US-Präsident Donald Trump hat ein Dekret unterzeichnet, mit dem Transgender-Athletinnen aus dem Frauensport ausgeschlossen werden sollen. Damit will er offenbar auch Druck auf das Internationale Olympische Komitee ausüben, zumal die USA die nächsten Olympischen Sommerspiele ausrichten. In Los Angeles 2028 werde seine Regierung „nicht tatenlos zusehen, wie Männer weibliche Athleten schlagen".
00:00I think I'm gonna be okay.
00:02Come on!
00:04Come on!
00:06Come on!
00:08Come on!
00:10Secret Service is worried about them?
00:14What a nice picture this is, huh?
00:18You ready? We'll do a good job.
00:20Wait, let me press that.
00:22I wanna make this a really good signature.
00:24This is a big one, right?
00:30Under the Trump administration, we will defend the proud tradition of female athletes
00:36and we will not allow men to beat up, injure and cheat our women and our girls.
00:42From now on, women's sports will be only for women.
00:47We have a ten!
01:00But Marco is going to make clear to the International Olympic Committees there
01:09and he's gonna make it as clear as anybody can make it that
01:12America categorically rejects transgender lunacy.