• 4 days ago
01:40Dime que no pasa nada malo
01:43Tranquilo no tienes por qué preocuparte
01:47Como no paran de pasar cosas últimamente
01:53un poco agobiado
01:55En realidad todos estamos igual
01:58Si lo piensas bien en el fondo nos lo hemos buscado nosotros tienes razón que es verdad todo es culpa mía
02:06Me ayudaste is yo se estoy poniendo en peligro lo hecho hecho está si todos te ayudamos es por algo vale
02:18He venido para preguntarte algo
02:23Por las acciones que adquirí de la empresa
02:27Dime me gustaría venderlas que
02:36Vale venderselas aquí
02:39Había pensado en ti primero porque sé que querías comprarlas
02:46Que sorpresa no imaginaba que las venderías
02:50Por qué lo vas a hacer por sefnam o sea que te lo pidió ella no no tienen nada que ver
02:59Hacerle una sorpresa vale ah
03:04Qué opinas
03:08Por supuesto podría hacerlo según tengo entendido la empresa no está muy bien
03:13No está generando muchos beneficios así que lo haré claro genial
03:18Te vendré todas las acciones a ti bien con una condición
04:00No vuelva a hacer un viaje tan largo con vosotras
04:11Qué hacemos aquí
04:12Decidme qué pasa que esperabas de bien que te matáramos en un almacén abandonado
04:18Se me ha pasado por la cabeza
04:20Habría conseguido salvarme
04:24Estamos en casa de aisel vaya hoy te noto bastante avistada si lo hubieras estado un poquito antes seguramente no estarías aquí
04:32Debo darle la razón a melissa no sé si recuerdas todos los errores que has cometido
04:41Supongo que quieres que te pida perdón no pasará nunca
04:47Ahora no pero algo me dice que lo acabarás haciendo
04:56Finito de dem corta el rollo ya no me imaginaba que tuvieras tan mal perder sabes
05:02podéis hacerme el favor de callaros ya y decirme que hacemos en casa de aisel vas a entrar en huelga de
05:07Hambre porque tú eres la gallina de los huevos de oro sabes mucha suerte
05:31Aquí tiene muchas gracias gracias de nada
05:38Mi querida es el mes me has visto que bien me sienta el postpartum como me alegro de ver la señora bienvenida
05:47Me apetece un café enseguida te lo ponemos hija un momento vamos en taos
05:53Didem ponte cómoda
05:59Nesmi podría servirnos tres cafés más por favor seguido es mi cielo ponme un sorbete de postpartum señora
06:06Oye, tú ya no estás embarazada ni de postpartum
06:11Aisel no lo entiendo ellas han venido a
06:15Comisaría y supongo que me han dejado libre gracias a ti querías contarme algo
06:23Supongo que te estarás preguntando qué narices está pasando aquí no
06:27Porque hasta ahora me tenías amenazada y pensabas que cedería ante tu chantaje eternamente
06:35Te ha estado amenazando
06:40Mira quien habla vale calmémonos
06:43Cuéntaselo todo
06:50después de los últimos
06:51acontecimientos en casa honor ya no quiere vivir contigo
06:56perdóname he expresado mal
06:58honor no quiere estar contigo él ya no quiere verte ni en lugares públicos
07:03ni en privado ni en parques ni en pintura en fin que mi hijo no quiere volver a verte
07:08Hmm ya me imagino que le costaba decirme lo él mismo y por eso te lo pidió a ti
07:16Hay didem si dejaras hablar a la reina y se lo entenderías todo quieres callarte de una vez
07:23pues podrías callarte tú para empezar
07:26aisel dice que se acabó didem honor ya no quiere saber nada de que te ha echado de casa
07:34Pero no te dejaré con las manos vacías
07:38O como pesa
07:52Esto que es dinero ahí tienes una cantidad de dinero más que suficiente para rehacer tu vida dinero
08:08Me estás ofreciendo dinero para que me divorcie de honor
08:14Es algo muy típico de ti aisel pero es mi vida no la tuya
08:20cariño de verdad crees que permitiría que te casarás con honor gumuscho
08:30Aisel no recuerdas que estuviste en la boda claro que sí hay un certificado oficial claro
08:41Dime más lo que quieras con ese documento puedes enmarcarlo
08:47Y colgarlo en la pared de tu casa
