• 2 days ago
Laju harga emas masih berlanjut, usai melemahnya indeks dolar Amerika Serikat. Harga batu bara kembali mengalami kenaikkan, meskipun ada desakan penghentian pembangunan pembangkit listrik batu bara. Sementara harga minyak mentah cenderung stabil, usai koreksi dalam di 4 hari perdagangan terakhir.


00:00We move on to the community's information, the gold price is still continuing to weaken the US dollar index, the price of coal is again experiencing an increase, although there is a delay in the construction of coal-fired power plants, while the price of crude oil tends to be stable, after a deep correction in the last four days of trading.
00:24The gold price is still continuing to weaken the US dollar index to 104.3, the lowest level since November 5, 2024.
00:36On the other hand, investors are waiting for the release of U.S. salary data amid the development of Trump's tariff policy.
00:42In the gold market, the world's gold price in the sports market strengthened by 0.05% at the level of US$ 2,918.84 per troy ounce and extended the gold rally to three days.
00:53While in the morning, the world's gold price weakened by 0.05% at US$ 2,916.59 per troy ounce.
01:01The price of coal is again experiencing an increase, although there is a delay in the construction of coal-fired power plants.
01:08Released by The Guardian, the largest European unit for China urged Beijing to stop the construction of coal-fired power plants, because it is contrary to China's environmental ambitions.
01:18Released by Refinitiv, the price of coal in the trading of copper at a place was as high as US$ 105.15 per ton, up 1.5%.
01:28The price of oil is finally stable after experiencing a fall in the last four days.
01:33The U.S. step that will lift the import tariff of crude oil from Canada gives a little positive wind.
01:38Although uncertainty still imagines the consequences of the tariff that still applies, and plans to increase production from the main producer.
01:46In trading on Thursday at 9 o'clock in western Indonesia, the price of brand crude oil for the May 2025 contract rose 0.61% to US$ 69.72 per barrel.
01:56West Texas Intermediate American crude oil for the April 2025 contract rose 0.6% to US$ 66.71 per barrel.
02:05Shared Sources, AIDEC Channel
02:26Shared Sources, AIDEC Channel
02:56Shared Sources, AIDEC Channel