• 2 weeks ago
Companion Cast | Where Is The Lie | ELLE


00:00I've been whitewater rafting there. It's rocky, rocky roads there. Rocky water.
00:06Have you been rafting? Are you lying right now?
00:09I'm a Nazi.
00:11Who's to say I haven't lost?
00:23You will be handed an envelope with three statements.
00:26Your co-stars will have 60 seconds to interrogate you and decide which statement is a lie.
00:36I'm scared.
00:38You should be.
00:40Preliminary evidence.
00:41Oh god.
00:43I used to prank call the cast of The Hills in middle school.
00:48I had a mockingbird tattoo on my leg that I had removed.
00:54I'm double jointed in my shoulder.
00:56So The Hills, I just was not into TV at a very specific time.
01:01That's a reality show, right?
01:02The Hills?
01:02Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:03I don't know that much.
01:04Yeah, but I know The Hills.
01:05I know The Hills.
01:06How'd you get their numbers? Did you know them?
01:08I don't. I don't know if this is true.
01:11How'd you get the number?
01:12I don't know if it's true or not.
01:13How would I be able to get the number of the cast members of The Hills?
01:16You wrote this!
01:16I don't know. I mean, if I did, I'm sure that he was a crafty kid and...
01:24He meaning you?
01:26Or he was a kid at crafty that knew the numbers.
01:30Found a kid at crafty who was working on the show of The Hills.
01:34How many people did get a mocking?
01:36You don't strike me as a Hunger Games fan.
01:38You don't strike me as a Hunger Games fan either.
01:41Do you want to see my shoulder?
01:42Double jointed?
01:45Okay, fine, I'll do it.
01:45Okay, yeah, do it.
01:49What's going on? This is strange.
01:53Can I even do that?
01:54Can we do this?
01:55I have to kind of take off my shirt to do it.
02:03There's one lie, correct, out of all those?
02:05One lie.
02:05You used to prank call the cast of The Hills.
02:07That's too specific.
02:09But that, but maybe that's the...
02:11Yeah, exactly, exactly.
02:12Oh god, Lucas.
02:13I think that the double jointed is a lie.
02:17I'm going with double jointed because I didn't buy that.
02:19I think double jointed as well.
02:28I'm on double jointed.
02:29I tried to really give a...
02:30That was good though.
02:31Because everything was so hyper specific.
02:33I know.
02:34How did you get the number for the people from The Hills?
02:37Okay, so my friend worked at Press Juicery.
02:40Kind of crafty.
02:41Kind of crafty, yeah.
02:42And it was a crafty decision to hack into the database
02:46and they all, Lauren Conrad and the cast of The Hills,
02:49used the Press Juicery.
02:51So when I saw that, I said, give me their number immediately.
02:54And we spent our days prank phone calling the cast.
02:56What would you say?
02:57Would you be like...
02:58Just wanting to ask how her day was, you know?
03:01So it was a nice prank.
03:02It was a nice prank.
03:03You know, the best prank phone calls are like to make a friendship.
03:06It's never to be the troll.
03:20Preliminary evidence.
03:24I fell out of a canoe on a fishing trip in the Yellowstone River.
03:31I once met Christopher Walken in an airport lounge
03:35and he mistook me for Shia LaBeouf.
03:40Jesse T. Usher from The Boys made me the guest DJ at a club in Toronto
03:46and the crowd booed me.
03:49I cannot imagine the club booing him.
03:51It's not booing me.
03:52It's booing my song choices.
03:54Oh, okay.
03:55Actually, no.
03:56The Christopher Walken, Shia LaBeouf.
03:59I mean, yes.
03:59I will say I can specify I was a little younger when this happened.
04:04I saw Christopher Walken and I'm a huge fan.
04:06And I said, hi, sir.
04:07I'm just a really big fan of your work.
04:09And then he said, are you the kid from the Transformers movies?
04:12I'm like, no, sir.
04:13I am just a huge fan of yours.
04:14So you're putting on actor voice right now.
04:16Is that Christopher Walken voice or is that lying?
04:19That is up to you.
04:20I'm not seeing Shia LaBeouf.
04:21I'm not either.
04:22I'm like 22 and a half.
04:23It's not the right.
04:24First one?
04:25Yeah, first one.
04:26I fell out of a canoe on a fishing trip in the Yellowstone River.
04:29What river?
04:30The Yellowstone River in Montana.
04:32It was me and my dad.
04:33We were on like a little fishing trip in a canoe.
