• letzten Monat
Posso entrare? An ode to Naples ist ein liebevolles Porträt der Stadt Neapel und ihrer Bewohner. Es zeigt eine Stadt der Kultur, der Gegensätze und des Chaos, eine Stadt mit einer langen Geschichte und einer wunderbaren Lebensart.


00:00Naples, everything is life here.
00:09It's a city of transformation.
00:12Every turn is full of history,
00:16color, and surprise.
00:21But also, darkness.
00:31Naples can be rough and raw,
00:34and organized crime can be shockingly violent.
00:38Do you think you'll get your life back?
01:00It's all up to you.
01:03It's as if the Neapolitans were in a trolley.
01:10Diego Armaradona.
01:12Diego took us to win the Scudetto.
01:14We left the city.
01:20In Naples, you ask for life, the road, the food, the intensity.
01:25How long have you been married?
01:31The time you've been given is not infinite.
01:36Life is always today.