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Facts are facts no matter where you go. Two plus two is equal to four in every language and every country.
Truth, on the other hand, is malleable.
Truth is not always based on facts.
For example, Religion preaches "truth" based on myths, twisted facts, and make-believe.
Everybody dies, and that is a fact. Religion adds the theory (and make-believe) myth of heaven and hell. Religion then passes their "truth" as fact.
Politicians lie all the time, and these lies are passed along as truth.
Recently, exaggeration (lies) was created in the USA for a specific political agenda. Immigrants were to be hated, and so there had to be a scapegoat. The story then starts in Springfield, Ohio, where, supposedly, Haitians were eating white people's pets.
The story stuck. And so did the anti-immigrant doctrine, which became Biblical in scope.
The election was won based on the anti-immigrant agenda that started in Springfield, Ohio. As for the truth about Haitians and their lives in Springfield, you are going to have to do your research.
Goebbels was right.
So, what you believe depends on your own belief system and not always on facts.