• 2 months ago
مدي 1 تي في : MEDI1 SOIR 20:00 - 24/01/2025


00:24This is a live broadcast on BDN TV channel in Tanjalan Bikoum and in the title of this
00:29In Morocco, discussions about the draft law for the strike continue, and the teams criticize
00:33the lack of guaranteeing the project to any leader.
00:38A comprehensive siege of the camp of Jenin and the hundreds who leave their homes after
00:42Israeli threats to morality and enthusiasm, gives today a list of those who will be released
00:47on Saturday.
00:49US President Donald Trump launches the largest deportation of non-regiments.
01:01His Majesty the King Mohammed VI appointed the new members of the National Committee
01:05to monitor the protection of personal data.
01:08He made it clear to the Committee that the matter is related to two candidates from the
01:13government, Abdelaziz Al Amrawi and Majid Al Halou.
01:18And two candidates from the cabinet, Zakaria Oulad and Fatima Al Saadi.
01:24And two candidates from the advisory council, Hassan Madhi and Mohamed Boudin.
01:29His Majesty appointed Omar Al Saghrooshni as the head of the committee in November 2018,
01:35and he renewed this task.
01:39During a meeting dedicated to the general discussion of the project of the organizational
01:45law related to the conditions and methods of practicing the right to strike, a number
01:50of parliamentary advisers were involved.
01:53In fact, behind this organizational text, which is a right and a constitutional achievement,
01:58as recorded by other advisers, there is a mystery about some of the project's guidelines,
02:03which we invited to be clarified by what strengthens workers' rights.
02:08The discussion of the project of the law of strike during a meeting of the advisory
02:14council to complete its legislative path after being negotiated in the cabinet.
02:20The discussion in the second room of the parliament sparked reactions between the
02:26welcome of the majority parties and the UN to Morocco's attempts.
02:31The parliamentary parties recorded that the project of the organizational law of
02:36strike, in accordance with the term given by the parliament, includes the rule of
02:41practice of the right to strike and its effect, and the abolition of all chaotic behavior
02:46without clear conditions for its practice.
02:49Thank God, the discussion was held in a high level of responsibility.
02:53The questions raised by social partners and advisers, especially in the definition
02:58of the strike and the groups that include the strike.
03:01On the one hand, the opposition confirmed that the project of the law raises many
03:06fundamental problems that affect the essence of the right to strike and its practical
03:13Among the controversial points, for example, is the definition provided by the project
03:19of the right to strike, as well as the repetition of the material and the interference of
03:56the right to strike.
03:58The project of the right to strike is a path to protest against the project of the law
04:03of strike, which has been called upon by legal and parliamentary bodies to demand
04:08amendments to it since its discussion in the parliament in October last year.
04:13There are Moroccan lies that claim that there is a consensus on this text in the first
04:21The voice of the working class, which is expressed by this stance and by the general
04:25situation of the working class in Morocco, confirms that there is no consensus.
04:29Political, parliamentary, and social components, in order to repeal this law, which we consider
04:36to have not come to organize the right to strike as a right that does not separate it from
04:42the system of human rights, but came to restrict and magnify this right.
04:47This is what we consider to be an exaggeration of the Moroccan constitution, especially in
04:53the section 29, which stipulates the practice of human rights.
04:57This project has returned to the forefront since its discussion in the parliament in
05:02October last year, then the debate on it in the parliamentary council, with the vote of
05:07only 124 representatives and the rejection of 41, after it remained stuck for more than
05:13eight years.
05:15And in the context of the continuation of the wave of controversy against the project
05:20of the organizational law related to the conditions and practices of the right to strike, the
05:25publication of this text is expected to be like the last episode of the organizational
05:30laws that were imposed in 2011.
05:35The Minister of Economic Integration and Small Negotiations and Employment and
05:40the Minister of Social Security and the Spanish immigration, Almasays Delgado, and
05:45Skoury with the relations that bring the two countries together, confirming that the
05:50Spanish-Moroccan partnership in this field not only addresses the urgent needs that
05:55can be expressed by the actors, but also by those concerned with this immigration.
06:01In Rabat, the first edition of the program Wafira, which provides funding to the European
06:06Union and the Spanish government, was concluded.
06:09The program, which is based on the formation and integration of seasonal workers moving
06:14to Spain, concluded its first edition with the establishment of more than 200 investment
06:19projects in different areas of the Kingdom.
