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Pobre novio Peru Capitulo 48 en Español Completo HD
Pobre novio Peru Capitulo 48 en Español Completo HD
Pobre novio Peru Capitulo 48 en Español Completo HD
Pobre novio Peru Capitulo 48 en Español Completo HD
Pobre novio Peru Capitulo 48 en Español Completo HD
Pobre novio Peru Capitulo 48 en Español Completo HD
Pobre novio Peru Capitulo 48 en Español Completo HD
00:00Si tengo que escoger
00:22Isabela, yo no me quiero separar de ti.
00:24Yo tampoco.
00:28They say time flies, right?
00:30And that's going to pass quickly.
00:32You have to trust.
00:34Let's trust that.
00:38Isabela, listen to me.
00:40I want you to know something
00:42and put it in your head, okay?
00:46You are my destiny.
00:50I don't care about anyone else.
00:52And don't forget that.
00:56I'll wait for you.
00:58I promise I'll wait for you.
01:00My love, I love you.
01:02I love you too.
01:12Wow, man!
01:14You look famous!
01:16Hey, how's it going?
01:18The audience is coming down, brother.
01:20All the girls have banners and shout,
01:22Santiago, I love you!
01:24I love you too.
01:28I told you this was going to be a success.
01:34Is something wrong?
01:36No, I'm going to get a glass of water.
01:38I'll be right back.
01:48Why did you buy a number?
01:50My love.
01:54It was just a joke.
01:56It was a joke, my love.
01:58It was to help
02:00the entrepreneurship of faith.
02:04I just wanted to help her.
02:06It's like when kids sell
02:08raffles at school
02:10and you buy them.
02:12It's to help them, not to win you the major prize,
02:14obviously, right?
02:16And what would happen
02:18if you won the prize?
02:20Our Chabelita gave it to me.
02:22Of course.
02:24With a ribbon and flowers.
02:26With a ribbon and flowers.
02:34It's time, brother.
02:48It's time.
03:04Let's welcome with ovation,
03:06with joy, with energy,
03:08the one and only,
03:10who is the boyfriend of Peru,
03:12Santiago Garcia!
03:14Come on, girls!
03:16Come on!
03:30Up, up, up!
03:32Applause! Come on, come on, come on!
03:34Extraordinary! There he is!
03:38Please, Santiago,
03:40enjoy this incredible moment!
03:42Look at him!
03:46Look at the joy of the people!
03:58This is incredible!
04:00Come on!
04:02No, no, no, no, no!
04:04Security! Security, please!
04:06Calm down, calm down, please!
04:08Calm down, for God's sake!
04:10Come on, Rio, girls!
04:12Come on!
04:16Come on, Santi!
04:18Come on, Santi!
04:20Come on, Santi!
04:24Hello, girls, how are you?
04:30The truth is that I'm very happy to be here.
04:32I'm very excited,
04:34but I look like a jelly, don't I?
04:36Well, well.
04:38You have reasons to be nervous, Santi.
04:40But here we have the recipe
04:42to get rid of your nerves, right, girls?
04:46They're the nerves of the moment, that's all.
04:48Of course, of course.
04:50Yes, poor thing. You're nervous about all this, aren't you?
04:52A little bit.
04:58you're a great friend of Santiago's.
05:00What do you think will end all this?
05:04Well, I don't know.
05:06You'll see.
05:08I only wish the best for my friend.
05:10I hope she's happy.
05:12I feel sorry for her.
05:14Santi! Santi!
05:26Incredible, thank you!
05:30No, really, this is incredible.
05:32Santiago, after this fateful episode
05:34you lived,
05:36I can't wait to have a full theater
05:38with so much love
05:40and with so many people who love you.
05:48The truth is
05:50I never thought I'd be here.
05:52But, well, it's what comes around
05:54that counts, right?
05:58What you said is true, Santiago.
06:00It's what comes around.
06:02But now, what will come around
06:04is a tumble.
06:06So I invite you to come by
06:08so you can be the one
06:10who chooses the only girlfriend
06:12Santiago will have
06:14because there will only be one
06:16and nothing else.
