• 2 months ago
Andrea por temas económicos vive bajo el mismo techo que su familia y la situación es insostenible. “Con mi pareja no nos alcanza para independizarnos y necesitamos nuestro espacio”, comenta ella.


00:00to live in the same house, when the economic conditions do not allow us to become independent,
00:06when the economic conditions force us to live with a relative, and it is very difficult to get out of there.
00:13The first call, the first testimony, is from Andrea. Hello Andrea, welcome, we are all here.
00:20Hello, how are you?
00:21Good, and you, thank you very much for contacting us. Tell me, what is your situation and how can we help you?
00:28Now, at this moment, I am living with my parents, my partner and my baby.
00:38How old is your baby?
00:40She is 7 months old.
00:42And how long have you been living there with your parents?
00:46I came to live with them last year in August, more or less.
00:54I'm not going anymore.
00:56And what led you to live with them again?
00:58What happens is that I got pregnant while I was unemployed.
01:04At that time I was in another city, I am from Santiago, but at that time I was in another place.
01:12And the truth is that I wanted to come to Santiago to be able to have my baby under a protection circle.
01:23A protection circle closer to my friends, my family, obviously.
01:27So, since I was unemployed and my partner was not here, she had to, let's say, work here a little while ago.
01:37And the truth is that it was difficult to find a job, but at least she found it, she has two jobs.
01:45But even so, it is not enough for us.
01:48It is not enough for you to rent?
01:52I imagine that if you call, it is because you are in a very limited situation.
01:56Maybe for you it would be enough to rent a room, more than an apartment.
02:04Yes, well, with a baby it is a bit difficult to rent a room, but we still want a lot of our own space.
02:13Because no matter how much the family loves us, there is a moment when you start to quarrel with the family.
02:21I want to ask you that, Andrea.
02:23Because, of course, if you are in an environment with your family, with your mother, maybe with another relative there in the house,
02:29you are with a baby and there is an environment of containment.
02:33It is what one could understand from the outside.
02:35But what are those quarrels?
02:37Why is coexistence so complicated?
02:40Well, here we live with two brothers of my mother.
02:46So, the brothers of my mother have some mental problems.
02:52But it is more difficult for me to accommodate.
02:56Well, you knew that in advance, before going to live again with your mother, but you had no other option?
03:02No, I had no other alternative.
03:05The thing is that I have an apartment, but in the last year the dividend of the apartment has gone up too much,
03:13and we can't afford to pay the dividend.
03:17So I have it rented, and with the money they give us for the rent, I practically pay all the dividend.
03:23Of course, there is nothing extra left to not even save.
03:27Now, look, just to understand, and so Dr. Borsillo can also help us.
03:32The income of your partner, what is it enough for them?
03:38To pay debts.
03:40You are indebted too.
03:42Yes, we are indebted.
03:44And also to be able to buy things with our debt.
03:48And that debt, who owes you money?
03:52In several parts, or maybe some consumer credit that you asked for?
03:57It is a consumer credit to pay for the baby's clinic.
04:03And we are also paying for a car that he uses to work.
04:09Let's see, give me a second.
04:11Dr. Borsillo, you are already noting, and this is finally the reality of many people.
04:15Yes, of course.
04:17Look, what Andrea tells us is the reality of ...
04:22For you to have an idea of ​​the housing deficit in Chile, Priscila, there are 650,000 homes.
04:26And what I really like about this program is that you make these situations visible,
04:30which we normally do not talk about on a day-to-day basis.
04:34Of those 650,000, 270,000 families are in the quality of Andrea.
04:40That is to say, living as relatives.
04:42There are 230,000 families who live in the quality of asylum seekers.
04:46In addition to being relatives, let's say ...
04:48A more complicated situation.
04:50There are 5,000 who live in camps and around 40,000 people who live in families,
04:54in uninhabitable homes.
04:56The problem we have is that at the rate of housing construction,
04:58which is raised year by year,
05:00the deficit is unsustainable for many years.
05:04In the government of President Boric, 230,000 homes are planned to be built,
05:08but today there are 650,000 missing.
05:10So what is intended is to find how to streamline other mechanisms,
05:14for example, housing purchase subsidies,
05:16or for low-income people,
05:18but what has happened is that since the houses are more expensive,
05:20the subsidies are more expensive,
05:22those alternatives are not very practical either.
05:24So there is a spiral.
05:26If we ask Andrea, have you ever quoted a subsidy?
05:28Do you have any idea how much it would cost you to rent a place
05:32to go live with your grandmother and your partner?
05:34Yes, between 420,000 and 450,000 more or less.
05:40And for you, would it be feasible to access that subsidy,
05:42for example, if you had the money?
05:44Let's say you had the money,
05:46but you also have additional money to pay for food,
05:48which is essential, milk and water,
05:50the basic expenses.
05:52Do you know why I'm asking you this?
05:54Because there are many requirements.
05:56Would you meet those requirements?
05:58Of course, one thing is that I could have the money,
06:00but another thing is that, for example,
06:02they ask for a grant,
06:04they ask for the last two liquidations,
06:06they ask for two months of guarantee,
06:08and that also makes it more complicated.
06:10And they raise the rent.
06:12Andrea, how long have you had the mortgage debt
06:14for your apartment?
06:18I have it for eight years and I have it for sale.
06:20And you have it for sale.
06:22There is an interesting point,
06:24although the rates of mortgage loans have risen,
06:26we reached a minimum a year and a half ago,
06:28which was really very low,
06:30but today's rates are still more convenient
06:32than eight years ago.
06:34There are people who asked for mortgage loans
06:36and never cared to check the rate,
06:38and today you see some improvement
06:40in conditions,
06:42or look for...
06:44Look, the advice I'm never going to give
06:46is to give up a real estate.
