00:00I'm not a good person!
00:15I didn't try to help you back then!
00:22Back then, I kept telling myself that this wasn't helping anyone.
00:38I've been in love with Furuhashi Kotoha since the beginning.
00:51I was just a kid, trying to be a good person.
00:57I'm not a good person!
01:03I'm not a good person!
01:08I'm not a good person!
01:15愛呼吸のやり方も思い出せない Aigokyuu no yarikata mo omoidasenai I can't even remember how to breathe
01:20白昼丸狩り 捨てた椅子で持ち歩いた殴らん Hakuchuumaru karisete taisure mochireta naguran I took out my handkerchief and took it out of the chair
01:23イニシャルに漂白されたあなたの声 Inisharu ni pyouhaku sareta anata no koe Your voice was tainted by the initials
01:45え、どうすればいいんだ? Yabe, dousureba ii nda? Eh, what should I do?
01:46やばいやばい Yabai yabai This is bad
01:48やばいやばい Yabai yabai This is bad
01:49早く助けないと! Hayaku tasukenai to! We have to hurry and save her!
02:12誰か... Dareka... Someone...
02:15何しよう? Nani shiyou? What should I do?
02:45何しよう? Nani shiyou? What should I do?
02:54すみません... Sumimasen... I'm sorry...
02:56以前からボランティア活動されていたんですよね? I know you've been a volunteer before, right?
02:59昔から人を救いたいという気持ち強かったんでしょうか? Have you always wanted to save people?
03:02そんなんじゃないです... No, I haven't...
03:03現場当時どんなお気持ちでした? How did you feel when you were on the scene?
03:05ただの無意識です... I was just unconscious...
03:06教えてください! I'm sorry, but please tell us!
03:07何も考えてませんでした! I didn't think about anything!
03:15何も考えてませんでした! I didn't think about anything!
03:17教えてください! I'm sorry, but please tell us!
03:19何も考えてませんでした! I didn't think about anything!
03:21教えてください! I'm sorry, but please tell us!
03:23何も考えてませんでした! I didn't think about anything!
03:45休学するんだって? You're going to school?
03:52うん。いろいろ落ち着くまで。 Yeah. Until I settle down.
03:57それがいいよ。 That's good.
03:59背負い込みすぎなんだよ、めぐみは。 You're putting too much pressure on yourself, Megumi.
04:15私さ、あの時嘘くさいって思っちゃったんだ。 I thought I was lying back then.
04:24何が? What?
04:30全部が。 Everything.
04:33休学するんだって? You're going to school?
04:42めぐみが戻ってくるのを待ってる。 I'm waiting for you to come back.
05:03休学するんだって? You're going to school?
05:25めぐち! Meguchi!
05:33ことはってそんなかをするんだね。 Kotoha, you look like that.
05:37何言ってんの?早く捕まって! What are you talking about? Hurry up and get caught!
05:40あのさ、聞いて欲しいことがあって。 You know, there's something I want you to hear.
05:43何?今じゃないとダメ? What? I have to hear it now?
05:45今聞いて欲しい。 I want you to hear it now.
05:49私、あの時、ことはに会ったとき、 I, that time, when I met Kotoha,
05:57人にも自分にも絶望してて、人助けなんて、もう死んでもごめんだと思ってた。 I was disappointed in myself and others, and I thought I'd rather die than help others.
06:13いい人なんかじゃない。 I'm not a good person.
06:17私は、地獄って汚い人間だって。 I'm a dirty, selfish person.
06:23自分のこと大っ嫌いで、消えたくなりたかった。 I hated myself so much that I wanted to disappear.
06:32でも、あの夜、ことはが私を見つけてくれた。 But, that night, Kotoha found me.
06:52私の手を取ってくれた。 He took my hand.
06:55私、ことはに出会ってから、ちょっとだけ自分のこと好きになれた。 After I met Kotoha, I started to like myself.
07:07自分の人にどう思われるかなんてもうどうでもいい。ことはのおかげで。 I don't care what others think of me. It's all thanks to Kotoha.
07:13急に何言ってんだろう。 What am I saying all of a sudden?
07:18ってか、ごめん。せっかくのデート台無しにして。 I'm sorry. I ruined our date.
07:22こんな意味不明なこと、笑ってくれていいよ。 It was such a meaningless thing. You can laugh at me.
07:28笑わないよ。 I won't laugh.
07:30こんな意味不明なこと、笑ってくれていいよ。 It was such a meaningless thing. You can laugh at me.
07:35笑わないよ。 I won't laugh.
07:56笑わない。 I won't laugh.
08:00うち、目口のそういうところが好きだから。 I like that about Meguchi.
08:10うちは絶対、笑わない。 I will never laugh.
08:29完全に風邪だ。 I have a cold.
09:00目口、おかゆできたけど、食べられそう? Meguchi, the porridge is ready. Can you eat it?
09:04食べる。 I can.
09:11はい、どうぞ。 Here you are.