06:18So, girls,
06:20the moment I say Santiago
06:22the moment I announce
06:24this tumble will begin to move
06:26and when you press this button
06:28we'll know
06:30who will be the girlfriend of Peru!
06:46Let the tumble begin
06:48to move
07:22Sorry, what?
07:24That it's time you press the red button
07:26for the tumble to stop
07:28and we'll know the number of the winner!
07:30Go ahead!
07:34Yes, that's true. I'm sorry, I was a little distracted.
07:37It's the nerves.
07:38Don't worry. I understand completely.
07:40You just have to press the red button.
07:42Let's go.
07:47I found you and I'm not going to let you go.
07:50I'm not going to let you go.
07:51Did you hear that?
07:58What are you doing there?
07:59I don't know.
08:02Would you wait for me a year?
08:06I mean, remember what came out of the baguette.
08:10With love and patience, nothing is impossible.
08:15What do you say?
08:17Would you wait for me a year?
08:46What's going on?
08:52Come on, man.
08:55Come on, brother, you can do it.
09:08Very good, Santiago.
09:09Now we'll see who the winner is.
09:11Let's start with the first number.
09:13The first number is the number...
09:15It's the number...
09:17Number 0.
09:18The first number, 0.
09:19How is the expectation?
09:20How is everyone at home?
09:21How is everyone in the audience?
09:22Second number, it's number 3, number 3.
09:26We know only the two first numbers are missing.
09:28We only have four numbers left.
09:30The excitement is at its peak.
09:32Third number.
09:33One, zero, three, one.
09:36Zero, three, one.
09:37Let's go for the fourth number.
09:38Number one.
09:39Again, it's repeated.
09:40Zero, three, one, one.
09:42Fifth number.
09:43Let's see.
09:44Number four.
09:45We're one number away from knowing who Santiago's girlfriend will be.
09:48Let's see.
09:59Fifth number.
10:00Let's see.
10:01Number six.
10:02We have the complete number.
10:04Zero, three, one, one, four, six.
10:09Santiago, we have the number.
10:11Let's see if it's here, present in the auditorium.
10:15Let's see.
10:16Look at your numbers.
10:17Look at your tickets.
10:18Because you, or you, or you, or you, can be the winner.
10:23You can be Santiago's girlfriend, who is here with us.
10:27Look carefully.
10:28Maybe she's not here in the auditorium, but don't worry,
10:31because our headquarters is looking for the number to know why she can't be anywhere in the country.
10:39Look at your number.
10:40Maybe she's here in the auditorium.
10:42Let's see, please.
10:43Look at your number, Santiago.
10:45Maybe she's here with us.
10:46Let's see.
10:47Let's see where she is.
10:48Where will the winner be?
10:50Where will the winner be?
10:52One, two, three...
10:57It's been there, Santo.
11:01Over there.
11:02Over there, Santi.
11:04What happened?
11:05Who is it?
11:06That way, that way.
11:08Who's this?
11:10Where is she?
11:16Lora, you've been beat up.
11:19Yes, yes, there she is, the winner is here in the auditorium with us, Santiago, she is here.
11:27Come down, please, come, come.
11:34Very good, Santiago, and how does it feel, how are you at this moment?
11:38You are about to meet the one who is going to be the future girlfriend, the fortunate future girlfriend.
11:43Well, that's how luck is, right?
11:47Indeed, that's how luck is, and the luck we have had to have the lucky one here in the same auditorium,
11:55the only woman in all of Peru who is going to have the fortune of having the most desired boyfriend in Peru.
12:07And how long does the girlfriend take, are you sure she's in the room?
12:10Oh, thank you.
12:12This was what she needed, cheers for us and our great success.
12:18Long live the poor boyfriend.
12:26How are you?
12:27More or less, a little stressed, full of work.
12:31Yes, I understand you.
12:33Isa, and your glass?
12:35My head hurts.
12:37Well, take a paracetamol, this is going to last a long time.
12:39I'll get you one, okay?