08:51El papel es falso
08:57No puede ser
08:59como no te diste cuenta en cuanto vio ese certificado me di cuenta de que era falso lo comprobé con mi propia saliva y
09:05Después se lo conté todo a sevnam en resumen lo que te queremos decir di dem es que aisel te tomó el pelo te ha engañado
09:13No existe tal matrimonio ni tal certificado era mentira deep fake
09:19Yo no lo habría dicho mejor
09:22Qué tú nunca ha sido de la familia gumuscho
09:29Y nunca lo serás
09:40Vale y más muchas gracias hasta luego gracias
09:45Qué tal
09:48Sefnam no ha presentado cargos al final que
09:51Bora le ha conseguido un permiso pero si hablé con bora y no me avisó de nada
09:58Porque no quiere denunciarla porque quería arreglarlo a su manera
10:02Para meter a la policía no sé ni para qué pregunto di dem se lo tenía merecido se ha pasado
10:13Buenas buenas tardes todo bien bora
10:17Dígame ha salido si buenas semanas quería hablar con ella pero ahora no sé adónde ha ido ni por qué
10:24ni lo sabré
10:26Ya lo veremos
10:28Cómo va el papel ya está todo listo
10:32Mesut ya he hablado con su abogado tiene que firmar aquí y ya nos encargaremos del resto en la notaría
10:40Parece que está todo bien
10:43Vamos a firmarlo vale
10:58Pues ya estaría les doy la enhorabuena a los dos
11:04Espero que te vaya bien
11:12Me parece que no se encuentra muy bien
11:44O sea que lo sabíais desde el principio
11:51Os habéis estado riendo de mí a mis espaldas no no yo lo planeé todo
11:57Ella se enteraron después pero tranquila de verdad no te preocupes coge el dinero y vive tu vida como quieras
12:06creo que deberías hacerle caso a ese coge el dinero
12:11no olvides el favor que te ha hecho
12:18Ya ves un pedazo de favor
12:22habéis visto la cara que se le ha quedado al ver el dinero os lo dije
12:27Pues que sepas que no sólo me importa el dinero
12:34coge el dinero has arruinado tu reputación y será peor cuando descubran que el matrimonio es falso
12:42ponle fin a esta guerra de una vez y encima te pagan después de lo que le has hecho a ser
12:48Nam yo les dije que no te lo me decías que no deberían ofrecerte tanto pero no quisieron escucharme
12:55Bueno Didem, ¿aceptas la oferta?
13:03Me pica un poco la curiosidad
13:07¿A qué viene tanta valentía de repente?
13:10Parece que hayáis olvidado que sé lo de Demir no sé si tenéis en cuenta que si hablo os destrozaré la vida
13:19No sé qué quieres decir con eso exactamente pero ¿cómo pretendías hacerlo?
13:24Cuenta cuenta queremos saberlo
13:27¿De verdad pensabas que permitiría que te casaras con mi hijo?
13:31Ya me he encargado de destruir las pruebas así que borrón y cuenta nueva lo siento mucho
13:39Esto te pasa por fingir que eres alguien que nunca ha sido
13:45Vete a algún sitio donde no pueda encontrarte y no vuelvas más
13:54Decídete, ¿te llevas el maletín?
14:15Recordad este día
14:22Porque no seréis felices nunca más
14:27Didem, ¿por qué sigues intentando amenazarnos? Vete ya, esto se ha terminado ¿vale?
14:50Se ha ido
14:52¿Se le ha olvidado cogerlo o es que no lo quiere?
14:57¿Prefiere tragarse el orgullo que aceptar el dinero?
15:00Melissa, todo lo que le ha pasado ha sido por orgullo
15:04No lo toques
15:06Melissa, ¿qué narices estás haciendo?
15:08Aisel, deja que lo cuente un poco, porfa
15:10Sé perfectamente cuánto dinero hay ahí, Melissa, estate quieta
15:14¿Podrías dejarle un poquito a tu nieta?
15:16Quería comprarle joyas con tu dinero
15:18Todavía no me explico cómo puede ser tan avariciosa después de todo
15:22Ay, ya le compraré algo, ¿a qué vienen esas prisas?
15:25¿No paras de pedir y de pedir?
15:28¡Ah! ¡Nesmí!
15:31Escóndelo bien, anda
15:35Que no lo encuentren
15:41Vas a volverme loca
15:46¿Qué pasa?
15:48¿Qué pasa?
15:50¿Qué pasa?
15:52¿Qué pasa?
15:54¿Qué pasa?
15:56¿Qué pasa?
15:58¿Qué pasa?
16:00¿Qué pasa?
16:02¿Qué pasa?
16:04¿Qué pasa?
16:06¿Qué pasa?
