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Indian spiritual leader and wellness advocate Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, who flew into Dubai last weekend, believes that those living in the post COVID-19 era are going through an unusual crisis where extreme temperaments rule.

Read the full story here: https://gulfnews.com/entertainment/arts-culture/how-to-beat-stress-and-experience-the-joy-of-living-sri-sri-ravi-shankar-has-the-answers-1.1682938402466

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#UAEnews #SriSriRaviShankar #mentalhealth


00:00Mental health is a very big issue in today's world.
00:04Unless and until we take care of this,
00:08we can't have a better society, a happy society, isn't it?
00:14I wonder how people could live with so much stress all the time.
00:18It's called hustle.
00:21See, as a child, we used to get stressed, no doubt,
00:28but we could get out of it very easily, right?
00:31So this is what we need to know.
00:33We need to learn how to get out of stress,
00:37especially after post-Covid.
00:40Our youth seem to be swinging between aggression and depression.
00:45On one side, they get so depressed
00:48and suicide rates are rising so much.
00:52On the other side, there is aggressive attitude.
00:56The drop of the hat, you get upset, you get angry.
01:00So the root cause of all this is stress.
01:04And neither at home nor in school,
01:06nobody teaches us how to get out of the stress, right?
01:09This is where Art of Living comes into play
01:12and it is teaching people all over the world
01:15about techniques, tools and techniques to manage one's own mind.
01:20See, mental health is a very big issue in today's world.
01:25Unless and until we take care of this,
01:29we can't have a better society, a happy society, isn't it?
01:32It shows to people that how life could be very uncertain
01:36and you have to fight with an enemy which you have never seen, you see?
01:40You don't know where it's going to come, when it's going to come
01:44and what to do with the virus which nobody was familiar with.
01:48So in all these circumstances, situations,
01:51what is needed is inner strength,
01:53mental strength to endure.
01:55And that's what I have seen.
01:58And we were so busy, all our teachers were super busy in the whole time,
02:03taking care of society, taking care of doctors,
02:07taking care of medical professionals, nurses.
02:10They needed the most, you see?
02:12There is a joy that you get by getting things.
02:17You are given a present for your birthday and you are happy.
02:20And this is an infant joy, every child feels that.
02:23There is a greater joy, that joy that comes to you by giving.
02:28Suppose you are contributing to the environment.
02:31You are planting a million trees.
02:34Or you are taking care of a pond in your town or village,
02:40wherever, where it was not being looked after, you know?
02:45That gives you a greater joy.
02:48I would always say that this is the mature joy,
02:51the joy of a grandmother.
02:53See when grandmother cooks so many dishes when children come home, right?
02:58She doesn't do it for herself.
03:00So from the joy of grabbing and getting,
03:05there should be a shift to the joy of giving, contributing.
03:12And that's what we emphasize in Art of Living.
03:16We have a program for kids in that we give seven golden rules for kids.
03:22One of them is like this, you know, laugh and let go.
03:27Suppose someone insults you, don't sit and worry about it, you know?
03:33To cultivate a sense of humor
03:36and sail through those unpleasant moments in life.
03:42They are not there to attain peace.
03:44They have got the peace and they want to share it to others.
03:48There is a difference for people who are seeking for something more in their life.
03:54And there are those who have got relief,
03:58who have so much transformation in their life.
04:01They become so happy and they want to now spread the happiness.
04:11Art of Living
