpen its stats is always welcome.
00:48The only issue with Pure Bladestone is that the minimal drop rate is obscene.
00:52Only two skeletons have a chance of having it on them at any given time, and even then,
00:57you need to make sure your tendency is leaning towards the pure black side to have any hope
01:02of it possibly appearing.
01:04Have fun farming, Obsidian Greatsword, Dark Souls
01:15The chance to snag a rare weapon from a boss, no matter how difficult, is a challenge most
01:19Souls players are more than happy to undertake.
01:22Except here, it's not whether or not you can kill the enemy, it's how.
01:26As one of the better greatswords you can hope to get your hands on, you might think it worth
01:30tangoing with Black Dragon Kalameet, save for the fact that in order to unlock it, you
01:35need to go out of your way to cut off Kalameet's tail.
01:39This is not easy.
01:41Patience is a virtue, since baiting the right move out of the dragon can be an arduous one.
01:47More often than not, Kalameet is either going to bathe you in flames or curse you with calamity.
01:51Ghost Blade, Dark Souls
02:05If this weapon strikes your fancy then prepare to go ghost hunting, because the only chance
02:10of snagging it is to keep on taking down banshees.
02:13Not only are these enemies annoying to cut down at the best of times, but there are only
02:17two of them in the entire game, while the Ghost Blade itself has a 1% chance of dropping
02:23upon their demise.
02:24Which means you're going to be leaping in and out of the New Londo Ruins ad nauseum.
02:39Illusory Rings, Dark Souls 2
02:57Given their similarities, we're grouping both of these items together.
03:00Let's be honest, if you're going for one, you're likely going for the other as well.
03:04Both the Illusory Ring of the Conqueror and Illusory Ring of the Exalted demand you to
03:08defy death.
03:10Only earned after you beat an entire run of the game without dying once, and without
03:15using any of the bonfires.
03:17With the ability to turn your weapons invisible, you have to wonder if it's worth the pain.
03:22Tailbone Spear, Dark Souls 3
03:31For those of you who fancy yourselves collectors of every weapon in a Dark Souls game, or for
03:36some reason you just really, really like the look of this particular piece, then good
03:40luck because the Tailbone Spear is not easily snatched.
03:44For one thing, you're dealing with wretches who are few and far between and can be a nightmare
03:49to kill at the best of times.
03:51The fact they lurk in the Irithyll Dungeon, one of the hardest areas to navigate in the
03:55game, is just salt in the wound.
03:58Combine that with a low drop rate, and you're going to be spending a lot of time getting
04:02up close with these abominations and their penchant for stabbing.
04:13Harp, Dark Souls 3
04:19The Undead Settlement is not a fun place to linger.
04:22The locals are bloodthirsty, love to hide in the shadows, and seem to have no end to
04:27Still, if for some reason you've been dying to get your hands on one of the weakest weapons
04:31in the game, then you're going to have to hunt around for a particular peasant hollow,
04:36one with glowing red eyes.
04:38Even then, with only a 2% drop rate, you're likely going to be spending a serious amount
04:42of time in this dilapidated undead cult compound.
04:57Ring of Betrothal, Bloodborne
04:59While certain types of blood gems are arguably Bloodborne's rarest items, given the randomisation
05:04of their stats, it's difficult to quantify their rarity in the hierarchy of it all.
05:09Hence, we're going for an item that you can in fact earn through strategy, but it's going
05:13to cost you a lot of time and effort regardless.
05:16After unlocking Fumeru Irithyll Root Chalice Dungeon, you have to navigate through its
05:20various layers, filled to the brim with enemies.
05:23If you succeed in finding a sarcophagus amidst the chaos, you'll find the Ring of Betrothal,
05:28allowing you to propose to Annalise, Queen of the Vilebloods, where you'll be instantly rejected.
05:42Another's Memory, Tengu
05:44Sekiro, Shadows Die Twice
05:48Tengu Skin
05:54Given how its mechanics are fundamentally different from others in FromSoft's catalogue,
05:59hunting down items, weapons and attire isn't really baked into Sekiro's bones.
06:04That being said, thanks to some DLC, there are a set of costumes that can be unlocked,
06:09one of which being the Tengu Skin.
06:11So how do you unlock it?
06:13You have to beat the Gauntlet of Strength, Severance, aka a boss rush featuring the heaviest
06:19hitters in the game.
06:21The Guardian Ape, Corrupted Monk, Genichiro, Great Shinobi Owl and Sword Saint Isshin.
06:27One after another.
06:29Better become a parry god quickly, or get ready to die a lot.
06:39Black Dumpling, Elden Ring
06:44Black Dumpling, Elden Ring
06:49Aside from offering a few bonuses when infected with madness, there's little this helm can offer.
06:54And yet, it has one of the lowest drop rates in the entire game, 0.5%.
07:00Even farming for it's a slog, since it only spawns from a few specific types of Olbenoric enemies upon death.
07:07So unless you're a colossal fan of rummaging around the darkest corners of Castle Sol and the Royal Capital,
07:13waiting for a couple of pale husks to re-emerge, this dumpling will prove to be your sanity's downfall.
07:19Monk's Flame Blade, Elden Ring
07:22A 4% drop rate might sound like a marked improvement from other items.
07:26And for a curved sword with a slick as hell design, what could possibly be the downside?
07:31Well, there's the fact it only appears after defeating one specific Fire Monk.
07:36Just one.
07:37Among the entire rabble.
07:39Not helped by the fact the nearest sight of Grace isn't exactly a hop and a skip away.
07:43Which means the amount of back and forth is potentially going to be immense.
07:48Depending on your luck of the draw.
07:59Which of these rare souls items do you proudly own?
08:02Let us know in the comments.