16:08¿Qué pasa?
16:10¿Qué pasa?
16:12¿Qué pasa?
16:14¿Qué pasa?
16:26Honor, dime la verdad
16:28Digem no sabe dónde está enterrado, ¿verdad?
16:31Necesito saberlo
16:33No lo sabe, mamá, ¿cómo iba a decírselo?
16:36¿Estás seguro?
16:38No me gustaría tener que mover la tumba
16:40Quiero, quiero tener a mi hijo cerca de mí
16:43I haven't told her anything, really. I promise, mom.
16:46She wouldn't be able to.
16:48Trust me.
17:07You're not coming home with me?
17:12Go on. I'll stay a little longer.
17:19What's wrong?
17:21Nothing, Didem. Nothing's wrong.
17:24But I want to be alone.
17:39Mayit, I'm Didem. Where are you?
17:56There's something you should know.
18:00Congratulations, girls!
18:09We finally got rid of Didem once and for all, didn't we?
18:13Of course we did.
18:14She can't do anything to us now that it's over.
18:17Are you sure, Aizel?
18:20I'm a little worried about the threat she's put on us.
18:25But like I said, there's no proof.
18:29Are you sure?
18:30But didn't you see that she was just trying to intimidate us all, FNAM?
18:35Forget about her.
18:36I hope you're right.
18:40I wasn't expecting a fake wedding.
18:42I must admit, it was a great idea.
18:45Of course. Who said it was easy to be a queen?
18:50Aizel, I had a really bad time at first.
18:52I couldn't believe that slut was an agumushu and I wasn't.
18:56If you had let me, I would have thought it was a little ugly.
18:59I wouldn't let you, Melissa. And I didn't if it was over.
19:02That's it.
19:04I don't want to know anything else about Didem.
19:06You can do whatever you want.
19:08You go with your daughter.
19:10And you have a honeymoon, don't you?
19:13From now on, we're free women.
19:18Thank you, Aizel. Really.
19:20You could have betrayed us.
19:22Especially me, but you didn't. Thank you.
19:25What did you think?
19:27That I would be able to betray you to save Honor?
19:34Come on.
19:36It's true that you and I have never gotten along.
19:39I admit it, but...
19:41Actually, there's something I really admire about you.
19:44You're a mother.
19:46The mother of my grandchildren.
19:48I'm really sorry.
19:50I feel like you had to do something like that.
19:54I mean it from the bottom of my heart, Sefnam.
19:57Aizel, please, don't worry.
19:59I don't want to see you so sad ever again.
20:04I admit I've been cruel at times.
20:06I'm sorry.
20:09Even if none of you is a Gomucho,
20:12know that your children are.
20:16Please, never forget.
20:18No matter what happens,
20:20you'll always be part of the family.
20:25I love you so much.
20:29Aizel, my dear.
20:31I love you so much.
20:35We love you, right?
20:37We love you.
20:38We love you.
20:41Do you remember when you asked me
20:44if I ever loved you,
20:46if you ever cared about me,
20:48or if I ever cared about you?
20:50Do you remember?
20:52Hey, you never ask me that, Sefnam.
20:55Melissa, wait a minute.
20:56Don't ruin this, okay?
20:59Yes, Aizel, I remember.
21:01I remember you telling me you never loved me.
21:08I lied to you.
21:12I lived...
21:14I lived precious moments by your side.
21:18But obviously,
21:19it took me much longer than I expected to accept it.
21:26I also cared about you, Aizel.
21:29I remember those moments.
21:32Oh, you're so cute.
21:34Please, I want a group hug right now.
21:37Come on.
21:38Come on, come here.
21:40I just gave birth.
21:42Yes, you too.
21:43Come here.
21:49There you go.
21:50Come on.
21:52Melissa, come on.
21:53Go take care of your daughter.
21:55Come on, hurry up.
21:56Come on, react.
21:58Come on, I'm a mother.
21:59Of course you are.
22:00Hurry up, Melissa.
22:01Run, run.
22:02And you just got married.
22:04Come on, run too.
22:06Get out of my face.
22:07You're so naughty.
22:08Come on, leave me alone.
22:10Come on.
22:12Hurry up.
22:24I'm so jealous.
22:26I've never felt so jealous.
22:30Dear Melissa.
22:31Listen to me carefully, king of gossip and whores.
22:35I have news for you.
22:37I love news.
22:38Come on, tell me.
22:48What are you telling me?
22:50Are you serious, Melissa?
22:53That's great news, Melissa.