09:16ありがとう。 Thank you.
09:19いただきます。 Let's eat.
09:30ほら、目口。 Here, Meguchi.
09:49琴葉はさ、小さい頃、熱とか出した? Did you have a fever when you were little?
09:54昔はよく出してたよ。 In the past, I often had a fever.
09:58その度に母親がすごく心配して Every time, my mother was very worried.
10:03付きっきりで看病してもらってた。 She took care of me.
10:07そうなんだ。 I see.
10:11うちの母親は最悪でさ、 My mother was the worst.
10:15これよりずっとおいしいおかゆ作ってくれた。 She always made delicious porridge for me.
10:20卵も鮭もいっぱい入ってて、栄養満点のやつ。 She put a lot of eggs and salmon in it, and it was very nutritious.
10:28最悪? The worst?
10:30最高のお母さんにしか聞こえないけど。 I only heard it from my best mother.
10:34酷い女だよ。 She was a terrible woman.
10:38あれがうちに名前をつけて、 She gave me a name,
10:44名前をつけて、 and it was Meguchi.
10:45呪いをかけた魔女だから。 She cursed me.
10:51呪い? A curse?
10:52Meguchi, お水もっと飲むよね。 Meguchi, you should drink more water.
10:56うん、ありがとう。 Yes, thank you.
11:15名前は呪い。 My name is a curse.
11:19一生解けない。 It will not be broken.
11:23宇宙の宿命。 My destiny.
11:28そんなに酷い名前なの? Such a terrible name?
11:35酷いとうちは思うけど、 I think it's terrible,
11:37I think it's terrible, but I think it depends on the context.
11:47Well, I think it's beautiful.
12:01Where is your mother now?
12:03She died.
12:07I think it's beautiful.
12:19A bad witch will be burned to death.
12:29Come on, let's eat.
12:31The porridge will get cold.
12:53I thought we were going to do a report together.
13:00I'm sorry.
13:01I have something to look up.
13:07I have something to look up.
13:20What comes to your mind when you hear the word beautiful but terrible?
13:39Well, if you go with that,
13:41I think it's the same when you write Haruoru.
13:48I see.
13:51It's okay if it's just kanji,
13:53but if you combine them, it might make sense.
14:05The continuation of the previous quiz?
14:10Can you guess?
14:18I feel like I'm getting closer little by little.
14:37Even if I win the game,
14:41I can't be happy now.
14:50But I can't stay like this forever.
15:03I don't know what's right.
15:12One thing I can say is that
15:14there is no right or wrong in love.
15:24Advice from a love expert.
15:31Everything depends on your will.
15:36Megumi, this is your life.
15:45It's too deep.
15:57Hey, wait a minute.
16:04Hey, what was your relationship with Kotoha Furuhashi?
16:09Nothing special.
16:11It's just that my turn has come.
16:14Your turn?
16:16You know that Kotoha is sleeping with a lot of guys, right?
16:25She's not sleeping with anyone.
16:28Kotoha is very strict.
16:32What do you mean?
16:34She never sleeps with the same guy.
16:36Once she does, it's over.
16:39That's it.
16:41It's like she doesn't want to sleep with anyone.
16:46It was your turn the other day?
16:56I couldn't stand it.
17:01I liked Kotoha.
17:04That's why I confessed to her before I went home.
17:08You got angry and threw Kotoha away?
17:10No, I just wanted to fight.
17:17Why are you asking me this?
17:19It's none of your business.
17:25you like Kotoha, too.
17:33I'm dating Kotoha.
17:39I see.
17:41You're dating her?
17:45Do you have a problem with that?
17:46No, it's nothing.
17:49It's not a big deal.
17:51I'm not prejudiced.
17:56I'm not prejudiced.
18:06you can't keep doing that forever.
18:13I mean...
18:15If you two fight in the future,
18:18I'll be able to tell Kotoha the truth.
18:28At least...
18:30I don't think you, who left your girlfriend in the dumpster at midnight,
18:34can tell the truth.
19:16What are you doing here?
19:19Where's your umbrella?
19:22I saw Meguchi go to the street.
19:48It's raining.
19:50You don't like it?
19:56I don't like it.
19:59And thunder is even worse.
20:04I see.
20:07I'm surprised.
20:10It's true.
20:12You're like a kid.
20:15But I'm still scared.
20:23That's why...
20:26I'm a little relieved...
20:33to have someone by my side.
21:18I've fallen in love with you.
21:36I know it's not good to say it suddenly.
21:39And we have to fight.
21:41But I want to tell you the truth.
22:02Can you...
22:04sleep with me?
22:12Do you want to hug me?
22:15Do you want to be hugged?
22:18Do you?
22:31You can't.
22:33We're not the same.
22:35I know.
23:07If you don't tell me your name,
23:10I'll go crazy.
23:51I've made up my mind.
23:53Thank you for falling in love with me.
23:56Why are you here?
23:58Will you hug me?
24:00I don't want you to do this to me.