04:35He's really thinking right now.
04:36We hit this underwater log and the boat went like this.
04:41And we went, oh no.
04:42And then we were in and it's freezing cold water.
04:45It's too specific.
04:46You know what?
04:47It's too, I'm getting.
04:48And that's time.
04:49All right.
04:52I've been to Yellowstone.
04:55I think the first one's a lie.
04:57I'm going to say it's true.
04:58I've been white water rafting there.
05:00It's rocky, rocky, rocky roads there.
05:04Rocky water.
05:06Have you been rafting?
05:07Are you lying right now?
05:08I'm in the hot seat.
05:12I think that's true.
05:13You think that's true?
05:14I think that's true.
05:15What do you think?
05:15I think that one was the lie.
05:17But then it also could be the Christopher Walken one.
05:19I think the Christopher Walken one.
05:20You kind of put on a little something.
05:23Yeah, sure.
05:24You kind of like went, like your posture changed a little bit.
05:28Did you notice that?
05:29So it could be the Christopher Walken or the, should we say the Christopher Walken?
05:32I'm going to say Christopher Walken.
05:33We say the Christopher Walken.
05:39That's fucking true.
05:44The lie was that I went to a club in Toronto and people booed my song choices.
05:48That was our first instinct.
05:50That was our first instinct.
05:51I know.
05:52That never happened at all.
05:53That never happened.
05:54I've never been a guest DJ at, I'm never in the club.
05:57Look at me.
05:58Do I belong in a club?
05:59God, that's where we should have known.
06:01That's where you should have known.
06:02That was the first thought.
06:03That was it.
06:05I'm no club man.
06:15Oh my goodness gracious.
06:18Preliminary evidence.
06:20I had a pet rabbit growing up.
06:23I've never lost a game in Wii bowling.
06:27I played one of the orphans in Annie.
06:32I've never lost a game of Wii bowling.
06:34For some reason, I feel like we played Mario Kart together at some point.
06:37Feels like you played a lot of Wii.
06:39I don't know about never lost though, because that could be...
06:42Who's to say I haven't lost?
06:44Who's to say you haven't lost?
06:45You seem like someone who might take pride in never losing.
06:48Oh, absolutely.
06:49I take it very seriously.
06:51You give rabbit girl energy though.
06:52Rabbit girl energy.
06:53Yeah, as a rabbit boy, that checks out for you.
06:57So I'm going to say rabbit's true for sure.
07:00The third one was what again?
07:01I played one of the orphans in Annie.
07:04But not Annie.
07:05I never got Annie.
07:06Why wouldn't they hire...
07:07I've also done it like twice.
07:09And what were you the second time?
07:11I don't remember, but I...
07:14You never forget.
07:15I wasn't Captain Peter Pan.
07:17I was Captain Hook and I never forgot that.
07:18Dude, I can tell you every single role I played in middle school and high school.
07:21Well, I played...
07:21Right now.
07:22There's so many different orphans.
07:24So you were just orphan number two?
07:25You were just orphan number three.
07:26Did you have a name?
07:29No, not Ann!
07:30Oh my God, that's such a lie.
07:32Why never?
07:32What are you doing?
07:33You never forget that.
07:37Well, she is really good at acting, so this is inherently hard.
07:39But I would say...
07:40She loved her lines there.
07:41But there's no way in Annie that there's another orphan named Ann.
07:45Orphan number two, orphan number three, I don't know.
07:49Or like Lucy, or just anything that doesn't sound like Ann, or reminds you of a name Annie.
07:54Ann, Ann the Orphan!
07:57The forgotten one.
07:59It's like if Companion, there's me playing Josh, and then there's another character playing Joshua.
08:03Like, you don't have that.
08:06That has to be the lie.
08:07That has to be the lie.
08:13It is a lie?
08:14It wasn't a lie!
08:15It was a lie!
08:16I just got nervous, because I was like, oh my God.
08:19That was crazy acting.
08:20I swear to God, it was wee bowling.
08:21I had a pet rabbit growing up, was the lie.
08:27Oh, you're dead to me.
08:29I don't know, I got nervous when I was telling the truth.
08:32There's something easier about lying.
08:34Was that intentional to not remember the other character's name?
08:38No, I actually did get nervous, but I used it.
08:40I used it.
08:41I started getting all like, that's a mastermind.
08:45Well done.
08:47Well done.
08:48Thank you so much for watching.
08:50Make sure to check out our film, Companion, in theaters now.