22:55You don't know how much I love you.
22:57I love you so much.
22:58I'm hanging up now.
23:00Girls, girls.
23:01I have a piece of news for you.
23:03I found out something that you won't believe.
23:06What is it?
23:07Come on, tell me.
23:08Don't start with that.
23:09We're dealing with the mysteries.
23:10Let go of him.
23:11Shut up, lizard.
23:12Remember that you have to pay for everything you did.
23:17I'm telling you.
23:18Are you ready?
23:19Yes, we are.
23:20Didem Gomuchu is not Didem Gomuchu.
23:25What do you mean by that?
23:26I don't understand.
23:27I know it's hard to understand, girls.
23:29Do you remember that Didem married Onuki?
23:31Yes, of course.
23:32It turns out that they didn't get married.
23:34Because queen Aizel planned a fake wedding.
23:37Which means that our Didemoshan is still Didemoshan.
23:43Come on.
23:44What an idea Aizel had.
23:47It's the demon in person.
23:49What an idea.
23:50I can't wait to tell everyone.
23:55Come on.
23:56But why?
23:57It's not the right time.
24:07I'm fed up with this story.
24:09Tell me now.
24:10What did you want to tell me?
24:16What's wrong?
24:27Okay, I'll tell you.
24:31Demir is dead.
24:34Everyone lies to him, even his beloved Aizel.
24:40I'm tired of you telling so many lies.
24:42This is the last time you do it.
24:44Do you remember where you and Aizel planted the flowers?
24:50Well, that's where his son is.
24:57What are you saying?
25:00It's impossible.
25:02My son is alive.
25:03He's dead.
25:12Onur killed him.
25:15Sefnam helped him bury him.
25:18And Mesut and Melisa know it too.
25:23I swear I'll kill you.
25:27It's over.
25:29Do it.
25:33Kill me.
25:36I don't care what happens to me anymore.
25:41Do what you have to do.
25:43So if you want to go to the police and tell them everything, you have green light.
26:14It seems that my husband is in a good mood.
26:17I don't even remember the last time I was this calm.
26:24I'm glad to hear that.
26:25And me.
26:28They told me that Melisa and you went to Port Dilemma.
26:31Why? What are you up to?
26:33Come on, you can't escape.
26:35Aizel wanted to talk to her.
26:38She told him that they actually didn't get married.
26:41She almost attacked him.
26:43So you didn't do anything to him, did you?
26:50It was hard for me to hold back.
26:53Especially when he tried to take my children away from me.
26:56No, I couldn't do it.
26:59He's still someone important to me.
27:02I'm glad.
27:04If you had hurt him, I'm sure you'd feel guilty.
27:09I think you'd suffer a lot.
27:14Give me a drink.
27:18It's good, isn't it?
27:24You know, I'm proud of you.
27:27I'm glad to know that my wife...
27:30...is becoming a wonderful person.
27:33The best, without a doubt.
27:36That's why I wanted to give you a surprise.
27:40May I?
27:42A surprise?
27:43Come with me.
27:44Where to?
27:45Would you please be a little patient?
27:50Where are you taking me? Give me a clue.
27:53You'll see.
27:57What are we doing here?
27:59Have you prepared anything for me, Nurito?
28:02Yes, well, let's say you've helped me.
28:05But the idea has been mine.
28:08Well, what's the surprise?
28:12I've bought the house.
28:15Now it's yours.
28:21From now on, no one will take your children anywhere.
28:26No one will kick you out. I won't allow it.
28:29Are you serious?
28:35Thank you very much.
28:42Thank you very much.
28:49How did you convince Nur? He was in love with this house.
28:53I sold him my shares of Gomuscu, Holden.
28:57The only condition was that part of the payment was this house, and that's it.
29:02I'm glad I didn't burn the house down in the end.
29:07And your parents can stay in the other house.
29:12It's a deal.
29:14You had it all planned out.
29:17How did you come up with it?
29:21I don't know.
29:23The first time they tried to kick you out, I didn't understand your reaction.
29:29I thought you were exaggerating because we have another house.
29:35But I know this is where you want to be.
29:40It's the place where you feel most comfortable.
29:44Your home.
29:48That's right.
29:50But the most important thing for me is you.
29:53My children and you.
29:55I'll live wherever you are.
29:56I know.
29:58As I told you, no one can take your home from you.
30:03You'll be happy in your home.
30:05I'm sure I will.
30:07But I won't be happy living alone.
30:09I'll live here with my children and you, Mesut.
30:18Thank you for everything.
