• last month
00:00I need an egg collector!
00:04That's sick actually.
00:07Gardening stuff.
00:08Peasant work!
00:12It's respectable, it's a respectable craft.
00:14What is he doing?
00:15Okay, bending some holes in.
00:17Ah, okay.
00:18Make a little garden bed.
00:19Those holes look loyal.
00:21Oh my gosh.
00:24We just started the video!
00:28Wow, nice!
00:30That's quite cool actually, yeah.
00:31Actually try that, it's quite easy to make.
00:34See, this is how you do it.
00:36So what I want to do is just reach my hand in there and twist it and pull out all the seeds.
00:41But they're planting it.
00:42But they're planting it, so...
00:43Look at that, look at that.
00:46Totally the same plant later.
00:49Chop the roots off.
00:52Get some styrofoam.
00:53Is that a fish?
00:54Yeah, it's a fish.
00:55Mini aquaponics.
00:57Is that fish going to be okay?
00:59Probably not.
01:01Poke some hot holes in the plastic bottle.
01:04Now what?
01:07Yes, sprinklers!
01:09That's cool.
01:11Is it because of previous time?
01:13Maybe, it's a connection, yeah.
01:15You want to never use this again?
01:20What if you want to clean it?
01:21That's it, it's a one-time thing.
01:23I think it will not dirty.
01:25Look at that.
01:26More aquaponics.
01:28Alright, what do we have here?
01:31Ah, it'll make the flowers change color!
01:33Does that actually work, though?
01:35You know, kind of.
01:37Not really, but kind of.
01:39Because I get it, I get the premise.
01:40Like, it absorbs the color water and then...
01:42But really?
01:43Is that a red bee?
01:44Yeah, they actually fed it red water.
01:47I think they could.
01:49Hockey hoes!
01:51Just for one plan.
01:53Okay, now your birch tree is safe from ants.
01:57I always have that problem with my birch trees.
02:01Alright, what's this?
02:04Poke some holes.
02:05Okay, this seems to be a recurring theme.
02:07Yes, loyalty.
02:13So is it going to be another thing with water spraying out?
02:16Yes, kind of.
02:17There we go.
02:18Ah, it's a shower!
02:19Portable shower.
02:22Oh, she's happy.
02:23She's really happy about it.
02:27Are those magic?
02:30No, I don't believe so.
02:32Okay, is that horse manure?
02:35Why is everything horse manure with you?
02:38We were at lunch earlier and he was all like,
02:40Mmm, horse manure.
02:41And I was like, dude, stop.
02:44It's a farming thing.
02:47What are those?
02:48It's going to make the color change again?
02:50I don't think that works.
02:52We need to try it.
02:53I think Jojo tried this one, but I don't think it worked that well.
02:57Did it work a little bit?
02:59A little bit, yeah.
03:02That's satisfying.
03:03Just cleaning those edges off.
03:09It's all about the size.
03:10It's all about the size.
03:13Oh, yes!
03:17That's how you clean your pipes.
03:21I just don't want to clean my pipes right now.
03:26Alright, a bit of glue.
03:30Alright, it's a new fashion.
03:32Ah, that looks awful.
03:36I need an egg collector.
03:39That's sick, actually.
03:40Sick, actually.
03:41But she looks like an alien that's, you know.
03:46What is it going through?
03:47What is that?
03:48Oh, it's that shredder thing.
03:50So if your thing breaks, if you're...
03:52I don't know what the word is for that thing,
03:54but you know what I'm talking about.
03:55The thingy thing.
03:56The thingy thing.
03:57The wax thing.
03:58What's that?
03:59And now we wait to make it pulse.
04:04Oh, wow.
04:10Ah, the money of the future.
04:11When the apocalypse happens.
04:12Yes, cops.
04:15What was that game?
04:17Fallout, that's the one.
04:18I mean, what game?
04:19I don't play games.
04:20What are you talking about?
04:22Alright, now you can break the...
04:25Kernel remover.
04:26Kernel who?
04:28Kernel mustard.
04:30I'm happy for her.
04:31She deserves it.
04:34Alright, a little door into the tree's soul.
04:37Hey, don't ruin that tree.
04:40Oh, wait, they're not ruining the tree.
04:42They're improving the tree.
04:44They're improving the tree, yes.
04:45What's this process called?
04:47It's called tree sticking.
04:49I think it's grafting.
04:50I believe it's tree sticking.
04:51Is that the correct terminology?
04:53Stick that tree.
04:55Alright, bouncing from an egg castle.
04:58Ah, that's neat.
05:00That's a good system.
05:03More plastic bottles.
05:04Recycling theme.
05:05Yes, please.
05:06Love it.
05:07Recycle your bottles, everyone.
05:08There we go.
05:10Important message to the viewers.
