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Hola y bienvenido a WatchMojo Español y hoy conoceremos los asesinatos de la escena política que más afectaron a toda Latinoamérica.


00:00From here the tyrant leaves to make the tour and goes to the city of San Cristóbal, his hometown.
00:06Hello and welcome to Watch Mojo Español, I am Jackie and today we will know the murders of the political scene that most affected all of Latin America.
00:17In our sub-spot, a very meticulous study has been carried out on the missing.
00:27Number 10. Alberto Nisman. This case was so important that even Netflix decided to make a series about him.
00:36The Argentine Republic was the victim of Islamic fundamentalist terrorism in 1994 with the attack on the city of Lamia.
00:44It had been before 9-11, the largest terrorist attack in the western hemisphere.
00:48It was the year 2005 when the Argentine prosecutor was appointed as an investigator in the case of an attack against the Argentine Mutual Israeli Association, known as AMIA.
01:00He directly accused the Iranian state as responsible, as well as the former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner for cover-up.
01:09The prosecutor on trial was Alberto.
01:11Alberto Nisman had many desires.
01:13Cristina Kirchner always saw very closely everything that was the investigation.
01:18Do you remember who was exposed by the CIA?
01:20Shortly before he presented himself to show the evidence of his accusation, he was found unconscious in his apartment.
01:28At first it was thought that he had killed himself, although in reality there were loose ends that confirmed that he had rather been the victim of a murder.
01:38Good evening, look, I need an ambulance urgently.
01:42What's going on?
01:43It's my son's house, he came here and he's dead.
01:46He could have killed himself, no DNA was found.
01:50Number 9. Oscar Romero.
01:52During his Sunday sermons, Oscar Romero denounced the multiple violations of human rights and publicly expressed his support for the victims of political violence in his country.
02:04And in the name of this suffering people, whose laments rise to heaven every day more tumultuous, I beg you, I beg you, I order you, in the name of God, cease the repression.
02:20In the Catholic Church, he was considered a bishop who advocated the preferential option for the poor.
02:27And in one of his homilies he declared, the mission of the church is to identify with the poor.
02:33In this way the church finds its salvation.
02:36On March 24, 1980, Monsignor, as was his custom, got up very early to pray in the church of the Hospital of the Divine Providence, where he lived very modestly in a simple room.
02:49As a defender of human rights and regardless of the religion he professed, his murder on March 24, 1980, resounded in international protests demanding respect for human rights in El Salvador.
03:04Inside the chapel, Monsignor Romero had finished the homily and was about to make the offering when a violent rumble shook the place.
03:17Number 8. Jaime Hurtado.
03:19Four shots killed the life of the first African-American deputy Jaime Hurtado González.
03:25It was 13 hours and 20 minutes on February 17, 1999, when he was known for his death.
03:33In the center of Quito, on February 17, 1999, the Ecuadorian deputy and then leader of the Popular Democratic Movement was shot down.
03:43His nephew and bodyguard also lost their lives in the act and the attackers fled in a Suzuki Forza vehicle.
03:51Three of the four suspects were captured and the fourth died at the hands of the police during an alleged confrontation.
03:59The arrested accused the authorities of covering up the truth and providing incomplete versions of their statements.
04:07It has been 20 years of crime and leaders of the extinct Democratic Popular Movement assure that the crime has remained unpunished.
04:15The reason for the attack was never clarified and the supporters of Hurtado continue to demand justice, while his family demands the declassification of the documents related to the case.
04:27We claim the category of state crime and consequently we are going to demand, as the declassification was said, but we are also going to demand that the investigation be resumed.
04:39Number 7. Fernando Villavicencio.
04:42The union leader of Petro Ecuador, journalist, political advisor, assemblyman and finally presidential candidate,
04:51was murdered during his political campaign after being part of a rally on August 9, 2023.
05:04He was shot in the head three times, after the previous week he had denounced several threats against him and his team by drug trafficking.
05:14Just when he left a rally he held in the city of Quito, Ecuador and inside the car that would transport him was when Fernando Villavicencio was shot, an event that caused his death.
05:24Despite being able to capture one of the murderers in the crime scene, he died while being transferred to the Unit of Pilgrimage of the General Prosecutor's Office of the State,
05:34due to the wounds caused during the confrontation with the police.
05:39In another video shared on Twitter, a man is heard screaming in despair for the help of the police.
05:46Currently the case is still open, as the direct culprits of the murder are still being sought.
05:52Number 6. Mariel Franco.
05:55The murder of Mariel Franco Da Silva on March 14, 2018 shook Rio de Janeiro.
06:03The city councilwoman was recognized for her activism in favor of human rights and feminists, particularly in favor of black women.
06:12Black, born in a favela and a lesbian, she was much more than a politician.
06:17Her direct and fearless criticisms against the paramilitary militias that control several areas of Rio de Janeiro faced several enemies.
06:25After completing one of her many political activities of the day, she met two cars that were waiting for her.
06:32They followed her for a few kilometers and finally blocked her path to shoot her 13 times.
06:40Four of these shots managed to reach her in the head and neck and hurt her driver.
06:46That and her work in favor of minorities made her a symbol of struggle for human rights.
06:53Her murder unleashed multitudinous protests throughout the country.
06:57Although the hitmen managed to escape, ammunition had been found in the place that had been acquired by the federal police.
07:05Today, more than half a thousand alarms sounded in unison to try to wake up a justice that still has no answers about her death.
07:14The case is still open and in total impunity.
07:18Number 5. Rafael Leonidas Trujillo.
07:21Trujillo was a dictator who led the Dominican Republic from 1930 to 1961 when he was assassinated on May 30.
