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Online Gaming Cyber Crime : ఆన్​లైన్ గేమ్స్ చిన్నారులకు శాపంగా మారుతుంది. ఆటలకు బానిసలుగా మారిన వారు గేమ్ అప్​గ్రేడ్ కోసం నగదు బదిలీ చేస్తున్నారు. ఈ యాప్​ల మాటున సైబర్ నేరగాళ్లు నగదు దోచుకుంటున్నారు. మొబైల్​ను పెద్దల కంటే పిల్లలే ఎక్కువగా వినియోగిస్తున్నారు. వాటి ఫీచర్లు తల్లిదండ్రుల కంటే వారికే తెలుస్తున్నాయి. వీటి వాడకంలో ఎక్కువ కుటుంబాల్లో వారిపైనే ఆధారపడుతున్నారు. అంతిమంగా ఇది చిన్నారులు సెల్​ఫోన్లలోని ఆటలకు బానిసలుగా మారేందుకు కారణమవుతోంది.


00:00The kids who are addicted to online games are upgrading their characters to Nagadu to play better than others.
00:08The cybercriminals who have taken advantage of this are upgrading their characters to Nagadu by sending fake notifications to online video game apps.
00:17Some types of games are being made for these kids.
00:22If you want to go to the next level, you have to pay this much.
00:27For example, if you want to buy this type of weapon, you have to pay Rs.50 or Rs.100.
00:33In these games, they will connect with the UPA.
00:36Many people install such applications, buy weapons, share UPA IDs, share PINs and are being cheated for a few thousand rupees.
00:47So don't give your mobile connected to your bank account to the kids.
00:52For example, if you want to make a transaction of Rs.30, there will be a transaction of Rs.30,000 in the background.
00:58Without our knowledge, we record every transaction that happens on our mobile.
01:03Once you get a salary, there are some applications designed to automatically transfer it to them.
01:10Psychologists say that children are looking for new ways because they do not have proper relationships with their parents.
01:17In fact, children living in the imaginary world are quickly attracted to online video games.
01:23Children should not be between four walls, but should be in their surroundings.
01:28First, we have to see why children are addicted to gaming.
01:33Now, as alcohol, smoking and marijuana have become addicted, we will make gaming an addiction in our health science.
01:42Research has shown that children are more likely to be addicted to alcohol.
01:46They may have a self-doubt, low confidence or anxiety.
01:51It is not easy for all children to make friends out of 10 people.
01:54It is very difficult for some people to make friendships.
01:57Such children, or children with a little stress, anxiety, or lack of proper communication with their parents.
02:04Due to these psychological disorders in these children, due to some of their natural faults, they are escaping from gaming.
02:13That is, they are escaping from reality, from real life to the virtual world, and they are getting a kind of happiness and satisfaction.
02:20In addition, in some families, there is no proper bonding between parents and children.
02:25So, there are some important precautions that parents should take with children who spend money and use their credit cards without their parents' knowledge.
02:33No. 1 is that it is very important that they do not play games in their bedroom or in a private place, but in common areas.
02:42If your child is younger than an age, you can set what time he can play and what he should not play.
02:49So, it is important that you use such screen time controls properly.
02:53By playing outdoor games, coaching, and cricket, such outdoor games and hobbies, there is a good chance that these addictions in children will be reduced.
03:02From online video games, doctors say that children should play outdoor games to restore their physical and mental strength.