06:48The idea is to try to keep the house
06:50as long as possible.
06:52If you can look for some alternative
06:54to refinance mortgage loans
06:56to try to lower the deadline
06:58and generate some slack in your box
07:00that allows you to be able to rent.
07:02I don't know if something of 420,000 pesos,
07:04maybe a more economical solution
07:06within your possibilities.
07:08Try with all your debts,
07:10with all the rates you are paying,
07:12and see if the car is paid
07:14with the business
07:16for which your husband is using it.
07:18And see how you can try
07:20to release some money
07:22looking for some alternative
07:24to refinance those debts
07:26so that you can generate some cash to rent.
07:28Andrea, how old were you
07:30when you asked for the mortgage loan
07:32from your apartment?
07:34Actually, they didn't give me options,
07:36I was 30 years old.
07:38The amount of money you had at that time
07:40was 30.
07:42If she has already paid 8 years...
07:44Yes, tell me Andrea.
07:46Another thing,
07:48when I bought my apartment
07:50the building was happy,
07:52it was totally habitable.
07:56with the crime rates
07:58that have gone up a lot
08:00and the neighborhood where the building is located
08:02it is impossible to live in that apartment.
08:04Maybe it is cheaper for me
08:06to pay the dividend than the rent.
08:08But what happens?
08:10Even a few months ago
08:12the red press came out
08:14because they killed a person
08:16inside the building, in the corridor.
08:18Yes, it is very complicated.
08:20It is good to know
08:22why you are not going to live
08:24in that apartment
08:26that is finally yours
08:28and what you are paying with a dividend.
08:30But look,
08:32the possibility of leaving
08:34your parents' house
08:36where you are not comfortable
08:38is maybe looking for a job.
08:40Would you have the possibility of working today?
08:44The only thing I want is to work
08:46but hopefully
08:48from home.
08:52Because I want to be taken care of by my daughter.
08:54Due to the conditions of the people
08:56who live here in the house.
08:58That is very important
09:00because you also have to take care of your daughter.
09:02Before getting into the labor issue
09:04I want to ask Alexandra
09:06what recommendations
09:08we can give to Andrea and Alexandra
09:10because the truth is that it is very difficult
09:12to say, no, look,
09:14try to keep your comments,
09:16let's try to have a coexistence
09:18as best as possible.
09:20When you see the personalities of the people
09:22who are inside the house, it is very complex.
09:24Yes, I would like...
09:26Hi, Andrea, I would like to ask you a question.
09:28More or less.
09:30I would like to ask you
09:32because your answer will also help
09:34many people who are listening to us
09:36who may be living a similar situation to yours.
09:38What happens to you emotionally
09:40living in that house?
09:44The truth is that
09:46it exhausts me.
09:48It exhausts me first because
09:50I am in a moment in my life
09:52when I am a first daughter mother
09:54and maternity is stress.
09:58it exhausts me to have to
10:00deal with the characters
10:02of the other person.
10:04In addition, among them,
10:06some of them get along very well,
10:08they fight, so sometimes
10:10lunches are not very pleasant,
10:12they are arguing, I don't know,
10:14for very ridiculous things like
10:16oh, you didn't bring the glass,
10:18oh, I told you to bring it,
10:20very silly things,
10:22so it doesn't make the coexistence pleasant at all.
10:24The truth is that now my grandmother is little
10:26and she doesn't know, she doesn't realize,
10:28but I don't want time to pass
10:30and to be stuck here
10:32so that she can
10:34realize the environment where she is.
10:36Ok, look,
10:38I would give you a piece of advice,
10:40as La Pris asked, which is super important.
10:42We always saw it, there are things that have a cost
10:44and an opportunity or all consequences have an act
10:46and after having seen with Dr.
10:48Bolsillo all the summary
10:50of everything they were seeing, the economic part
10:52the most viable thing
10:54at this moment is to be there for the moment, right?
10:58as you have to be there for this moment
11:00because you can't sell for a series of economic factors,
11:02find a way
11:04to learn
11:06to live with
11:08all the people you are with
11:10because there are people who have a mental health problem.
11:12So, because also
11:14having a seven-month-old daughter
11:16stresses a lot, but also your daughter
11:18is receiving
11:20all the negative emotions.
11:22So, I would like to give you a piece of advice
11:24that you try to look for the positive side
11:28there is always a positive side within the negative
11:30to be there.
11:32And secondly, for example,
11:34work your thoughts, your anger, your things,
11:36what happens to you.
11:38So, I would like to give you
11:40an exercise, sometimes visualization,
11:42thinking helps us a lot
11:44and liberation.
11:46For example, grab balloons, maybe even your daughter
11:48will be able to help you.
11:50And in a balloon, I don't know,
11:52you woke up with anger, with your brother,
11:54with your uncle, with I don't know who,
11:56you feel an emotion of anger,
11:58grab the emotion of that thought,
12:00take care of the anger
12:02and say, here goes the anger, and let it go.
12:04Without bursting it?
12:06No, without bursting it.
12:08I feel like bursting it.
12:10In the case of Andreita, she has a balloon for seven months.
12:12Then, I don't know,
12:14little tolerance, frustration,
12:16let's go again.
12:18Let's see, Mr. Bolsillo, what would you like?
12:20What would you tell her?
12:22Negative thoughts.
12:24The best thing is to get rid of the bad vibes.
12:26We're going to throw her into a tank.
12:28Something about the bad vibes.
12:34This is the principle of liberation,
12:36because all the emotions
12:38that you are retaining
12:40and that are negative,
12:42influence you to sleep,
12:44to be with your daughter,
12:46that you can transfer all that negative emotionality
12:48and your daughter can also be more hyperactive
12:50the next day, more restless, with negative emotions.
