• 2 months ago
Kane Brown chats new album with Katie Neal!
00:00How are you? Did you get some good rest over the holidays?
00:03I never get rest. I have three kids.
00:05Yeah, I guess it is a bad question to ask someone for what three kids that are all under five.
00:11I bet they're so excited though to have you home and all to like themselves.
00:15I mean, I could care less. I feel like they're about to be on the road with me for 28 days
00:20though. So they'll get to experience what I go through when I'm gone.
00:26Have you guys perfected like little ways? Like what are the little things that you do that make
00:29having kids on the road easier? Well, that's the thing is when we were
00:32out there Kingsley was so small that I don't think she even realized she was gone from home.
00:41So now her being five and Cody being three, I think that's going to be, it's going to be pretty
00:46fun. But they stay at home most of the time. Like they don't really get out unless we go to Florida.
00:53So we're about to go all, they've never been to the West Coast.
00:57So they're about to get to do all that.
01:02Wait, I saw Cody just had her third birthday, right?
01:04Oh my God. I was loving, there was something in one of the videos that Caitlin posted of
01:08Kingsley just like loving on her. Do you feel like, are they like really close?
01:13Super close. Cody does everything Kingsley does. Like we'll let them have like 30 minutes of TV
01:21after dinner before bed. And Kingsley knows how to work her TV. And Cody, I was like,
01:27what do you want to watch, Cody? She's like, what's sissy watching?
01:31And so I get to, I haven't got to the point where I just lie now. It's like,
01:34she's watching Paw Patrol. She goes, okay, Paw Patrol.
01:37Oh my gosh. This is what's going to make her grow up so much faster though,
01:40is like when Kingsley gets to do something, she's immediately going to want to be able to do it.
01:44Oh, it's ridiculous. I've had people thinking that she's like two years older than she is
01:49because of how advanced, I was forgetting that she was two years old a lot of the times that she
01:55drops some kind of food on the chair. I'd be like, Cody, what are you doing? You're
02:00two years old. No wonder you dropped it on the chair.
02:05That's so sweet though. All right. Let's talk about High Road, which will officially be out
02:09when this airs. So after my first couple of listens, I feel like this album does such a
02:13good job showcasing all the things that you are so good at, like really vulnerable, beautiful song
02:18writing, up-tempo, great stuff, really country stuff. I feel like you have to be really proud
02:24of this entire body of work. Thank you. I am really proud of it, but I can only be proud of it
02:30once it's out. Once I see the fans with it, and if the fans like it, then I can say I'll be proud
02:35of it. Until then, I'll just sit here and wait. Which one are you maybe most excited about or
02:41having the most feelings about seeing how people react to? I think Haunted is going to be a massive
02:46song. Even if it doesn't go to radio, I think it's just going to take over on its own.
02:53I'm really curious about When You Forget, because I know that's not going to be a radio song.
02:58And I just think there's also a powerful message of just writing a letter to somebody
03:04with Alzheimer's that could forget. That's really sweet. And then I think, don't quote me,
03:14but I think Gorgeous could be a big song. Oh, I think Gorgeous is going to be the biggest
03:19wedding song of the next couple of years. We'll see. Oh my god, that's all I could think the
03:26whole time I was listening to it. I was like, every woman's going to want this song at her
03:28wedding. I think it's sweet. And for Kate, she was like, it's going to be so big. Yes. No,
03:35I totally could hear it like that. I think it'll be a big wedding song. I feel like if Beautiful
03:40Crazy can be a big wedding song, then this one can be a huge wedding song. I want to go back to
03:45Haunt It, because that was one of the ones that really stopped me. I feel like that's probably
03:51one of the most vulnerable songs on the album. And then obviously, bringing in Jelly for that
03:56just really took it to the next level too. Yeah. So we wrote that song in Manchester.
04:02We wrote four songs that day. And trying to find something else to write, we were in this crazy
04:11hotel that I thought was haunted. My room was, you had to walk through a bank vault to get to
04:16the door. It was the only suite that was in the hotel. And it had these massive old school keys
04:23that I had for my room. And there's all these crazy paintings. And I was like, let's try a
04:28song called Haunt It. And then we're trying to, they were like, what would we write a song about
04:34Haunt It? And I said, well, what if we just got really vulnerable and just started writing about
04:39my depression and how dark it is? And I mean, that's Haunt It. And it came out pretty easy,
04:48just because you just had to open up with, I opened up with two of my friends in a room and
04:53they're also great writers. And we wrote this song and then I had it for like a year. And we
04:59went to, I was at Graceland doing the Christmas special with Elvis and decided to send it to
05:06Jelly Roll just because how personal he's been on stage and just how motivational and stuff he is.
05:13And he jumped on it.
05:15That's amazing. I think it's great, especially for men to hear two guys like you and Jelly
05:22singing about something like this. Because I don't think, women, we talk to each other
05:26about stuff like this, but for guys it's harder.
05:28Yeah, guys don't talk about it.
05:30Yeah. And I think for what that does for just every, I think it's such an important song.
05:35And when I hear you say like, you don't think it'll go to radio, I feel like in 2025,
05:39anything goes. And so I don't think that that, don't count that one out.
05:42Me and Jelly were talking, we were like, they're going to play it. I've heard from radio people,
05:47they're like, because it was originally supposed to be my radio single before Miles on it. And then
05:52we went with Miles on it. And Jelly thought that the song, he was like, bro, do you not like it?
