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Microdacism Rule #9.
Your unhappiness is based on your attachment and dependency on things or people.
Finding yourself at your lowest point in life was probably caused by your belief in or dependency on someone.
I have found that sometimes, one must hit rock bottom before one can grow and become the person one was meant to be.
In nature, one finds the best and most excellent sermons.
A Butterfly can only become a butterfly by first being a chrysalis.
As an adult, you may not remember burning your finger as a child, but as an adult, you no longer place your fingers on hot stoves.
Everything that you will ever be is already inside of you. You must have the courage to shed nonsense to be the perfect being you were meant to be.
These are not just words.
These are my experiences.
You have a choice, believe me or not.
I am a real person who has had these experiences and gained the knowledge I share.
It does not matter to me whether you believe me or not. My job (as I see it) is to share what I have learned.
These are the simple rules:
Religion is nonszense. Being spiritual makes more sense.
There is only ONE of you; you are not a copy of anyone.
You are unique, having had your own experiences, gained your own knowledge, absorbed your intuition, and gleaned wisdom from many sources related to your growth.
On a very dark night (without light noise), look into the sky and appreciate the billions of stars in the Universe, with no two alike. So it is with you.
There is you - unique, one-of-a-kind, and special. YOU are divine.
There is Creation - an ever-growing and ever-unfolding of life and all things alive. Nature.
There is a Connection.
So, the formula is simple (though seemingly challenging to achieve).
Your (divine) - connecting to Creation.
Your divinity connection to Creation.
You must be born again and again until you have reached your state of perfection.
It's a choice.
It's a simple cliche, but it is true.
You must be still, and through mediation and silence, you will reach the connection to the Universe.
As Jesus said to Thomas in a gospel left out of the Bible, Know yourself, and you will learn the secrets of the Universe.
In short, you do NOT need religion. You need to know yourself and your connection to the Universe.
That's it.