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Bienvenido a Watchmojo Español, hoy sabrás cuáles son las armas, armaduras y elementos más difíciles de conseguir en videojuegos. Ya sea debido a una misión difícil o a una probabilidad de que salga extremadamente baja, puedes considerarte muy afortunado o hábil si has conseguido alguno.


00:00Welcome to Watchmojo Español, today you will know what are the weapons, armor and
00:12most difficult elements to get in video games, either due to a difficult mission or a
00:19extremely low probability that it comes out, you can consider yourself very lucky or skilled if you have
00:25gotten any. Number 20. Black suit. Ultimate Spider-Man. In modern Spider-Man games,
00:40the most difficult suits to unlock are linked to specific challenges, but before,
00:47the developers made things much more difficult. One of the suits that you can unlock in
00:53Ultimate Spider-Man is the black symbiote, but to get it you have to complete a long
01:00list of tasks. After passing the game at least once, you must collect the 190 hidden chips
01:07around the world, complete the 100 events of the city, get at least bronze in the 60 races
01:15and complete 36 combat challenges, only then you can put on the iconic suit,
01:21although you will have little to do in the game. Number 19. Sword of Dormin. Shadow of the Colossus.
01:39In the remake of 2018 of Shadow of the Colossus, the developers included a new and impressive
01:48weapon that players can collect, the sword of Dormin. To find it you have to find 79 gold coins
01:56distributed around the world, it is not a very high figure until you consider the design of the world,
02:02the game has wide and open landscapes so there are no design elements that take you to these
02:08collectible objects, they are also not marked on the map so you will have to remember which ones you already
02:15have, which can be quite annoying. Number 18. Ghost Bow. Battlefield 4.
02:36Although this weapon became much easier to get in an update, we want to highlight
02:42the annoyance that it meant to get it originally. Added in the Final Stand expansion,
02:49first you had to be a premium member to access certain missions, each of which required a
02:56high number of deaths with specific weapons, then you had to go through the DLC maps in search
03:03of specific plates, a fairly difficult task. Then you and three friends had to enter the
03:10hangar 21 map, everyone needed to have different plates, as well as camouflage for the weapons that
03:17their characters would have had to get in a previous mission. If you went down the elevator
03:23and entered a secret code at the bottom, you finally got the bow.
03:29Number 17. Super S.U.T.E. Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars.
03:43For this Super Mario RPG suit, knowing what to do is easy, but carrying it out,
03:56not so much. One of Mario's main attacks is the super jump. While you keep the attack button
04:02pressed at the right time, you will continue to jump on the head of an enemy to inflict
04:08damage on him. However, there is a certain character in Monster Town who will take the account and give you
04:14the super suit if you reach 100 jumps. There is no counter on the screen during the fights,
04:20and it is incredibly easy to make a mistake by pressing a button, which forces you to start again.
04:27The increases in statistics are very beneficial, but it is understandable that it requires a lot of
04:32dedication and patience. Number 16. The Eltan Brand.
04:43The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind.
04:46The Eltan Brand of Morrowind requires steps that most players would not even think of.
04:59First you must have the Gold Brand, a powerful sword that is obtained with a
05:04secondary mission apart. Then you will have to become a vampire and undertake a different mission.
05:10After talking to a certain character from the Guild of Wizards of Videc, he will ask you to
05:15marry a vampire named Shashev and return his key to him, but before giving you the prize you will need
05:21to have exactly 11.171 gold in your inventory. By doing so you will turn the Gold Brand into the
05:30most powerful Eltan Brand. Due to the steps to follow to become a vampire and have a
05:36very specific amount of gold, probably many of us will never achieve it.
05:46Number 15. King's Sword. Earthbound.
05:55The King's Sword has very few possibilities of appearing in Earthbound, so if you want the
06:01best weapon for your partner Pooh, get ready for a challenge. It can only be found at the
06:07Stonehenge base and will only be released by the Starman Super, a stronger and rarer variant
06:14of the normal enemy. The main problem is that it only has a probability of 1 in 128 to appear,
06:21that is, something less than 0.8%. Although Jeff's Spy ability can detect and steal
06:28objects from enemies, it does not help with the low appearance rate. In fact, there are several
06:33pieces of equipment in the game with the same probability of 1 in 128, which makes
06:38Earthbound a difficult title to complete 100% in Super Nintendo.
06:44Number 14. Hetsu's Gift. The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.
