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La denunciaron por reducción a la servidumbre.

Cc #LAM en América TV 📺 @elejercitodelam @AngeldebritoOk


00:00with the ex-employee of Mauro Icardi and Wanda Nara.
00:04Here they are both involved.
00:06When they were a couple, it was this,
00:08she is Analia, who spoke with us yesterday
00:10and said very spicy things and other very serious things too.
00:14And at one point in the note she told us
00:16all this is in the court.
00:18I'm telling you here, I already declared it.
00:20This was in 2014.
00:22The date of the signing of the complaint is July 16, 2014.
00:26Because among the serious things,
00:28I'm going to review something before you tell me,
00:30Pepe said that Wanda Nara, Mauro Icardi,
00:34Ana Rosenfeld and Nora Colosimo
00:37sat her down one day
00:39and forced her to make a false testimony
00:41against Maxi López with terrible accusations.
00:45Here there are obviously almost 70 sheets,
00:49so that you can see it.
00:51You know what I didn't understand, Pepe?
00:53This woman, this story has a long history,
00:55I've seen it many times and now it's back.
00:58She claims 20,000 euros.
01:00Because at the time she made a lot of money.
01:02She says no.
01:04No, she says no.
01:05She says they tried to fix it, but no.
01:07This complaint has to do with something
01:09that Carmen denounced at the time,
01:11which has to do with the reduction of servitude.
01:14There are two denouncers,
01:16one is Alvarado Analia del Carmen, who came out yesterday,
01:18and there is another person that I prefer not to name,
01:20because I don't know...
01:21The other employee.
01:22The other employee.
01:23And we are looking for her.
01:24Well, this says,
01:25We were hired by Wanda Solange Nara
01:28for the execution of different tasks
01:30that we had to do for her benefit,
01:32related to the care of her children
01:34and the domestic tasks of her home.
01:36Initially, the call was formalized
01:39so that they would attend a cluster of tasks
01:41that were carried out in an orderly manner.
01:43Since the first days the denouncers
01:45were going to occupy the private neighborhood
01:47in Santa Barbara, in the town of Tigre,
01:49and then they were going to travel to Italy.
01:51At first they say that when they return,
01:53Nara and her partner Mauro Icardi,
01:55when they returned from Brazil,
01:57the facts began to change,
01:59finding themselves, the two employees,
02:01with a different Wanda,
02:03with visible changes in her character,
02:05more distant, alien,
02:07and even malicious with the other two.
02:11It was seen that her change
02:12obeyed Icardi's participation as an advisor,
02:16and this was more than noticeable for the two
02:18who knew another version of Wanda Nara's personality.
02:22From here, things are calm.
02:25Once they arrived in Italy,
02:27here begins the subject of the reduction of servitude,
02:29there was no agreed rest,
02:31as well as there was no possibility
02:34of having a moment of loneliness,
02:37or any intimacy,
02:39where even to be able to bathe,
02:41sometimes after going to bed late,
02:43we had to ask for permission,
02:45both from Wanda Nara and Mauro Icardi.
02:48We had to get up,
02:49usually around five in the morning,
02:51to be able to do this.
02:53Mauro and Wanda had to ask for permission to bathe,
02:56because later what the cause developed
02:58is that they were in a room,
03:00that room did not have a bathroom,
03:02and the bathroom they gave to the employees,
03:04there was a key that Wanda Nara and Mauro Icardi had.
03:07Are you loading?
03:09This is what it says here.
03:11This was a matter of importance,
03:13because the irregular hours of the couple
03:15implied that at times,
03:16after taking the children to their schools
03:18and to their nurseries,
03:19we were asked to leave the house,
03:22to the garden,
03:23and we had to wait there,
03:25under the house,
03:27so that we would not make noise,
03:29because they wanted to sleep,
03:30or simply because they wanted to enjoy their intimacy.
03:33The children left it at school,
03:35they came back and left the employees outside.
03:37Outside, so that they would not hear.
03:39We were not allowed to stay in the room for any reason,
03:41and we had to go down to the garden to wait.
03:43And what at first seemed like an excess abuse,
03:45became a reality that we were adapting to,
03:48and we even got used to them.
03:50At the same time, it did not seem strange to us
03:52that Wanda Nara retained her power,
03:54our passports,
03:56keeping them safe,
03:58and without any possibility of our part in obtaining them.
04:02That situation still continues to the present,
04:05in the case of the other employee,
04:07since to date her passport
04:09is retained in Italy
04:11by Mrs. Wanda Nara.
04:14This implies a huge sacrifice,
04:16because being so far away at first,
04:18not even the phones that we had both taken,
04:20served to communicate.
04:22This was said yesterday.
