• last year
(Adnkronos) - Sono 9,8 milioni gli italiani che soffrono di dolore cronico. Solo 8 pazienti su 100 si rivolgono ai centri dedicati. L’impegno di Siiarti, la Società italiana di anestesia, analgesia, rianimazione e terapia intensiva, a supporto di queste persone passa attraverso il numero verde dedicato, 800 624 244 e una serie di attività rivolte anche ai professionisti. Se ne è parlato al Talk  ‘Numero verde Siaarti e terapia del dolore in Italia’, promosso da Adnkronos, in collaborazione con la Società scientifica.


00:00On October 22, in the first day of activity, there were more than a thousand calls reached the free green number 800-624-244, dedicated to those suffering from chronic pain.
00:16From the other end of the phone, the experts of the SI-ARTI, Italian Society of Anesthesia, Analgesia, Reanimation and Intensive Therapy. The commitment of SI-ARTI does not decline only through the green number, but also through a series of activities.
00:31SI-ARTI, as a scientific society in pain therapy, has several key points to make this discipline grow. The first is to promote good clinical practices or guidelines to give safety to professionals in the execution of their daily work.
00:48The second is the training of anesthesiologists and reanimators when they are in specialization school, but also in their daily work, if they want to dedicate themselves to pain therapy or to recognize patients in need.
01:09Fundamental with these two first points is also the relationship with the institutions, first of all the Ministry of Health, but also the Institute Superior of Health or whoever wants to deal in a correct, scientific and punctual way with these issues.
01:25Only 8 patients out of 100 turn to the dedicated centers.
01:30SI-ARTI is the only society that has analgesia in its name and not only. The motto of SI-ARTI is Pro Vita Contra Dolorem Semper, so we have it in our DNA to be pain therapists and to take care of the patient.
01:48It is obvious that we need paths, we need a functioning network, we put all the skills, but it is necessary that the patient be directed early to the center of pain therapy when this does not respond to the therapies that we expect and therefore I invite patients but also doctors to ask for information through our green number.
02:14There are 9.8 million Italians who suffer from chronic pain, an important number, an emblem of a serious problem in our country.
02:23We must focus on the two pillars on which a correct care is founded for the patient suffering from chronic pain.
02:32The two pillars are the multi-modality of therapy, which is not only pharmacy, but also pharmacy, psycho-emotional support and non-pharmacological techniques, including those invasive and invasive techniques that are more properly related to the discipline of anesthesia and resuscitation.
02:55The other pillar on which a correct approach to chronic pain therapy is founded is interdisciplinarity, which means that we cannot think of treating a patient with chronic pain only through a single professional approach.