05:13Because she can't bend down, she's going to use this little thing.
05:16Ah, yes.
05:18This is good for people with back pain, if you're a gardener.
05:20A lot of people gardening actually bend over a lot, so I'd imagine that's a problem.
05:24I need to show my granny.
05:27That's a good idea.
05:30They're probably deafened from that.
05:32Are they okay?
05:34Ah, they're okay.
05:35At least they ate all the seeds.
05:38That's good.
05:39Well fed.
05:41Alright, what's this?
05:42A little contraption.
05:45What is this?
05:46It's like a bazooka.
05:50Potato planter.
05:51Alright, yes.
05:53Not bad, not bad.
05:54I approve.
05:55Not bad at all.
05:56Alright, what's she doing?
05:59She's a fool.
06:00Sticks in the earth.
06:02Something going to grow up the stick?
06:04What on earth is that?
06:06Oh, she's making a little cut-off area.
06:08Ah, that's cool.
06:09A little greenhouse.
06:10It looks like a giant spider web.
06:11It might be a little greenhouse.
06:14I want to live in it.
06:17I want to be the spider.
06:18Oh, she pre-made the roof.
06:22It's a sweat lodge.
06:23And now you can't breathe.
06:24It's a sweat lodge.
06:25She's trying to get out.
06:26Look out!
06:28Oh, there we go.
06:29There's the door.
06:32Fresh air!
06:33That's lovely.
06:34Really nice greenhouse.
06:36Not bad, not bad.
06:41And that's it.
06:43Roll it up.
06:44Grab your furniture in it.
06:45Make it all messed up.
06:48Saving space.
06:49For what?
06:50Saving private spaces.
06:55Keep this.
06:56Keep this.
07:01What is that?
07:02It's a bottle.
07:03For what?
07:04I believe it's...
07:06To protect your things.
07:09Your tree.
07:10That's neat.
07:11I feel like the weed whacker could still probably cut through it though.
07:16Depends on the setting, right?
07:18Alright, this is how you harvest lettuce?
07:23Let us see.
07:25That was a good one.
07:26That was a good one.
07:28I'm going to keep doing it.
07:30He shouldn't have said it was good.
07:32Wait, they already did this one, didn't they?
07:34Yeah, they did.
07:36Reoccurring theme.
07:37What is this?
07:38What is this garbage?
07:40Give me nudity!
07:41Give me new innovative things!
07:42There we go.
07:44Let's put some soil in there.
07:45There we go!
07:46That's cool.
07:47Alright, there it is.
07:48And it's like full drainage into the other plants.
07:49That's nice.
07:50Very, very cute.
07:51She looks happy.
07:57There you go.
07:58Wheat grains.
07:59Oh, wow.
08:01I assume they're going to grow.
08:05Because you just have snow laying around.
08:06Yeah, yeah, yeah.
08:07Just grab some snow.
08:08Hold on, let me grab my snow.
08:09There we go.
08:10It's a big snow, no?
08:11Is it?
08:12I don't know.
08:13Is it?
08:14Hot water?
08:15But will it not melt the snow?
08:16Where do you get snow in summer?
08:18From your feet.
08:19Kind of mustards like, no!
08:20Don't remove me!
08:24Alright, it's a honey apple.
08:29What now?
08:30It's for the birdies, right?
08:32Oh, that's really cool!
08:33I like that.
08:34So kind.
08:35I'd eat that.
08:36That looks like a real bird, for sure.
08:40Oh no, my plant's dead.
08:42What now?
08:43What do I do?
08:44Don't worry.
08:45I've got it sorted.
08:46Let me get my trusty pallet here.
08:48And another trusty pallet.
08:50And now?
08:51It just looks like they're going to push it over and crush the plant.
08:54Now we'll just...
08:55Put it to its final resting place.
08:56Put this wire mesh on top, exactly.
09:01To the rescue!
09:04And I'm going to...
09:06...ride my dead plant in here.
09:08Oh, it's going to be like a really nice vine thing going on.
09:10There we go.
09:18Ah, now your snails can't eat your leaves.
09:21I always have that issue.
09:22They just slide.
09:25We should make a snail slide.
09:26A snail slide!
09:28That would be really fun to watch.
09:30What is that?
09:31What are they doing there?
09:33That's the previous pantyhose birch tree.
09:36With the ants.
09:37Ah, so this is just accomplished.
09:38Smell of beer!
09:40I like the smell of beer.
09:41Same, bro!
09:44Alright, some soda.
09:46I always knew snails were bros.
09:49Snail bro!
09:52Alright, those spiders.
09:53Sharing a cold one with a snail bro.
09:56They look like spiders, yeah.
09:58I hate spiders.
09:59Me too.
10:03Well, that's what it's used for, anyway.
