• last week
00:00NFL red zone host Scott Hanson who's been doing that like forever, right?
00:05Yeah, I'm doing that red zone gig for a long time
00:09Allegedly is in talks to leave for a major network
00:12Man, I would be different not having that guy
00:15Listening to him for eight hours every Sunday. These use they tell you here is him when you watch that red zone
00:21Yep, you know be careful. You know, yeah, you want some new gang and
00:26And I go off into some new new
00:30Enterprise and try something else maybe
00:33Realize what you're good at. He's really good at that job
00:37He's got it
00:38He's got the market cornered right on red zone and then he's gonna walk away from that and what do some other you know?
00:45I gotta be honest with you like when guys
00:48Switch right like look at the guys that went to like remember that bear guy
00:53He went to Fox like he never mattered there like he did at ESPN
00:58Remember when skip Bayless was not even anyone over there. He never mattered again
01:04Remember when Rinaldi used to do his tear jerk stories on ESPN now
01:09He does him on Fox and no one cries ever
01:14He used to do the tear jerk stories and everyone would be bawling and what a great reporter give him an Emmy now
01:20he's on Fox and he's like on the field and people are like
01:28Be careful what you wish for
01:30He's got the best gig going and he's gonna walk away to do some candy ass job at a network. Good luck