05:56He's like, I'll take it if you don't want it. I'm like, no, bro. And just hanging on to it for a
06:01little bit. But a couple of the radio people were like, we love Haunted, but we're really glad you
06:07switched to Miles on it. We just think Haunted is a little too personal. And I'm like, you don't
06:14realize your audience, because I guarantee you, 25% of them might be very happy, but I guarantee
06:20you at least 60%, I don't know where I just got that math from, but at least 60%, 60% of them are
06:28going to relate to that song.
06:29No, I think once you get on tour and you start playing this live, it's going to explode.
06:34And like I said, we played it live before it was out. Nobody had even heard it before. And
06:42just the production and the way that we had the fire, I was lifted into the air during the solo
06:47and I was just rocking out. I mean, people after the show was like, I need that song.
06:54That's the thing is, I think people need it more than anything. And so I will be an advocate for
06:59that song. Don't you worry about that. Thank you. What have been some of Kate and the girls'
07:03favorites from this album? Kingsley made me play Haunted 10 times. Stop it. Yeah. She's like,
07:09can you play it again? Can you play it again? I just had to say no. And then the other one that
07:16she really likes is Says I Can't. Which is also a great one. I really loved Three. I thought that
07:21that was another really beautiful, personal song. Is Three really your lucky number?
07:26It's what I've been my whole life. I'm really curious about Three because I've had a lot of
07:30people say that they really like that song. And I'm just curious how it is because it's such a
07:36personal story to me. So I was like, I don't know how people are going to take it. But then I realized
07:40everybody has that special number. It's kind of like how Bury Me in Georgia. Not everyone can
07:45relate to being in Georgia, but everyone's got the place that they want. You can fill in the
07:49blanks with your own story and something like that, I think. Yeah, I get really weird and really
07:53scared when it comes to stories like that. No, I think it's great. I thought it was another really
07:58personal, vulnerable song from you. And I really love that. What about other songs on the album?
08:02Which one do you feel like has the best story behind it? What was the last song to make it on
08:06or the one that you've been sitting on the longest or anything like that on here?
08:11So you have Beside Me that I've had for a little while. And I actually put it on my
08:18Instagram and it went viral for me and people were asking for it. So that's one that I'm kind
08:24of just like, wondering what's going to happen. The last song that was on there, Rescue with
08:31Khalid. I wrote it two days before the album was supposed to be turned in. I sent it to him. He said,
08:35okay. And I just gave Martha a heart attack, I'm sure. Yeah, I was like, no, we got to put this
08:40song on there. So yeah. That's awesome. And then you worked with Brad Paisley on one of the songs.
08:45It's one of the several collaborations that are on here. And what I thought was so interesting when
08:48I was looking is that's one of the very few ones on the album you didn't write and it was written
08:51by Morgan and Hardy. Yeah, I think Jesse Frazier. It was Jesse, the other writer on there, right?
08:57Yeah. Yeah. He sent it to me because he knew that I was going for this country vibe
09:04for the longest. And I guess they did that one. And when they sent it to me, I was immediately,
09:11I was like, yes. And then I remember posting it on IG, just a snippet of it. And all the comments
09:16were like, this sounds like a Brad Paisley song. So then I had Dan Hough send it to Brad Paisley.
09:22And then Brad jumped on it. And I remember golfing and Dan was like, oh, yeah, by the way,
09:28Brad jumped on the song. I'm going to send it to you now. So I was listening to it on the golf
09:31course. Yeah, that sounds like Brad Paisley. That's so funny. Brad, I think is just one of
09:37really the smartest people in country music. He's incredibly intelligent, but he's also so funny.
09:42Yeah, it's a perfect, perfect time because he's working on his new project or whatever.
09:48Exactly. But no, I just I really enjoyed this album. And I'm curious, what has it been like
09:53kind of seeing now that Backseat Driver has been out a few months? I know this is like moving up
09:57the chart pretty quick right now. What have some of the reactions been like from fans about it?
10:02I've been doing shows. So I don't know. It always happens like this. I'll get a single out and
10:10be waiting to see what it does and then not even be doing shows. So by the time I go to sing it,
10:15I don't get to see the reaction of it, you know, climb. It was just I'll go out and perform it.
10:20It'll either just be crazy or they'll be over. And then something else I want to ask you about,
10:25you know, you are always working on something charitable or philanthropic,
10:29but you never really talk about it. Like you definitely do a lot of that behind the scenes.
10:33So I'm curious, like, what's the latest thing that you've been working on or place you've
10:36been working with that you're really excited about? I don't know. I just, you know, we do like
10:44unless it's for like Boys and Girls Club, we do like off the off the radar donations and things
10:51like that. And then I know what the everything that's just in L.A. right now. I mean, there's
10:57so many opportunities for something there. I know it's been it's so crazy to watch that.
11:02Do you like have friends and stuff that you've been talking to that are out there? I don't have
11:05a ton of people, but some I know that have lost houses. It's just been insane.
11:08Yeah, I've got friends that are that their friends have been, you know, lost their houses or
11:16friends that had to leave their house, not necessarily have lost their house. They just
11:22had to evacuate. But it's it's ridiculous. And I just I don't know. I couldn't imagine.
11:28Yeah, no, I know. It makes you very grateful. And also it hurts because like the music community
11:31in L.A. very similar to like the music community that we have in Nashville. It's always like hard
11:34to see them hurting. Well, listen, amazing album. So excited for you. Excited to come out and see
11:39the tour. I hope that you have fun with the kids on the road in the next few weeks. And
11:43I'm sure we'll see you soon. Yeah, definitely.