12:41That's how I like it, well trained.
12:44Hey, don't forget that after the raffle we're going to the welcome dinner of the bride.
12:47I don't think I can go.
12:48Well, yes, Isa, you are my partner, and tomorrow begins the work of the wedding dress, the spa, the romantic dinner.
12:53I don't need you to tell me everything I have to do, I organized it, thank you.
12:56Oh, how sensitive.
12:57Oh, there comes the bride.
12:59I don't want to miss this.
13:24Very good, Santiago, there comes the winner, yes, there she comes.
13:27She's going to the stage, and here we have her, congratulations.
13:31What's your name?
13:33Alicia Aguilera, this is my ticket.
13:34Very good, Alicia, please allow me, I'm going to confirm with the notary.
13:37Yes, one second.
13:38Let's see, please.
13:39Mr. notary, please, this is the winning ticket.
13:42I need your consent.
13:43Do you agree?
13:45I agree.
13:46Do you agree?
13:47Thank you very much.
13:48So, from this moment on, we can say, Santiago, Alicia, that you are the official winner.
13:55But I haven't asked you where you're from.
13:57I'm from Paita.
13:58Greetings to Piura.
13:59Greetings to Piura, and greetings, of course, to all of Peru.
14:03Well, Alicia, you're in a very important moment.
14:06How does it feel, at this moment, to have the most desired boyfriend of Peru in front of you?
14:12I don't know, I'm a little nervous too, like the boyfriend.
14:16Peru deserves it!
14:30Well, I can imagine, I can imagine, but I'm not going to extend the time anymore,
14:34because, definitely, all of Peru has been waiting for this moment with a lot of expectation.
14:40So, we're going to present you officially, as it should be.
14:45Alicia, I present to you Santiago Garcia.
14:48Santiago Garcia, I present to you Alicia Aguilera, who will be your future wife!
14:58Nice to meet you, Alicia.
14:59How are you, Santiago?
15:06That's it, that's it, that's what we all want, a hug!
15:10That's it, now we have it, the expectation is over.
15:14We already have Santiago's girlfriend, Alicia is Santiago.
15:17Santiago and Alicia, the boyfriend of Peru, already have a future wife.
15:40That's it, that's it, that's what we all want, the expectation is over.
15:45We already have Santiago's girlfriend, Alicia is Santiago.
15:50Santiago and Alicia, the boyfriend of Peru, already have a future wife.
15:55Santiago and Alicia, the boyfriend of Peru, already have a future wife.
16:00Let's go.
16:08Isa, hello.
16:10Can I come in?
16:12Yes, of course, come in.
16:14Come in.
16:19I was just going to eat.
16:24What's wrong, Isa?
16:26Sorry, but I didn't know where to go.
16:29No, it's okay, this is your house.
16:33Monica, I know we're fighting and a lot has happened between us, but I need to talk to you.
16:40Oh, it's okay.
16:43Here I am.
16:45Here I am, my friend, here I am.
16:50What happened?
17:00Oh, I'm dead.
17:02Oh, me too.
17:03It would have been silly not to wait for Santiago to leave the auditorium.
17:07Oh, better not bother him, he was with his head in another, he wouldn't have listened to us.
17:11It doesn't matter, it was just to say hello.
17:13Also, that way we could have met the girl, even if it was from afar.
17:16Well, tomorrow with more tranquility we will get to know her better.
17:18Come have lunch, that's what Sara told us.
17:21The amount of letters that were outside, accounts and more accounts.
17:23Let's see, give me the little son.
17:25Hey, people went crazy on social media.
17:27So what do they say?
17:28The contest has become a trend on social media, people went crazy and Instagram was filled with memes.
17:32There are from congratulations to some troll saying that all this is a scam and star money.
17:36Oh well, people have the right to say what they want.
17:39Hey, the girl looked very pretty, right?
17:41At least from where we were.
17:43Tiny, little girl.
17:45I wish she was just as close.
17:47The important thing is that Santiago likes her.
17:50And it's from Paita, I love Paita.
17:53And it's from Paita, I love Paita.
