• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Siamo nel bel mezzo di una sfida transizionale rispetto alla quale ci dobbiamo interrogare con diversi approcci. Le materie STEM sono profili molto richiesti dalle aziende: c'è un grande mismatch tra domanda e offerta” Queste le parole di Marta Schifone, commissione Affari sociali Camera dei deputati in occasione del convegno “Materie STEM: le professioni del futuro” presso la Sala della Regina di Montecitorio, dove è stata inaugurata “Una vita da scienziata - I volti del progetto #100esperte”, la mostra fotografica di Fondazione Bracco, nel prestigioso Corridoio dei Busti della Camera dei deputati.


00:00We are in the middle of a huge transsectional challenge that has already begun and we have to question ourselves with different approaches.
00:15STEM subjects are profiles that are currently highly requested by companies.
00:21There is a great mismatch between demand and supply because, unfortunately, it is not possible to satisfy the need.
00:27What does it mean? It means that our young people do not choose these paths.
00:31So, we have to question ourselves about this and certainly help in the orientation, but above all, help in the communication.
00:40The public opinion, the young people and the families themselves are not well informed about the load of job opportunities,
00:50but also about the income hypocrisy that these paths can bring and, of course, also about the beauty and satisfaction that the study of science can bring.
01:04So, with this week, we have tried to use this as a large container,
01:10within which we can carry out activities of dissemination, sensitization and communication,
01:16precisely with respect to these chances, to these potentials that technical and scientific disciplines can give to our young people.
01:23The innovative sectors that we are facing today, from artificial intelligence to nanobiotechnologies, robotics, automation and cloud computing,
01:32are all very new sectors that, on the other hand, require a lot of profiles.
01:38So, we have to insist on this, because there is demand, but we have to guide young people towards these choices and these paths.
