• 2 months ago
Shortly after the boycott ended, Abu-Talib, who was more than 80 years old and had suffered many hardships during the boycott, passed away. He passed away on the 26th of Rajab, a day before the 10th anniversary of the Prophethood of Prophet Muhammad. During these ten years, Abu-Talib was like a shield that protected the Prophet from any threats reaching him. Abu-Talib was the primary protector and supporter of the Prophet for 42 long years, ever since he took on the responsibility of the guardianship of the Prophet from his father Abdul-Muttalib. He used his entire social and political potential to support the Prophet and guard him against his countless enemies from the Quraysh. Abu-Talib passed away before witnessing the expansion and the victory of Islam over the idol worshippers. However, Abu-Talib recorded his name in history, as a believer who had believed in the Prophet when he was denied by everyone, and the one who supported the Prophet when he was alone, and Islam was in minority.
When Abu-Talib was on his deathbed, he called the Hashemites and some others from the Quraysh. He made his will and recommended that they honor the Holy Kaaba and perform righteous deeds, including maintaining ties of kinship, providing for the needy, and being honest and trustworthy. He then praised the Prophet and explicitly asked them to protect and support him. He made a prophecy that the oppressed and weak Arabs would join the Prophet and overcome the Quraysh leaders, and the Prophet would become the sole leader of the Arabs. He swore by God that whoever follows the Prophet, will be guided and become prosperous. He then said that “if my death were to be postponed and I had another chance in life, I would again be his supporter and protector.”
Abu-Talib also recited the following poetry to specifically ask four individuals from the Hashemites to support the Prophet.
اوصی بنصر نبی الخیر اربعه ابنی علیا و عم الخیر عباسا
I advise four individuals in supporting the Prophet of the good: My son Ali and his uncle Abbas
و حمزه الاسد المخشی صولته و جعفرا ان تذودوا دونه الناسا
And Hamzah, the lion who is feared for his attack, and Ja’far; to get away the harassment of the people from him (the Prophet)
کونوا فداء لکم امی و ما ولدت فی نصر احمد دون الناس اتراسا
May my mother and her children be sacrificed to you, be like the shields in supporting Ahmad (Prophet Muhammad) against the people
بکل ابیض مصقول عوارضه تخاله فی سودا للیل مقاسا
Come out with your shining swords, glowing in the darkness of the night like the burning fire, to protect him at all costs
When Abu-Talib passed away, Imam Ali gave the Prophet this sad news. The Prophet deeply sorrowed and cried for the loss of his beloved uncle. He then told Imam Ali to perform the Islamic funeral rituals for Abu-Talib, which included washing the body and wrapping him in a shroud prior to burying him. The Prophet then prayed for God’s blessing on Abu-Talib and came and sat by his body. The Prophet kindly touche