17:55Oh, we're going to have to take a tour of the beaches.
17:58And eat?
18:00How delicious, but now I'm dying of hunger.
18:02I'm going for a very cold chichita.
18:16I think all this was pure hysterical chibolas laracas.
18:19And how bitter you are, son.
18:21So you're back now, right?
18:22What do you have?
18:23And everything turned out nice.
18:25The singers, the show and the girl.
18:27The pretty girl, the truth.
18:29And she looked very decent too, huh?
18:31That's because you saw her from afar.
18:33But from up close you can expect anything.
18:35In one of those, it's a psychopath and ends up dismembering Santi on the honeymoon.
18:40Please, Ivan, don't say nonsense.
18:41That is impossible.
18:43What do you think?
18:44That of the thousands of girls who bought their raffle.
18:47Precisely the winner, which is one.
18:50She's going to be a crazy finish.
18:53I don't know, to begin with, she was already there.
18:55She was already very eager, half obsessive, I think.
18:57Look, coming from Piura for the raffle.
19:00I don't know, I suspect she has one or the other screwed screw.
19:04Well, I do wish them the best, really.
19:07Anyway, this is like a romantic comedy with an ending.
19:10Oh yes, I love it.
19:11Do you like romantic comedies?
19:14But what awaits you as Marcos is not a romantic comedy.
19:17Tragedy and nothing else.
19:19How heavy you are, son.
19:22Stop it, then.
19:24You don't listen to him and you don't meddle.
19:27As the song says, life gives you surprises, surprises give you life.
19:32Oh my God.
19:33And if Santiago, who was a boy of the most normal,
19:35that the only thing he knew how to do was patch bicycle tires,
19:40and now he has a girlfriend and is tied to her,
19:43well, the sky is the limit.
19:45Sure, and my little sister with a man who could be her grandfather.
19:48Your sister is very happy with her King Arturo.
19:50Each sheep with his partner.
19:52I don't know.
19:53I think now she must be regretting having changed Santi for an old man.
20:02No, Rose.
20:03That woman has nothing to do with Santi.
20:05It shows in her eyes.
20:06I don't believe it, Miss Pamela.
20:08She had a nice face.
20:10Dead fly face, you say.
20:13She was nervous.
20:15It was noticeable that she was nervous.
20:18Rose, a woman who competes for a man without knowing him,
20:21all she wants is the major prize, nothing more.
20:24She is not interested in Santi.
20:25She wants the car, the mortgage, the gifts and the prizes of the sponsors.
20:30That's it.
20:31Well, there are so many women interested in the material that are out there.
20:35Oh yes, what a horror.
20:37Now she doesn't care about true love, Rose.
20:40Well, now that my Davidito comes, he will inform us of all the details.
20:44Jonitzito, Rose, Jonitzito.
20:47At once, learn it.
20:48But it happens to me.
20:50The one who has a lot to tell is my Chabelito.
20:53Yes, well, she was also at the event, right?
20:55Oh yes.
20:56How is the baby doing?
21:00No, nothing.
21:01Just a heart attack.
21:03A heart attack.
21:08Two hearts and it says that there is San Sebastian.
21:14I fell in love, Mona.
21:17And I fell in love like I've never done in my life.
21:19That's why I don't know what to do.
21:21Okay, cry.
21:22Cry everything you need.
21:24Don't stay with that sorrow.
21:26On top of that, Eduardo sends me to organize the wedding, the wedding night, everything.
21:32You didn't know?
21:34No, I don't talk to Eduardo anymore.
21:37Look, Isa, listen to me.
21:39This is a bad time that is going to happen.
21:43That marriage is not real, it is a business.
21:46And Santiago loves you.
21:50And he will be able to divorce in a year.
21:53Not everything is lost.
21:55It kills me to see him with others, Monica.
21:58Now in the auditorium he is a winner.
22:00The draw was embracing him.
22:01I wanted to die.
22:03What am I going to do when they are living together?
22:06I don't know if I'll be able to wait a year.
22:08Okay, but look, don't get ahead of yourself.
