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00:00Welcome to Mojo Plays, and today we're taking a look at the 10 toughest bosses we've ever
00:12endured across the Dragon Quest franchise.
00:24Before we begin, we publish new videos all week long, so be sure to subscribe to Mojo
00:28Plays and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
00:33Gorzbe Purvis – Dragon Quest IX, Sentinels of the Starry Skies
00:38Normally, a cat with a giant sword would be the most adorable thing we've seen, next
00:47to your average slime of course.
00:49On the contrary, this dude's a flippin' nightmare.
00:52Thing about Gorzbe Purvis is that he loves to spam Hatchet Man.
00:56For those who may have forgotten, this skill functions similarly to the Executioner skill,
01:01which gives the user a 50-50 chance in landing a critical hit or whiffing entirely.
01:13Your only hope is to either farm a crazy ton of XP to mitigate the damage, or find the
01:19Secrets of the Shield scroll to equip onto one of your party members.
01:22Either way, you're going to have to suffer through not just one, but two fights with
01:27Gorzbe Purvis.
01:28Prepare to sweat.
01:36Estark – Dragon Quest V, Hand of the Heavenly Bride
01:47Though Estark has appeared in a handful of Dragon Quest games, the fight against him
01:51in Dragon Quest V is the one that's forever burned into our brains.
01:56The Lord of the Underworld is not one to take a breather, not to buff his abilities, nor
02:00to heal himself.
02:01Sounds like he should be easier than we're making it sound, but therein lies the problem
02:05with Estark.
02:06He's nothing but offense.
02:15In addition to getting two actions per turn, Estark only has a 33% chance of succumbing
02:21to Kasnu's or any sort of stun attacks.
02:24Even if you do land it, he's only down for one turn.
02:28The best advice we can offer is to have someone healing people almost every turn.
02:41Pissarro the Manslayer – Dragon Quest IV, Chapters of the Chosen
02:54You know the meme where a final boss says, this isn't even my final form, several times
02:59in the same fight?
03:00Well, you can thank Pissarro the Manslayer for that.
03:03As the final boss of Dragon Quest IV, Pissarro subjects you to a whopping seven different
03:10Each one changing his patterns and strategies.
03:18Thankfully, many of the tactics he uses come from bosses you fought way earlier in the
03:28The only difference here is that he hits harder than they did, and he boasts way more HP than
03:33they did.
03:34That said, make sure you're wearing the best armor possible before you go bringing
03:38down this monster.
03:47Darksteel Dragon – Dragon Quest VIII, Journey of the Cursed King
03:58Expect to see more super bosses as we progress further into the list.
04:02And while the Darksteel Dragon may not be as tough as our impending entries, he's
04:06still incredibly difficult.
04:08Much like the fight against Pissarro, the whole boss fight here will be a test of endurance
04:13more than anything else.
04:14See, the big issue with the Darksteel Dragon is that he is resistant to almost every attack
04:20you can throw at him.
04:21Your best options in trying to deal with him quickly are to take your chances with critical
04:25attacks, like Hatchet Man-slash-Executioner, and give your party as many evasion bonuses
04:31as possible.
04:40Don't even waste your time buffing every other turn, Disruptive Wave will nullify all
04:44of that the second you cast it.
04:58Nocturnus – Dragon Quest IX, Sentinels of the Starry Skies
05:15Of all of the legacy bosses you can fight against in Dragon Quest IX, Nocturnus will
05:19be the ultimate challenge for you.
05:21And if you struggled fighting him in Dragon Quest VI, well, you may find yourself with
05:26a shorter fuse here than you did there.
05:28Not only does he come with the annoying Disruptive Wave and Hatchet Man attacks to spam, he can
05:33also recover all of his MP in a single move, and STILL take two additional actions per
05:50And if you have to revive someone at any given point, consider the fight over, as Nocturnus
05:54will become enraged whenever you revive one of your party members.
05:58Yeah, it's a whole fight built on total BS.
06:11Aemon – Dragon Quest VI, Realms of Revolution
06:21Oh look everyone, it's another boss with multiple annoying forms!
06:25In all honesty, Aemon isn't irritating to deal with because of his attacks, necessarily.
06:30Sure, he carries the infuriating stuff you'd expect like Disruptive Wave, Lullabye, and
06:35an ever-changing list of elemental spells to use every form.
06:39However, much of the frustration is how he'll almost randomly take two actions every turn,
06:44while each form nets him a higher health pool, higher defense stats, and even higher offense
06:49Basically, it's another test of endurance that will most likely see you with very few
07:00items remaining by the time you reach his fourth phase.
07:09Malroth – Dragon Quest II, Luminaries of the Legendary Line
07:22It was only a matter of time before the God of Destruction appeared on our list, although
07:26it isn't just the original NES version that will give you a hard time.
07:30Though Malroth is a challenge in the original game, the remakes of Dragon Quest II made
07:35him grueling to fight.
07:36Bull Heel, Kasap, and Kabuff will make him a true force to be reckoned with, and worse,
07:42he has an infinite supply of MP.
07:45It makes sense with him being a god and all, but as a boss in a video game, it's an agonizing
07:50battle from the very second it starts.
07:58The King of Calamity – Dragon Quest X, Rise of the Five Tribes Online
08:04Say, this guy looks familiar.
08:19Is this just S.T.A.R.K. with a more menacing appearance?
08:21No, this guy is much, much worse.
08:25The King of Calamity boasts an intimidating arsenal of spells and attacks, like Lightning
08:29Storm, Total War Cry, Eldritch Eclipse, and many more.
08:34And that isn't even the least of your troubles.
08:36Just like a few of our previous entries, the King of Calamity has another phase.
08:41Good news, his second phase is also his last.
08:44Bad news, his HP, offense, and defense stats get a major, major increase.
08:50And if you somehow manage to reach that final phase, beware of King's Combo as it could
08:55potentially end your game.
09:07The End of Time – Dragon Quest XI, Echoes of an Elusive Age
09:19Dragon Quest XI may be the best game in the franchise, but it is also the hardest game
09:24in the franchise, especially if you first played the game on the Nintendo 3DS.
09:28Case in point, The End of Time.
09:30Once a boss exclusive to the 3DS version, End of Time comes packing many spells you
09:35may not have much experience with.
09:37Steel Time, Final Flame, Flames of Darkness, and Party Pooper can make quick work of your
09:43party members if you're not careful.
09:45Adding to the frustration is how End of Time takes three whole actions per turn.
09:51And yet, somehow, despite all of the nonsense he's packing here, there is still one other
09:56boss way more difficult than someone called End of Time.
10:11Time Worm – Dragon Quest XI, Echoes of an Elusive Age, Definitive Edition
10:26The only way you can encounter Time Worm is if you surpass End of Time while playing the
10:30Definitive Edition of Dragon Quest XI.
10:33Time Worm is essentially two superbosses in one as you have to attack both its head and
10:39its tail, both boasting their own obscenely high stats and both able to take two actions
10:44in a single turn each.
11:01Whereas most of the bosses on our list do have a cheese method you can exploit with
11:04Yggdrasil's Blessing, there is no cheese strategy for Time Worm.
11:09You have to fight him to the best of your ability while making sure you aren't wasting
11:12mana when he doubles your MP cost.
11:15With Dragon Quest XII on the way, we have to wonder how the developers will top this
11:20absurdly high challenge of a superboss.
11:30What's the hardest Dragon Quest boss you've endured?
11:32Let us know down in the comments, and be sure to subscribe to Mojo Plays for more great
11:36videos every day.