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No gym equipment? No worries! With Mike Agassi’s chair exercises, you can still get a great workout anytime, anywhere!


00:00Always start your day with a grateful heart.
00:04Let's have a happy conversation here at...
00:07Mars Babar!
00:15Good morning!
00:16I hope you had breakfast and coffee already
00:19so we can continue bonding.
00:22Oh yeah!
00:23So of course, the more the merrier.
00:26Let's call the two cast of the new Murder Mystery Drama Series
00:31by GMA, Widow's Web.
00:34Please welcome Mike Agassi and Mosan!
00:39Hello guys!
00:45Hi guys!
00:47Ate Mosan, hey Pors!
00:49Welcome to Mars Babar!
00:50Hello, hello, hello!
00:51Thank you!
00:53How are you guys?
00:55We're good, we're good.
00:56I'm happy because the lock-in is about to start.
01:00It's about to start!
01:02How long will the lock-in be for Widow's Web?
01:04One year, I missed it.
01:0540 days?
01:0640 days!
01:0740 plus, I think it will reach 40 plus.
01:09The lock-in was in December and then we went home for the holidays and then came back again.
01:14Oh wow!
01:15Well, hopefully, the lock-in will end because COVID-19 is about to end.
01:19I hope so!
01:20Yes, we're praying.
01:21But of course, lock-in also means work.
01:23That's true.
01:24So, it's still good.
01:26It's a blessing.
01:27It's always a bright side.
01:28How was the taping for Widow's Web?
01:30Because your story is a bit different here.
01:33I'm so grateful and I'm really at O to the staff,
01:38to the director because of the locations.
01:41If you know, this suspense series,
01:44the production is also a suspense series.
01:46Yes, it's a suspense series!
01:48Wait, guys, before we continue.
01:50We have a lot to do today.
01:52We'll start with a set of chair exercises with Farsh Mike here at...
01:57Farsh Mike!
01:59So, basically, this program is time-based.
02:02It's based on the number of repetitions.
02:04So, we do it 40 seconds to work out, then 10 to 15 seconds rest.
02:09It depends on the person.
02:10If they want to be fast or if they want to pace it down.
02:13What's important is do not stop.
02:16And the form is also important.
02:17Yes, form and during the workout time, you have to continue doing it.
02:22Okay, Farsh.
02:23We're ready.
02:24Let's start with a mountain climber exercise.
02:2740 seconds.
02:2840 seconds?
02:2940 seconds, yes.
02:31So, what are we supposed to do?
02:32From this position, lift your knees towards your chest.
02:37Then switch.
02:38I hope it reaches my chest.
02:40But it doesn't seem like it.
02:42Should we start?
02:44So, are we timed?
02:4640 seconds, yes.
02:4740 seconds starts now.
02:50So, it's like this.
02:51It's like you're running, basically.
02:54At your own pace in 40 seconds.
02:56Then, after 40 seconds, you rest.
02:59And prepare for the next workout.
03:01Prepare for the next.
03:02Which is Bulgarian Split Squat.
03:04So, we're going to do one set of each.
03:07One exercise, 40 seconds.
03:09Rest 10 to 15 seconds, then another exercise.
03:13Let's start with left moon for 20 seconds.
03:18Then, the other 20 seconds, opposite side.
03:21Be careful.
03:23At your own distance.
03:25If you want, you can do regular air squats.
03:29Or regular lunge.
03:31But since I'm a life-threatening person, I'll do this.
03:38Always try to keep your core and body straight.
03:42So, I will just do this slowly.
03:45For 20 seconds.
03:46Until we run out of time.
03:52Concentrate on your glutes and quads.
03:58And then, we do the other side.
04:00This is really hard.
04:02This is really a challenge.
04:03Let's do the other side.
04:05Wow, I like the concentration.
04:07It's a weak left knee.
04:10So, that's why you're really focused on the movement.
04:14It's easier on the right side.
04:19There's always one leg that's stronger than the other.
04:22Actually, yes.
04:24So, at least with this one, we can distribute the strength.
04:28And then, let's do seated jacks.
04:33So, from this position.
04:36Let's do this.
04:39Ah, 40.
04:40This is 40 seconds.
04:43This is good for your back.
04:45This is another version of jumping jacks.
04:49So, chest out.
04:51And then, stomach in.
04:54So, basically, arms and legs out.
05:02Actually, we rest for 10 to 15 seconds.
05:04We do this right away because our pacing is a bit high.
05:10So, last 10 seconds.
05:13Chest out.
05:1910 to 15 seconds rest.
05:21And then, prep for tricep dips.
05:24So, this is in distance of the legs.
05:26It depends on the chair and the difficulty.
05:28If it's farther, it's harder.
05:29If you want it easier, it's closer.
05:32To assist the legs.
05:34I'll just do this.
05:3640 seconds.
05:3740 seconds?
05:38It's slow.
05:3940 seconds, guys.
05:40So, do this at your own pace.
05:42You can do it faster or slower.
05:43Just never stop.
05:46Let's do it for 40 seconds.
05:48So, Tomas will do it slower.
05:51Me too.
05:53Do it at your own pace.
05:58The kid.
05:59The kid.
06:00The kid.
06:02The kid.
06:04For the boys, if you want a challenge,
06:06you can raise your hands.
06:07Last 20 seconds.
06:11It's just halfway.
06:14If you're working out, you have a long time.
06:19How many sets should we do?
06:21It depends.
06:222 to 4 sets.
06:27Then, sit down and rest.
06:29So, basically, one set is
06:31less than 4 minutes.
06:33So, if you're going to do 3 sets,
06:35less than 12 minutes a day.
06:374 sets, 20 minutes.
06:39That's a good diet.
06:40Actually, the shorter the workout,
06:41the more intense, the better it is.
06:43Actually, it's based on intensity.
06:46That's why my heart rate is so high.
06:49Thank you, Mars Mike,
06:50for that awesome workout.
06:51It's just the beginning, right, Mars?
06:54Your heart rate is so high.
06:55Let's keep it coming.
