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First and foremost, Frank Gehry is an artist. Described as a young child as having golden hands, Frank begins his creati | dG1fT0hVeVFUelE1Q3c
00:00If you're a complete layman and not an architectural specialist, what's so hot about Frank Gehry?
00:14What's all the fuss about?
00:17Some of my colleagues, they think of architecture in a hermetic way.
00:21If you do this with it, it ain't architecture anymore.
00:25They asked me to make a documentary about him.
00:27It's not just that I didn't know anything about making documentaries.
00:30I didn't even know anything about architecture.
00:33See how this unfolds and is welcoming?
00:35And that curve leads right into it.
00:37All right, now let me just shoot that curve.
00:40I think Frank really does creatively live in the moment.
00:45Frank did his little swiggles, and it's essentially that.
00:50The night Santa Monica Place opened, the president of the Rouse Company says to me, why'd you
00:55do that?
00:56Because I had to make a living, and he says, stop it.
00:59It was like jumping off a cliff.
01:01Frank still doesn't know how to use a computer, I mean, except to throw it at somebody.
01:05I tried to draw it with descriptive geometry, but when the guy built it, there's a kink
01:10in it.
01:11That's what led us to the computer.
01:13Frank believes in accidents, but some of his accidents are failures.
01:16I feel very comfortable in his spaces, and if it does compete with the art, maybe that
01:20art isn't good enough.
01:22You need one less corrugation.
01:24See how it works?
01:26That is so stupid looking, it's great.
01:28We work back and forth between the planning and the model.
01:33If this doesn't work, that doesn't work.
01:36You give Frank the functionality, and then he delivers the picture.
01:40There is a certain threatening to taking the leap, but once you try that, you can't stop.
