• 2 months ago
Senator Risa Hontiveros questions the granting of Filipino citizenship to Chinese businessman Li Duan Wang, after the Senate voted on Monday, January 27.

Full story: https://www.rappler.com/philippines/hontiveros-statement-chinese-businessman-li-duan-wang-filipino-citizenship/


00:00The Senate approves a bill granting Filipino citizenship to Chinese businessman Li Duanwang
00:06Monday night, January 27, despite serious concerns raised by Senate Deputy Minority
00:11Leader Risa Ontiveros.
00:13Did we not learn from Guo Huaping, alias Alice Guo, or Yang Jianxin, alias Tony Yang?
00:25She asks fellow lawmakers if we haven't learned from the cases of quote,
00:29abusive foreigners who pretended to be Filipinos and taint our system.
00:33She reiterates the red flag she earlier raised, that Wang is a junket operator, an associate
00:38of Duan Renwu, the alleged big boss of the pogo raided in Porak, Pampanga, that Wang's
00:43business is located in the same building as the business operations of Cha Jizhong, the
00:48self-confessed Chinese spy, and that based on documents from the Securities and Exchange
00:53Wang lied and presented himself as a Filipino named Marco Ong.
00:58Ontiveros clarifies she does not deem Wang guilty of any crime, but says Wang should
01:02be investigated.