30:35Devir is dead.
30:38Everyone is lying to him.
30:40Even his beloved Aysel.
30:44Remember the place where you and Aysel put the flowers?
30:52That's where his son is.
31:05Shefnam helped him bury him.
31:08Mesut and Melisa know it too.
31:11It's beautiful, isn't it?
31:17Everything you touch becomes beautiful, Aysel.
31:28Tell me, why did you want to change this part now?
31:31Well, it was for you.
31:33Because you said that the colors didn't match.
31:36That the flowers mixed all their smells.
31:39So it's as you wanted.
31:41Well, well.
31:43You have a special affection for him, Aysel.
31:45I've noticed.
31:47You're always here when I come.
31:50It's true.
31:52I love this place.
31:54I always come when I need to breathe a little.
31:57Well, let's put a pergola here.
31:59No, no.
32:01We can come for coffee.
32:03Come for breakfast.
32:05Oh, it's not necessary.
32:07I think it's fine as it is.
32:11I want us to come.
32:14Even if it's just once.
32:16To take care of the plants.
32:17And have a cup of coffee.
33:18It's over.
33:21It's over.
33:23You're nothing to me.
33:43Didem Ostean's marriage turned out to be fake.
33:58From now on, be more careful.
34:01I'll never forget what you've done to me.
34:18Oh, my God.
34:20Tell me what your secret is.
34:22I want to know what you've done to Mesut.
34:24Have you bewitched him or something?
34:26He'd do anything for you.
34:30This person never ceases to amaze me.
34:33He bought me the house.
34:35Can you believe it?
34:37As soon as he realized that I had a bad time, he bought it for me.
34:39What did he buy you?
34:41The milk?
34:43I can't believe it.
34:44He doesn't like to be around people.
34:48No one has ever loved you.
34:50And now you have to show up to make up for it.
34:54You're a very lucky girl.
34:59Sometimes I think I don't deserve it.
35:01What do you mean?
35:03I don't know. I'm afraid it's all over.
35:05I'm afraid he'll leave me one day.
35:07Or that he'll stop loving me so much.
35:09I don't know.
35:11Don't be so dramatic, woman.
35:12Enjoy it while it lasts.
35:14You should show your husband what you've got.
35:16What you've got.
35:18What you've got.
35:20So, it's final?
35:22Of course it's final.
35:24It's practically perfect, I'd say.
35:26How can he have such high expectations?
35:28It makes me want to die.
35:30To think about it.
35:32What a boring person.
35:34I'd be nervous to be with someone like that.
35:36Are you jealous?
35:38Why would I be jealous for the love of God?
35:40I'm not jealous at all.
35:42But he's putting a lot of pressure on me.
35:44And it frustrates me.
35:46I feel sorry for the men.
35:48He's leaving them on the floor.
35:50He's beating them up.
35:52You think so?
35:54You have no idea how lucky you are.
35:56You're not aware that this guy is a big shot, Sebo.
35:59You just had to leave that businessman in the lurch.
36:04I'm so angry.
36:06Who does he think he is?
36:07Who does he think he is?
36:09I think he's disrespectful.
36:11He's unbearable.
36:13Sebo, where are you going?
36:15Who's the bastard who dared to interrupt our conversation?
36:20Just a second.
36:22I want to know who it is.
36:26Didem, who else?
36:28I don't feel like talking to her.
36:30Hey, did you really send her to drink wind?
36:32I'm curious to know what she says.
36:34How are you, Didem?
36:37You've won, Sefnam.
36:40I've lost.
36:43So much that I've lost myself.
36:48What are you saying?
36:50Did you drink?
36:52I hope you have a lot, a lot of money,
36:56and you're very happy.
36:59You know, I wish you the best, Sebo.
37:03I mean it.
37:06You were right.
37:09My life doesn't make sense.
37:13Nobody cares.
37:19Didem, tell me where you are.
37:21Tell me and I'll go as soon as I can.
37:24I'm finished.
37:27I don't want to live.
37:40You've done a good job.
37:59Don't do it.
38:01Just try to fool yourself.
38:05Are you sure?
38:11Where are you going?
38:31Flowers are beautiful, aren't they?
38:45It's here.
38:50What did you say?
38:54My son is here.
39:00What are you talking about, Majid?
39:03I want you to tell me the truth, Aysel.
39:06Our son...
39:10Is he buried there?
39:19I'm begging you.
39:21Answer me.
39:23Majid. Majid.
39:33Stop it.
39:35Let my son rest in peace.
