• last month
(Adnkronos) - Premoli (Grünenthal Italia), assieme a istituzioni, mondo clinico, paziente e caregiver dobbiamo far sì che questa patologia venga riconosciuta, così come la sua cronicità. E questo per migliorare la presa in carico e la cura di quanti ne soffrono


00:009.8 million people in Italy suffer from chronic pain are still far too few,
00:05those who go to the centers of pain therapy.
00:08A lack of care and recognition of this pathology,
00:11considered by many institutions as a problem,
00:14or at most as a symptom that can be treated independently,
00:18thus generating enormous costs for families, as well as socio-economic disparities.
00:22Every year, in fact, moderate to severe chronic pain
00:25has an average social cost of € 6,304 per patient,
00:28of these € 1,838 in direct costs,
00:31of which € 646 are in charge of patients
00:34and € 1,192 in charge of the national health service
00:37and € 4,466 in indirect costs.
00:4076% of low-income people who suffer from chronic pain
00:44have also stated that private expenses
00:47weigh a lot on the family economic balance.
00:51And those faced with their own pocket
00:54are much higher for women, 73.4%,
00:57compared to men, 57.9%,
01:00as well as for adults and young people,
01:03respectively 71.2% and 68.2%,
01:06compared to the elderly, 57.2%,
01:09data that clearly show that chronic pain,
01:12which requires a series of health services,
01:15from drugs to visits to hospitals,
01:18imposes expenses that weigh a lot
01:21on the family economic balance.
01:24These are relevant figures,
01:27evidenced by the analysis of the first report
01:30by Censys and Grunenthal,
01:33living without pain,
01:36which certify that chronic pain of moderate to severe intensity,
01:39in addition to generating a serious impact
01:42at the individual, clinical and psychological level,
01:45since in fact it impacts negatively on those who work.
01:48For 40.6% of these,
01:51the insurgence of pain of moderate or severe intensity
01:54as a chronic pathology,
01:57has in fact also had important consequences
02:00on their activity,
02:03especially if it concerns women, 46.1%,
02:06compared to men, 36.3%.
02:09Suffering from severe chronic pain
02:12is a contraction of almost 17%
02:15of their total income.
02:18Grunenthal Italia is a pharmaceutical company
02:21that has been present in Italy for more than 45 years.
02:24We deal with pain, in particular chronic pain,
02:27because it is a painful pathology,
02:30an overwhelming pathology,
02:33for the daily life of many patients, their families
02:36and more generally for the health system and society.
02:39We treat almost 10 million patients
02:42who suffer from chronic pain in Italy,
02:45with an economic impact of 62 billion per year.
02:48These are just a few numbers
02:51of the first Grunenthal census report,
02:54which has a clear and key goal,
02:57that is to make the invisibility of chronic pain visible.
03:00It is therefore time to emphasize the impact of pain in our country,
03:03underlined by Grunenthal Italia,
03:06with a virtuous operational context, public-private.
03:09From here, on the occasion of the Day of Pain,
03:12Grunenthal's commitment with initiatives for doctors and patients
03:15alongside SIARTI, the Italian Society of Anesthesia,
03:18Analgesia, Reanimation and Intensive Therapy.
03:21Among these are the support for the launch of the green number SIARTI,
03:24aimed at facilitating the appointment of patients
03:27and the digital platform Dimension Sollievo,
03:30at the center of chronic pain, with more than 24,000 followers.
03:33In order to access quality information,
03:36to share the experiences of patients, families and caregivers
03:39committed to face everyday life,
03:42and to use ad-hoc services such as the mapping of pain centers,
03:45present in the Italian territory, in constant update,
03:48essential to offer further guidance and guidance.
03:51So what should we do?
03:54What should we do as a company, but not alone,
03:57together with the institutions, together with the clinical world,
04:00so that this pathology is recognized,
04:03its chronicity is recognized?
04:06Why? Because this way we can improve the care of many patients,
04:09or rather, I like to talk more about many people
04:12who suffer from chronic pain.