07:04In Breath of the Wild, collecting red seeds expanded Link's inventory space,
07:10but you had to find 900 in total, and your reward was Hetsu's gift,
07:16a completely useless object. When Tears of the Kingdom was released, Nintendo made
07:22getting the same reward a little more difficult, this time there are 1000 seeds. And although they are
07:29marked on the map and you can unlock Korok's mask to find them more easily,
07:35it is still a huge amount in a pretty big world, both if they are hidden behind the
07:41riddles and if they are given to Link to transport the lost Koroks. Getting them all is a hard task.
07:49Number 13. The Illusory Ring of the Conqueror. Dark Souls 2.
08:11This practical piece of equipment does not have many steps to unlock,
08:16but it is still ridiculously difficult to get. To get this ring that makes your left
08:23weapon invisible , you must beat Dark Souls 2 without dying, that would be difficult in a normal game,
08:28but in one developed by From Software, it is on another level. You can save scum to make it
08:35easier, reload a save before dying, or try it in a new New Game Plus game to
08:43start with a stronger team. Either way, unlocking this ring will be
08:48a great challenge for most players. Number 12. Recon Armor. Halo Tree and
09:08ODST. In the days of the Xbox 360, having the Recon armor on any of these Halo games
09:22meant that you were an incredible player. In Halo 3, Bungie only granted it during special events
09:31to those with impressive statistics who deserved it. In Halo 3 ODST, the developers made it a
09:39little less complex, although it is still incredibly difficult. You have to complete 7
09:45Beat the Master challenges in both games. A couple are easy, but most are authentic
09:51skill tests, such as beating 60 waves of enemies in Firefight, the ODST survival mode,
09:58or beating a level of the campaign in Legendary. You alone, without shooting a single bullet or
10:05throwing a grenade. Number 11. Handgun. Dead Space. It is clear that the Dead Space games
10:27are very dark, but they give you a very fun weapon to unlock if you are willing to face the
10:34challenge. Introduced in Dead Space 2, the handgun is a surprisingly powerful foam finger,
10:41with which Isaac screams Bang Bang or Pew Pew with each shot. In Dead Space 2, it unlocks after
10:49beating the game in Hardcore mode, which in turn unlocks after beating the game once and
10:54only allows 3 saves. In the 2023 remake of the first game, you have to beat the impossible mode
11:02to unlock it. If you die once, you have to start again or continue in the next
11:07lowest difficulty, which means that you will not get the reward. Number 10. Uncut Onyx.
11:24There is a lot of resource management in Old School RuneScape, and one of the rarest resources
11:35you can find is the Uncut Onyx. It has different appearance rates for different sources,
11:41they are all quite low. The highest is in a reward chest with a 2.29%. It is also possible
11:50that some bosses release it, but the probability ranges between 0.1% and 0.0125%. However,
12:00the rarest place to find this resource is inside a bag full of gems. Although you can
12:06buy them in several places, the probability that one of the 40 objects they contain is Uncut Onyx
12:13is 1 in 100 million. Number 9. Arco Seitengrott. Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age.
12:30The Final Fantasy series has a ton of objects that require an exhaustive amount of work
12:44or extreme luck to get them. In Final Fantasy X, dodging 200 lightning bolts to get the
12:51emblem of Venus was too exasperating for most players, but in Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac
13:00Age, Square Enix included a weapon that you didn't even know existed. The Seitengrott bow is
13:06incredibly powerful, but it not only has a low chance of appearing, but it can also only be
13:13found inside an invisible chest. Once you reach the Sky Ferry, there is a 1% chance that there is
13:21an invisible chest on the deck, and only a 20% chance that the bow is inside.
13:29Number 8. Dragon Massacre. Monster Hunter.
13:48Like the ones that followed it, the original Monster Hunter faced intimidating creatures.
13:54If you want to unlock the Dragon Massacre, whose name should tell you how powerful the
14:00sword is, you have to kill a lot of creatures, because it requires a lot of sharpness.
14:05It can be forged with 5 Rathian plates and 5 Rathalos plates. These beasts are not only
14:12quite difficult to defeat, but each plate only has a 1% chance of falling,
14:18and it needed 5 of each. You could spend hours and hours killing hundreds,
14:24and still you would never be able to make this sword.
14:37Number 7. Pendulum of Fatality. World of Warcraft.
14:49World of Warcraft is based on weapons and equipment that are practically unreachable.
14:56Special mention for Thunder Fury, blessed sword of the son of the wind,
15:00for the list of necessary rare resources that are found in the dungeons of the high-level Raid.