22:10Live one day at a time.
22:12If you think about the long term, maybe it's a lot, maybe it's overwhelming,
22:16but one day at a time is much more bearable.
22:18And time goes by so fast.
22:21I love him so much.
22:23Then hold on to that.
22:26If you really love each other, nothing will be able to separate you.
22:29If you really love each other, nothing will be able to separate you.
22:53The poor boyfriend!
22:59Let's go.
23:04Alicia, on behalf of the whole team, I want to welcome you.
23:09We are like a second family for Santiago.
23:12We have accompanied him throughout this process.
23:13We love you, Santiago.
23:16Let's go, Santiago.
23:18How are you?
23:19I'm Yoni, I'm his manager and I'm like his brother.
23:21Right, Sanchez?
23:22Hi, Yoni.
23:24Thank you all.
23:25I really feel very welcome.
23:26I still can't believe I'm here.
23:28But thank you.
23:29Cheers to everyone.
23:31Cheers to everyone.
23:39It's weird to shake your hand, but is it okay?
23:43Yes, of course.
23:44Whenever you want.
23:48Is someone missing?
23:50Isabela, my partner.
23:51I shaved her head, but one day you will have time to meet her.
23:54You will love it.
24:02Do you want a drink?
24:05Santiago, Santiago.
24:06Can I take a selfie with you?
24:09Yes, of course, of course.
24:11Gentleman, gentleman.
24:12He jumped into the safe.
24:15How cute.
24:18Baptized, Alicia, with the selfie stick.
24:29Oh my God.
24:36Do you feel better?
24:39Do you want me to make you an apple pie?
24:41I have the real one.
24:44And I have some chocolate cookies.
24:46Chocolate always helps.
24:49Don't go.
24:51Oh, here I am.
24:52Forgive me for coming without warning.
24:54No, I'm glad you came.
24:58Isa, you are like my sister.
25:01And these last few weeks without talking have been horrible.
25:04I miss you.
25:06I miss you too.
25:11Isa, forgive me.
25:14I screwed up.
25:16I screwed up.
25:18I screwed up.
25:20I screwed up.
25:22I screwed up.
25:26But I need you to understand that I'm still your friend.
25:31Even though I screwed up.
25:34Don't worry.
25:42Are you still seeing Eduardo?
25:44Are you together?
25:47No, in fact, I haven't seen him in a long time.
25:50And from what you're telling me, it seems like it's getting worse.
25:54I think sending you to organize the wedding is evil.
26:01What happens, Mona, if Santiago starts to like this girl?
26:05And he falls in love with her?
26:07Okay, sit down.
26:09Listen to me.
26:10Stop that crazy head of yours.
26:12Because that's not going to happen.
26:14Santiago is in love with you.
26:16Yes, but they're going to live together.
26:19And what if this girl ends up being the most wonderful woman in the world?
26:24Well, that's you.
26:26But what if it happens?
26:28What if he falls in love with her?
26:30Look, that's the worst scenario.
26:31But if that happens, it means it's not worth waiting for.
26:35And that's it.
26:37To the next one.
26:38To enjoy life.
26:39Yes, but I don't want anyone else.
26:40I want him.
26:42I know.
26:43Don't get like that.
26:44Don't get like that.
26:50Look, Isa.
26:51Every time your crazy little head wants to take you to those dark places,
26:56you have to remember that this is not a real marriage.
26:59I mean, it's real in the legal sense, but it's not real.
27:04Do you understand me?
27:06And you have to breathe.
27:09And calm down, repeat yourself.
27:12It's not a real marriage.
27:15It's not a real marriage.
27:17It's not a real marriage.
27:19As if it were a mantra.
27:21And you're not alone.
27:23I'm with you and I'm going to accompany you and we're going to have a good time.
27:27We're going to laugh again and we're going to repeat together a thousand times.
27:31It's not a real marriage.
27:34I love you.
27:37I love you.
27:41I love you.
27:46It's not a real marriage.
28:12And if I have to be, I stay, I stay with you.
28:16And if I come back.