04:24A few days after arriving in Italy,
04:25and at the time of finding out about this,
04:27Mr. Maximiliano López,
04:29known as Maxi,
04:31was kind enough to give us
04:33two phones that allowed us
04:35to communicate with our respective families.
04:37After this, he says,
04:39there was a visitation regime,
04:41where he spent a few days with Mauro,
04:43Wanda, and another day with Maxi,
04:45which was what he said yesterday.
04:47This situation, generated by the gift of these devices,
04:49gave rise to a serious conflict,
04:51where Wanda Nara, using this circumstance,
04:53changed her attitude even more,
04:55and became violent.
04:57She began to treat us as enemies,
04:59harassing us,
05:01and demanding that we tell her
05:03what things she did, said,
05:05and with whom Maxi López spoke,
05:07when we were with the children
05:09of her ex-husband.
05:11From then on, the scandals and shouts of Wanda Nara
05:13began to be frequent,
05:15day by day.
05:17We were afraid of her attitude,
05:19and her disdain for the two of us.
05:21We were also not allowed
05:23to receive messages from Mr. Maxi López,
05:25and if López sent us messages
05:27that she could find out,
05:29it was a reason for fight
05:31and reproach to the shouts.
05:33We both observed how Nara
05:35did not answer the phone
05:37when she knew that it was López
05:39who was trying to communicate,
05:41thus preventing the bond with her children.
05:43And on those occasions,
05:45in the midst of threats and shouts of Nara
05:47in front of the children,
05:49we were also forbidden
05:51to attend to him,
05:53no matter how insistent they called him.
05:55Maxi López begged us
05:57and asked us, please,
05:59to be able to talk to his children.
06:01In telephone messages,
06:03he begged us to communicate with him
06:05and to talk to his children.
06:07One night,
06:09it is a memory that we both have,
06:11to see his messages of so much sadness
06:13and so much desolation,
06:15we were afraid that Maxi López would commit suicide.
06:21We both cried in the kitchen
06:23and we managed
06:25so that the other person
06:27could justify
06:29that he had to take out the garbage
06:31in order to somehow
06:33communicate with our families,
06:35using the phones
06:37that Maxi had given us.
06:39We could do nothing,
06:41so it was one of those many nights
06:43where we cried like girls
06:45trying to console ourselves.
06:47It was recurrent
06:49that in moments when we could be alone
06:51in conflict situations,
06:53we thought of leaving
06:55and escaping,
06:57since during the last time in Italy
06:59it was common for us to plan
07:01how to escape
07:03and try to get to the Argentine embassy
07:05in order to find a solution
07:07and return to our country with our families.
07:09This is terrible.
07:11What is the most terrible thing
07:13you have read?
07:15What is coming now.
07:17The mother of Wanda Nara
07:19tried to hit Maxi López
07:21on several occasions.
07:23Hit him?
07:25Nora Colosimo.
07:27The mother of Wanda Nara
07:29tried to hit Maxi López
07:31on several occasions.
07:33We saw how Maxi stretched his arm
07:35to prevent this lady
07:37from approaching her
07:39and hitting her effectively.
07:41This happened on several occasions.
07:43When López
07:45stopped her to prevent the attack,
07:47the mother of Wanda Nara
07:49started screaming.
07:51Screaming non-stop.
07:53Screaming that López
07:55had attacked her.
07:57She was provoking him.
07:59She was provoking him.
08:03This was not like that.
08:05After this situation,
08:07they planned
08:09how to denounce Maxi López
08:11for supposed hits
08:13that never existed.
08:15They asked us
08:17to testify as witnesses
08:19of a fact that did not happen.
08:21We were there,
08:23taking care of the children
08:25and we were living
08:27a hell of malice,
08:29hatred and resentment against Maxi López.
08:33In the house,
08:35none of the three children
08:37were paid attention.
08:39Only Valentino.
08:41We heard Wanda Nara
08:43telling her mother
08:45several times
08:47that she and her lawyer
08:49Anna Rosenfeld
08:51were afraid that Valentino
08:53would be subdued.
08:55We are talking about 11 years old.
08:57Valentino was 5 years old.
08:59Because he was the oldest?
09:01Yes, he was the oldest.
09:03We were very young.
09:05The unnecessary cruelty
09:07of Nara and Icardi,
09:09knowing that we had learned
09:11how to send messages
09:13to our children
09:15through the Internet.
09:17This is terrible.
09:19From the phones
09:21up to Milano,
09:23they put a different key.
09:25Once Maxi López
09:29it was Mauri Icardi
09:31who told us
09:33that they had done it
09:35for us to suffer
09:37and feel
09:39in our own flesh
09:41what it was
09:43not to be able
09:45to communicate with a child.
09:47To be continued...
