• 2 months ago
00:00Troubling let's pick it up with Sean McDermott. It's like a broken record
00:04Broken record indeed. Let me just tell you if there was one thing. I didn't want to hear from anybody
00:10After that game last night was the whole
00:13Well, we'll just you know, we'll get him next year. Uh thing because guess what that uh hasn't happened now like four years in a row
00:20I'll get him next year. Uh doesn't really work for me. Here's sean mcdermott. You know, we're a good football team. We're a good organization
00:28Uh, we've had a heck of a season there's momentum momentum going into next year. We played a lot of young guys
00:34Some some because they earned it some because out of injuries
00:37So this is good experience for quite a few of those guys and yeah every year is different, right?
00:42So you so you start from scratch every season, but uh, we're thankful for the success that we had this year
00:47Um, it hurts because when you come up, uh short of the super bowl
00:52Or winning a super bowl it hurts
00:55But the games come down to inches. You know what that's like as you asked me about so
01:00It sure did come down to inches and the refs, uh served it up for kansas city nice
01:06I mean you guys are the worst. I honestly, you know, it's funny
01:09They tried to they tried to the nfl thinks they're so effing clever
01:14This roger goodell tried to sneak in this blakeman guy to call the game and he did nothing
01:20He did nothing except the same they all do they served it up for kansas city
01:24though that drop ball
01:26Was so bad and that spot was so bad and the missed holding calls were so bad
01:31That I don't it's not even worth talking about anymore. They suck so bad that I don't even want to talk about it
01:39I don't want to talk about it either because um, like I I try not to use refs anymore at all in the nfl
01:45Well, it's like, uh blew it tweeted again last night the chips in the football. They have the chips in the football
01:51They should be using that the microchips to show, uh, where the ball is that they got the first down or not
01:56Go to that take it all robotic get the different refs off the field get the chips in the football
02:02Touch the ref the humans can't get it, right
02:05They can't uh, like you said one guy's over here one guy's over here and they're walking like they're beating like over
02:12It was so embarrassing. They should have one guy
02:16That's in charge of the spot, but they have two
02:20They got coming from both sides and the one guy's drunk
02:23Like he's going sideways like if you watch it over and over again a hundred times
02:29It gets worse every time you see it. It's like the guy's blowing a 2-0 at the breathalyzer. He's literally
02:35veering to the right
02:37Literally almost a half yard. That's how bad he was his spot and then these
02:43Sea suckers went with it. They both went with the bad spot
02:47Like I was sitting there. You should have heard my language everything. I just wanted to say right there
02:52I did say when I was watching it. I almost had a stroke watching them
02:57Review it and still come back with the bad spot
03:00Like they are so awful that like no one anywhere including kansas city all of you can kiss my ass
03:07It was a terrible spot. I have no bones in this
03:11I don't care about any of the teams, but as a
03:15Objective, you know sideline viewer off to the side. I watch and the guy literally was veering through I was like what?
03:25I know what is happening here and they're gonna take his spot
03:29It's some of you guys get on right?
03:32I've said it 40 times today because that's how bad it was
03:35And how does that anyone else in the league that catches a pass and hits the ground it's incomplete
03:41But not the chiefs. I don't care what any everyone can absolutely swim in it. I don't care what you think
03:48I'm, not wrong and i'll never change my opinion. I was arguing with people yesterday about it
03:52And I go you can till the cows come home
03:55Argue with me and I will never change my opinion that that was the shakiest call i've seen in a while
04:00in terms of a spot
04:02It was just such a like literally they have hundreds of replays of it
04:07Alan was a yard over the line
04:10Yes, literally a yard over and they spotted him a half yard shy of it
04:15I mean the refs the at roger goodell. You are the most pathetic atrocious
04:21Commissioner and in charge of these hack-ass fat slob refs
04:26That you should it's appalling that you still have your job and they pay him like 60 million a year to suck
04:32You suck at your job. Like you don't have the stones to be like, oh my god
04:37no one at the league office would say hey, can we just like
04:40Uh, you know reverse this call
04:43Can we put up the flag and change the call they never do they always stick with the refs bad calls
04:50Never the right call always the bad call. I have never seen it in any sport in my life
04:56They don't even have this problem in college football. They don't know
05:01They have this problem in the nfl it's fixed
05:04The entire league is fixed until otherwise proven that they make calls correctly. I'll keep saying it the league's fixed