07:30The National Palace of the Dominican Republic receives a solemn audience to the representative missions of 38 countries.
07:37During this period, he basically got rid of civil rights and committed a very high number of violations against the human rights of the Dominican people.
07:47Trujillo suffered from a complex of inferiority.
07:50His class problem included, first, being accepted by the highest social sectors of society.
07:57Second, being accepted by people of light skin.
08:01He imposed a single party to govern and took the army as a weapon to eliminate his opponents, an average of 50,000 people.
08:12He was assassinated with the help of the United States, since the country had to, as retaliation for his multiple crimes, raise in arms a communist revolt.
08:22Trujillo was obsessive with his personal appearance, always elegant, impeccable, showing off his military honors.
08:30Why so much obsession with decorations, medals?
08:34Megalomania, it occurs to me.
08:36Number 4. Anastasio Somoza, García y De Baile.
08:41Anastasio Somoza García was the first in a dynasty of three dictatorships in a row.
08:46For his murder, his eldest son, Luis Somoza de Baile, was the first to release him.
08:52In order not to fall behind in the fashion of serving the purposes of the United States, they made use of his power with the National Guard to eliminate his opponents.
09:01First, he reorganizes the armed forces purging those of his adversaries and placing important positions to his allies.
09:09Then, making use of his position, he continues to gain followers in the Liberal Party and in Congress.
09:14The last in the 40-year dictatorship was his youngest son, Anastasio Somoza de Baile,
09:19whose mandate ended with the Unionist Revolution.
09:23He was assassinated on September 17, 1980 in Asunción, ambushed by a command of seven members.
09:31The indiscriminate attacks against elements of the civilian population that sheltered the insurgents
09:36and the excesses on the part of the members of the National Guard
09:39further tainted the international image of Somoza's government.
09:43Although the first murder represented only a pass of dictatorial torch,
09:48the last meant the end of a long reign of blood.
09:53Number 3. Luis Donaldo Colosio.
10:01The candidate for president of the Mexican Republic, Luis Donaldo Colosio,
10:05was not to everyone's liking,
10:07because it is said that although the Mexican people appreciated him,
10:11his ideals did not coincide with those of the party he represented.
10:15Our proposal is for a government that is close to the communities,
10:21but above all, for those who have the least.
10:24After a dangerous stop in Tijuana, Mario Avalos,
10:28Mario Aburto Martínez shot him in the head and abdomen,
10:33and although he said that his only intention was to hurt him,
10:36according to him, the reality behind his actions is still unclear.
10:41There were three people who were supposedly making a fence,
10:44and from those three people the word was heard.
10:48Surely there is no person in Mexico who does not remember what he was doing
10:52when he found out about this murder.
10:55And almost after 30 years of suspicious silence,
10:58the case reopened.
11:00Number 2. Luis Carlos Galán.
11:03First, the change of escort, the change of vehicles, of routes.
11:08Also that day, a lieutenant with the last name Torregrosa arrived.
11:14He began to make life impossible for us, the old escorts,
11:19and according to him, that they were going to change us.
11:22Shortly before starting his speech in a town in Cundinamarca,
11:26the Colombian liberal leader Luis Carlos Galán
11:29was assassinated on August 18, 1989.
11:33The politician defended the extradition of drug traffickers,
11:37and the people supported him.
11:39However, it was the goal of important groups
11:41linked to drug cartels,
11:43which put his life at constant risk.
11:46In a second assassination attempt,
11:49the hitmen managed to take his life
11:51in a blast with a machine gun.
11:53And although they transferred him urgently to Bogotá,
11:56Galán did not survive.
11:58If he were on the stage, who would have died?
12:03Well, Lieutenant Torregrosa.
12:05Lieutenant Torregrosa has to be ahead or behind.
12:07In this case, he has to be ahead.
12:09His death marked an important moment
12:12in the fight of the state against drug trafficking,
12:14and it is said that Escobar himself
12:16was involved in the crime.
12:18The Human Rights Unit of the Prosecutor's Office
12:20ordered the capture of the highest retired
12:22of the police, Luis Felipe Montilla Barbosa,
12:24then captain and commander of the police of Soacha.
12:26We have not reached the end yet,
12:28but almost.
12:29Just do not forget to subscribe to our channel
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12:36Surely you will like them.
12:39Now, let's go to the end.
12:41Number 1. Ernesto Che Guevara.
12:44The death of this character
12:46did not have a strong impact
12:48only in the Latin American political scene,
12:50but also in pop culture,
12:52because Che Guevara
12:54for many was a representative figure
12:56of combat and freedom.
12:58As Fidel Castro has said,
13:00while the concept of sovereignty
13:02exists as a prerogative
13:04of the nations
13:06and independent peoples
13:08and as a right
13:10of all peoples,
13:12we will not accept the exclusion
13:15of our people from that right.
13:17On October 8,
13:19after three hours of combat,
13:21Guevara was injured in a confrontation
13:23against the government
13:25and captured along with Simeon Cuba Sanabria.
13:27In the image,
13:29you can see the iconic guerrilla
13:31dressed in arapos,
13:33the defeat in his gaze
13:35and the Cuban-American officer
13:37to his right.
13:39Among the belongings
13:41that could be preserved
13:43for posterity.
13:45It was a state secret
13:47that Che survived the fierce combat
13:49near La Higuera.
13:51Neither the Bolivian government nor the CIA
13:53for which Félix Rodríguez worked
13:55wanted the myth of the Argentine guerrilla
13:57who accompanied Fidel
13:59in his revolution to take force.
14:01What other political murder
14:03impacted you? Tell us in the comments
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