15:07However, the position is taken by the Pendulum of Fatality, an ax with a passive probability
15:12of inflicting between 250 and 350 damage in each blow. This weapon can only be found
15:19in the classic version of the game, in which only a few enemies of the Uldaman dungeon
15:25can drop it. Among these, the probability of obtaining it ranges between 0.4% and 0.03%,
15:35so it is very difficult to get.
15:44Number 6. Mythical Golden Fish. Fortnite.
15:53Fortnite constantly changes things with super powerful weapons and equipment that you must
15:59track, and the mythical golden fish has the probability of killing an opponent in one shot.
16:05It may be added in chapter 2, season 1 of 2019, but that does not mean that most have seen it.
16:13The special variant can be found in gifts or captured while fishing,
16:18an activity in which many players are probably not focused while running from one side to the other
16:24trying not to get shot. However, if you throw it at someone, it inflicts 250 damage
16:32and knocks him down instantly, so it is a very useful object.
16:36The only problem is that it has a probability of appearing between 1 million.
16:47Number 5. Motab Prophets. Phantasy Star Online.
16:54Phantasy Star Online by Sega was ahead of its time in many aspects,
17:02but when it comes to an RPG there were still many weapons and objects to unlock.
17:08By far the most difficult to find is the Prophets of Motab,
17:12a book that enhances the skills of certain characters.
17:16By far the most difficult to find is the Prophets of Motab,
17:21a book that enhances the skills of certain characters.
17:25It can only be obtained in maximum difficulty,
17:28but its very low appearance rate also contributes to its legacy.
17:33It is a possible reward for defeating two different enemies,
17:37but in the original version for Dreamcast it only had the probability of appearing
17:411 in 1.3 million. This was modified with the versions for GameCube and Xbox,
17:49which became 1 in 11.458, which is still very infrequent.
18:01Number 4. Hide of Terramorphous. Borderlands 2.
18:07Borderlands 2 had surprisingly challenging raid bosses and Terramorphous was at the height of the most difficult.
18:23This means that to get this incredibly useful shield, you had to feel very comfortable fighting him.
18:30The boss has a 2.86% chance of dropping a legendary object,
18:36and there is only a 20% chance that it is the shield.
18:41This is already extremely rare, but that's just for the shield.
18:45If we take into account that the different fictitious manufacturers can increase the statistics of any object,
18:52the thing gets complicated.
18:54The Perfect Hide, which uses all the rare pieces of Malywan, has an appearance rate of 1 in 96,446,700.
19:05Anyway, finding any version of this shield is worthy of showing off.
19:14Number 3. Mirror of Calandra. Path of Exile.
19:25In Path of Exile, there is an object that can be used to make a copy of almost any other object in the game.
19:33Naturally, the Mirror of Calandra is very coveted.
19:36Due to what it can do, it is not something that is seen often, if it is seen.
19:41The developers of Grinding Gear Games have never officially specified the obtainment rate,
19:48although there are many players who have spent hours in the game killing hundreds of thousands of enemies
19:54and have never gotten one.
19:56You can also make them with 20 Mirror Kirlas, but even these are very difficult to get.
20:03The curious thing is that these mirrors can appear at any time, but the percentage is incredibly low.
20:11Number 2. Tyrael's Power. Diablo II.
20:23We can't talk about Diablo II without mentioning the Rune of Sod, which has an amazingly low probability of appearing.
20:31By little the winner is Tyrael's power, a unique sacred armor.
20:36The obtainment rate of this type of armor is already very low, and only high-level enemies in the most difficult difficulty can drop them.
20:44However, for each unique sacred armor they drop, there is only a possibility between 9 that it is Tyrael's power, and not the Templar's.
20:54There are some who have been playing Diablo II since its launch more than two decades ago,
21:00and have never seen this ultra rare equipment.
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21:22Surely you will like them.
21:24Now yes, let's go to the end.
21:26Number 1. Star Wars The Old Republic.
21:36Players will spend hours or even days hunting weapons with high damage performance,
21:42or armor with impressive defensive statistics.
21:46But the rarest object in video games is not so useful.
21:50In the MMORPG Star Wars The Old Republic,
21:54it is possible to find an object called Cerca Krait-O-Matic.
21:58Although it is not probable, the only thing it does is disguise you as a box or random drawer for about 30 seconds.
22:06What makes it worthy of the first place is that it only has a probability of 1,000,000,000 to appear.
22:14It is so rare, in fact, that it obtained a Guinness World Record in 2016.
22:18Which of these objects did you manage to get?
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