28:22They already arrived at the journalist and the photographer.
28:25Please receive them.
28:26Guys, let's take the first official photo of the boyfriends.
28:30The team is arriving.
28:31Oh, it's Sancus.
28:32This is a reality.
28:33Good evening.
28:34Welcome, welcome.
28:35Welcome, welcome.
28:36How are you? Nice to meet you.
28:37Please sit down, sit down.
28:39Let's see, please, the couple.
28:44How are you?
28:45More calm?
28:46You looked very nervous in the auditorium.
28:49Yes, well, it was not for less.
28:52Well, and that shows how serious Santiago takes the issue of commitment.
28:58And your Alicia, congratulations.
29:03What does it feel like to be the future wife of the boyfriend of Peru?
29:06It's like a dream for me.
29:08I still can't believe I won.
29:11You beat thousands and thousands of women.
29:13And that I never win.
29:16But this time it was fate.
29:17Since I saw it for the first time on TV, I loved it and I knew it was for me.
29:22Although I still can't believe I won.
29:26How were you in the auditorium?
29:27That was luck and coincidence.
29:30I call it fate.
29:31And thank God for him.
29:33And you, Santiago?
29:34What do you think of your flamboyant girlfriend?
29:39Well, I think she's a very funny, nice girl.
29:42And I have to get to know the lady a little more.
29:44Alicia, Alicia.
29:47Cheers for Alicia, please.
29:48Cheers, cheers.
29:52Now, Pancho.
29:53Now, please, the couple.
29:55Come on in, please.
29:57Let's see, smile.
29:58Guys, this is all on the cover.
30:00So don't let me down.
30:27I have in a notebook so many songs.
30:31It has your name and I have reasons to look for you and talk to you again.
30:38I wrote in that notebook without more reasons.
30:43I love children and sports.
30:47In fact, I was in the athletics team and I'm almost going to the Rio 2016 Olympics.
30:53But I was a little afraid of the competitions.
30:56So I decided to choose to study something much calmer.
31:00And physical education was the perfect career.
31:04I can't imagine doing anything else.
31:06Well, let's talk in your family, please.
31:11Oh, how will that dinner be?
31:13I can't wait to see my face.
31:15The face of the girl, you will say.
31:17How will it be, right?
31:18Well, as long as I'm not crazy enough.
31:21We are going to take Alicia to a hotel and Santiago is going to his house.
31:24For tomorrow we have a breakfast scheduled with the press in the office.
31:27Lunch at the in-laws' house.
31:29And at night, the romantic dinner of the couple.
31:31And the most important thing is right now.
31:34In two days, the big wedding.
31:42Hello, how are you?
31:48Hey Isa, I was worried about you.
31:50Why didn't you go to dinner?
31:52It's just that I didn't feel like it.
31:54But everything okay?
31:56How is your girlfriend?
31:57Good morning, dear partner. What happened yesterday?
31:59You left us stranded.
32:00I told you my head hurt.
32:02Well, you missed it because it was incredible.
32:04This girl, Alicia, is top, top.
32:07She's pretty, nice, smart.
32:09Also very photogenic.
32:10It seems that we would have chosen her.
32:12You will love it when you meet her.
32:16Good morning.
32:17Pretty people, how are you?
32:19I came to pick up the boyfriend from Peru.
32:20Oh, please, what elegance, gentleman.
32:23And you smell delicious.
32:25When you stop with the famous, you have to be up to it.
32:28That's right.
32:29Aunt Vilma, Sarita called me to tell me that the production people
32:31is going to communicate with you to coordinate everything about lunch.
32:36Oh, I think if we patch up a little bit,
32:38because the table is big, we can all go in, right?
32:40And at what time are you going?
32:41I have no idea.
32:43Why are you asking me?
32:45Oh, just in case I remember to take a walk around there.
32:47Pamela, please, no.
32:48Ay mamita, ya cálmate.
32:50¿Cómo se te ocurre que me voy a meter en la casa del ex?
32:52Ni que estuviera loca.
32:54Ay, hija.
