• 2 weeks ago
When Sulayman was on his deathbed, he made a sudden decision to nominate his cousin, Umar ibn Abdul-Aziz, to take his position instead of his brother, Yazid, and appointed his brother as the successor to his cousin. Umar had a fair ruling strategy compared to the other Umayyad governors. He had a special respect for the scholars and was interested in receiving their advice. His short government of around 2.5 years was a relief for the people who had suffered from the Umayyads.
Umar ibn Abdul-Aziz had respect for the Imam and was interested in seeking his advice. The Imam advised and guided him for the benefit of the Muslims. However, the Imam never endorsed his government nor any other Umayyad’s. When Umar came to power, he sent an invitation for the Imam to come and meet him. The Imam accepted his invitation and went to Damascus. Umar provided the Imam with hospitality and sought his advice. The Imam recommended him to seek piety and to consider the elderly Muslims as his own father, the middle-aged Muslims as his own brothers, and the young Muslims as his own children. The Imam recommended that he practice kindness and mercy for his children, forgiveness for his brother, and good deeds for his father. The Imam asked him to be persistent in doing good deeds. Umar was surprised by the Imam’s comprehensive advice and said, “You have given me instructions that, if implemented with God’s help, would have eternal benefit for me.”
During his short government, Umar ibn Abdul-Aziz performed a series of unprecedented actions that were beneficial to the people and the Ahlul-Bayt. He confiscated unlawful wealth that was taken by the Umayyads, and returned it to the Bayt al-Mal (public treasury). When collecting taxes, he was lenient and showed kindness to both Muslims and non-Muslims. He also asked his governor in Medina to distribute considerable funds among the children of Imam Ali (AS) and Lady Fatimah (SA), as they had been stripped from their rights for a long period of time. He also returned the Land of Fadak to Imam Baqir and stopped the cursing of Imam Ali from the pulpits. He also removed the ban from narrating the Prophet’s traditions.
Once, Umar ibn Abdul-Aziz visited Medina and Imam Baqir went to meet him. In their conversations, the Imam advised him about the short duration of this world and the importance of preparation for the hereafter. The Imam told him that this world is like one of the markets, where some leave it with deeds that benefit them, while others leave it with deeds that harm them. The Imam then advised him to look after deeds that would please God in the hereafter and stop deeds that would displease him. The Imam also advised him to help the oppressed people and return their rights. Umar adhered to the Imam’s words. He wrote a letter and returned the Land of Fadak to the Imam. Fadak was a precious land that had fruitful gardens with palm trees, and was gifted to Lady Fatimah by her father, the Holy Prophet. Fadak was confiscat


