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PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) mencatatkan, kemajuan signifikan dalam penyaluran pupuk bersubsidi kepada petani melalui aplikasi iPubers. Sepanjang 2024, iPubers telah memproses 26 juta transaksi dengan rata-rata 2,5 juta transaksi per bulan, penggunaan aplikasi iPubers ini diharapkan dapat mengatasi tantangan dalam proses penyaluran pupuk dengan lebih efektif.


00:00Next, PT Pupuk Indonesia Persero notes significant progress in the distribution of subsidized fertilizer to farmers through the e-Pubers application.
00:14Throughout 2024, e-Pubers has processed 26 million transactions with an average of 2.5 million transactions per month.
00:22The use of the e-Pubers application is expected to overcome the challenges in the process of fertilizer distribution more effectively.
00:31PT Pupuk Indonesia Persero notes significant progress in the distribution of subsidized fertilizer to farmers through the e-Pubers application.
00:40Since its launch in 2023, the e-Pubers application has facilitated the distribution of subsidized fertilizer, which is now fully applied in more than 27,000 distributor kiosks throughout Indonesia.
00:51This success is inseparable from an integrated data system that connects distributors, farmers who receive subsidies, and fertilizer stocks in Indonesia.
01:00PT Pupuk Indonesia Persero notes significant progress in the distribution of subsidized fertilizer to farmers through the e-Pubers application.
01:06Throughout 2024, e-Pubers has processed 26 million transactions with an average of 2.5 million transactions per month.
01:14Persero notes significant progress in the distribution of subsidized fertilizer to farmers through the e-Pubers application.
01:20PT Pupuk Indonesia Persero notes significant progress in the distribution of subsidized fertilizer to farmers through the e-Pubers application.
01:28Since its launch in January 2024, e-Pubers has processed 26 million transactions with an average of 2.5 million transactions per month,
01:38with the highest trend in December 2024 with a total of 3.9 million transactions.
01:45The transaction data trend shows good adaptation by farmers and kiosks.
01:52e-Pubers is a system that is held by a distributor, a kiosk, not a farmer.
02:02Throughout 2024, PT Pupuk Indonesia has distributed 7.34 million tons of subsidized fertilizer.
02:08The total subsidized fertilizer that has been distributed consists of 3.71 million tons of urea, 3.58 million tons of NPK and 47,079 tons of organic fertilizer.
