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(Adnkronos) - Innocenzo Cipolletta, presidente dell'Aie, spiega perché nel panorama finanziario questo settore è particolare e cosa conta davvero.


00:00Well, finance accompanies companies and allows them to make technological leaps,
00:06dimensional leaps, to make aggregations.
00:10Obviously, for finance to be able to play this role,
00:14it is necessary for the company to have a certain dimension.
00:17Now, the editorial company market is a very varied market in Italy,
00:23because we go from listed companies to the stock market,
00:27to companies that use finance continuously for their activities,
00:32to companies of a certain dimension, also not listed,
00:35so not public, but private,
00:38to many companies that have an artisanal characteristic.
00:43Now, we must remember that in editorial activity,
00:46the human presence, the presence of the publisher,
00:50which cultivates the relationship with the author,
00:53is still extremely important.
00:56This means that many realities that exist in our world are small.
01:00For this reason, it is difficult for finance to intervene.
01:04As the sector grows, it can certainly favor aggregation processes
01:10and, above all, processes of introduction of technological innovation,
01:14because this, let's say, imposes investments of a certain dimension.
