• 2 months ago


00:00The government of Uttarakhand has implemented UCC in Bihar.
00:11The government of Uttarakhand has implemented UCC in Bihar.
00:15But in Bihar, Nitish Kumar is being opposed.
00:20But in Bihar, Nitish Kumar is being opposed.
00:25And the party's MLC Sanjay Gandhi has said that Nitish Kumar has to decide.
00:33But the opposition is targeting Nitish Kumar.
00:38Political experts are also saying that Nitish Kumar will implement UCC in Bihar.
00:43But there is a lack of possibility.
00:45Our leader, the Chief Minister, has decided this policy.
00:48The party has no say in this.
00:50This is the Chief Minister's decision.
00:52The right decision will be taken at the right time.
00:55Are you in support or against?
00:58Earlier, you were in opposition.
01:01Earlier, we were in opposition.
01:03Our leader, Mani Mukunti, has decided.
01:05We will follow his decision.
01:09We have no say in this.
01:11The party has no say in this.
01:13Dr. Bhimrao Medhkar, after a long debate in the Assembly,
01:18has accepted the basic principle of unity in diversity.
01:23Uttarakhand has implemented civil society.
01:28That is a matter of the state.
01:31But the most important issue is that
01:33on a national level,
01:35a sensitive issue
01:37that does not interfere with the traditions, diversity,
01:42and integration of different social classes
01:46This is a national necessity.
01:48We hope that on such sensitive issues,
01:51it is not necessary to be seen only politically,
01:57but it is necessary to keep in view the basic principle of unity in diversity.
02:02What is your opinion?
02:04Look, the kind of politics that is taking place in Bihar,
02:07and the kind of flow that is taking place with the BJP,
02:12there is no need to tell.
02:15You must have seen how Lallan Singh gave a speech on Vak Sansodhan Vidhek,
02:19with the views of the BJP.
02:22And with the views of the BJP,
02:25which the people have gathered somewhere,
02:29there is no need to tell.
02:33Whatever the BJP wants is happening in Bihar.
02:37But the UCC is against the constitutional system of India.
02:43Look, if you look at Nitish's political style,
02:46he is different from the controversial issues.
02:49Either he keeps it pending,
02:51or he avoids giving his own opinion.
02:54Now the UCC issue has been hanging for years.
02:57The Indian government wants to work on it.
03:01Amit Sahib has also spoken about this many times.
03:05And yes, the BJP government in Uttarakhand has implemented it.
03:09But I believe that Nitish will avoid it.
03:12Especially now that it is the election year.
03:14In such a situation, no one will want to bring controversial issues to the fore
03:17and make the election tough for themselves.
03:20Nitish will avoid it.
03:22And I think that in general,
03:25it is better for him to avoid such things.
03:29I believe that the UCC will remain in the limelight in Bihar.
03:35Nitish Kumar's opinion on controversial issues has always been different from that of the BJP.
03:40But for some time now,
03:43the BJP has been with the decision on many issues,
03:46whether it is about the BJP or the BJP.
03:53Now the party is in a state of disagreement over the UCC.
03:58Let's see what Nitish Kumar decides in this matter.
04:01Avinash, EGTB Bharat Patna.
