• 2 weeks ago
‘ভারতবর্ষ থেকে কংগ্রেস মুছে গেল, সুশাসনের সরকার হচ্ছে দিল্লিতে’, দিল্লির বিধানসভা নির্বাচনের ফলপ্রকাশের পরই আনন্দ উচ্ছ্বাসে মেতে উঠলেন বাংলার বিজেপি নেত্রী অগ্নিমিত্রা পল

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00:00After 25 years, we have a government in Delhi.
00:06People should understand this.
00:11Today's politics is against humanity.
00:19And the truth is that the picture of the resistance of the power,
00:23which the PM has shown us,
00:26the picture of India against corruption,
00:28has been shown by Kejriwal.
00:30And the people of Delhi have seen it.
00:33It is not so easy to fool the people of India.
00:36Modi ji's digital India joke.
00:39People understand everything.
00:40And the people gave their opinion.
00:42The Congress that speaks so loudly,
00:45the Congress that has torn people's hearts and minds,
00:51has become empty.
00:55Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi.
00:58Congress is over.
01:00Congress has been wiped out since the year of India.
01:02Long live India!
01:06What do you have to say to the people of Delhi?
01:09Great happiness.
01:11I went to Tripura.
01:13There was a government in Tripura.
01:15I went to Jharkhand.
01:17We could not go to the government for a few seats.
01:20But where I was, almost 50% of the seats were won.
01:23And I went to Delhi.
01:26My student leader saw me.
01:28That seat was also won.
01:30Whether it was won or not,
01:32I do not know the position of this movement.
01:34And our government,
01:36the government of Addapur,
01:37the government of the state government,
01:39has a lot of power.
01:40The people of Bangla have to understand this.
01:42We have a lot of power.
01:44Whatever you understand, whatever you do,
01:46that is the end.
01:48The people of Delhi have seen today
01:50how strong they are.
01:52The people of Bangla also have to see this.
01:54If you give a thousand rupees to one hand,
01:57and give RL saline to the other hand,
01:59and give spurious saline,
02:02and give spurious drugs,
02:04our daughters will be raped,
02:07there will be murder,
02:09our brothers will lose their jobs,
02:11they will go to another state.
02:13We do not want this West Bengal.
02:15The people of West Bengal,
02:17the people of West Bengal,
02:19the people of West Bengal,
02:21will say this.
