• last month
Salut les gars ! Êtes-vous prêts pour des expériences scientifiques plutôt simples mais étonnantes ? Vous allez être gâtés, car aujourd'hui, nous avons décidé d'en faire tout un tas ! Alors, accrochez-vous, les amis ! Nous commençons !

Tout d'abord, nous allons voir ce qui arrive à un petit bateau en papier dans l'eau lorsqu'il est recouvert d'un verre. Ensuite, nous placerons quelques glaçons à différents endroits et verrons lequel fond le plus rapidement. Nous ferons également l'expérience de la lumière colorée. Cela semble assez intrigant, n'est-ce pas ? Et tout cela n'est que le début ! Alors, ne perdons pas de temps ! Appuyez sur lecture et rejoignez ce voyage scientifique fascinant, chers collègues scientifiques. Ça va être amusant !

Soutenez-nous avec vos likes, et n'oubliez pas de vous abonner. Cette chaîne est véritablement un trésor de bricolages, idées de DIY, expériences, recettes et bien plus encore ! Vous trouverez forcément quelque chose à votre goût. En attendant, consultez certaines de nos dernières vidéos - nous les avons faites spécialement pour vous :

Construction Épique de Casque de Transformers : Tutoriel étape par étape https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHdymUNooQ0
Sushi Bonbon DIY, Ramen & Plus 🍣 Déballage de Kits Ludiques https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lR-7p7ljioA
Livre de Jeux Monde Avatar DIY 🎨📚 Amusement Squishy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ugv-vlCdrc Abonne-toi à la chaîne de Sam et mets-lui un pouce bleu pour le motiver à faire plus de vidéos pour toi ! https://bit.ly/2EAEJdV

Tous les produits et noms de compagnies apparaissant dans cette vidéo demeurent les marques commerciales™️ ou marques déposées®️ de leurs propriétaires respectifs. Leur utilisation ne suggère aucune affiliation ni approbation de leur part.

Musique par TheSoul Sound: https://thesoul-sound.com/

Liste du matériel : https://www.depositphotos.com

OPENING THEME Title: Cuckoo Source: https://audiojungle.net/item/cuckoo/20801073

Coucou les fans de Sam ! Découvrez nos chouettes nouveautés avec Sam sur la boutique de Sam le Slime 🎉 https://amzn.to/39dmkxX


00:00[♪ music ♪ and water splashing sounds play in the background for the rest of the video.]
00:14[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
00:20[♪ music continues and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
00:28[♪ music ends and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
00:32[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
00:42[♪ music ends and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
00:54[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
01:16[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
01:24[♪ music continues and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
01:30[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
01:50[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
02:12[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
02:26[♪ music ends and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
02:38[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
02:48[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
02:58[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
03:26[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
03:36[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
03:46[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
03:56[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
04:06[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
04:26[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
04:46[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
04:56[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
05:08[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
05:18[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
05:28[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
05:48[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
06:08[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
06:28[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
06:48[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
07:08[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
07:28[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
07:48[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
08:08[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
08:28[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
08:48[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
09:08[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
09:36[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
10:04[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
10:32[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
11:00[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
11:28[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
11:56[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
12:22[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
12:50[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
13:16[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
13:44[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
13:54[♪ music begins and water splashes in the background for the rest of the video.]