06:22More in this report by Ayyub Derraza.
06:31A balanced attendance characterized by the opening ceremony of the first edition of
06:35the program Wafira, one of the most important programs in the framework of the distinguished
06:39partnership between Morocco and its European partners.
06:42This program, which provides funding to the European Union and the Spanish government,
06:46was implemented over three years, under the supervision of the Ministry of Economic
06:50Integration and Small Negotiations and Employment, with the aim of raising positive
06:55awareness of the importance of this project, and to move the working hand towards social
06:59and economic development in Morocco.
07:01This is an important event for the ministers to implement this Wafira project.
07:05It is an important project because among the women who went to Spain and returned, there
07:10is a number of them who made small and very small negotiations.
07:14These negotiations were successful in the field of agriculture, in the field of selling
07:19and in the field of tourism.
07:21We are proud to see women who were able to reach a professional project in their lives
07:26starting from this experiment.
07:28We consider this program to be a reference project, and our role is to support it and
07:33strengthen it.
07:34Our ambition is to provide the necessary resources to establish a new model for legal
07:39transition and eastern migration to the European Union.
07:44250 women seasonal workers benefited from this program, which was implemented by a
07:49number of institutions, including the National Agency for Employment and Employment.
07:54After three years of work and training under the supervision of experts in the field,
07:59the benefits of the program have become the basis for the projects that will be implemented
08:04in Morocco in the future.
08:06We are proud to say that we have achieved this goal.
08:10The benefits of the program have become the basis for small and medium-sized investment
08:15projects, which reflects the answer to their living conditions and environment.
08:23This program, which is part of the round-trip project in the framework of cooperation
08:27between Morocco and Spain, is an effective program.
08:30The evidence is these inspiring and inspiring stories of 16 women from non-profit
08:35organizations who have benefited from the program and have been able to achieve their
08:40financial and operational potential today.
08:44In a second phase, we are very pleased to implement a more advanced version of this
08:50What we want to focus on in the next version is the unification of efforts in order to
08:55ensure better results than the first version achieved by increasing the number of beneficiaries
09:00and implementing this project in other countries.
09:04With the announcement of more than 200 initiatives for income in different parts of Morocco,
09:09the program Jouafira will be based on its first version, while the planning will begin
09:14directly to implement the second version with more ambition, integration and impact on
09:22Implementation of the Samia Royal Education Fund continues the work of the Houthi
09:28The Houthi community in the city of Fatima in the province of Houthi, where the cold
09:33is very severe, the Houthi community in the city of Fatima in the province of Houthi
09:38continues the work of the Houthi community in the city of Fatima in the province of
09:44The Houthi community in the city of Fatima in the province of Houthi continues the work
09:48of the Houthi community in the city of Fatima in the province of Houthi.
09:52In the city of Fatima in the province of Houthi, where the cold is very severe, one of
09:57the community schools is active.
09:59The students start their day with an active class in the school courtyard that warms
10:05the atmosphere of a sunny morning, but it is cold and prepares them for a full day of
10:14Inside the classrooms, the teachers make sure to check the heating ovens to ensure
10:21a warm atmosphere in classrooms that respond to school conditions and are decorated to
10:28welcome local students from various groups.
10:32We make sure to face this cold weather by wearing a mask.
10:40The first point is to prepare the classroom with heating and providing it.
10:47The second point is that we always take advantage of the morning with sports activities to
10:54first evaluate the students' health condition and secondly to provide morning activities.
11:01Thirdly, we have a permanent coordination with the local authorities and also with the
11:06local administration.
11:07Since we study in an internal school, we always make sure to coordinate in case of some
11:13symptoms that are caused by this cold wave.
11:19With the arrival of rest time, the students head to the dining room, where they are served
11:26balanced and healthy meals.
11:28These meals are prepared with care in this cold weather.
11:33It is not just food for the body, but it is a message of concern that ensures that they
11:40are fully prepared to benefit from their day of study.
11:44Thanks to the guidance of Mr. Nasser, the local administration has provided us with all
11:50the financial and material resources to build a normal school.
11:55We thank the local administration for this opportunity to provide us with adequate and
12:03necessary heating.
12:05We also have the necessary coverage for the students.
12:09We also have the necessary food and health for the teachers.
12:14At the end of the day, the school provides warm coverage to protect the students from
12:20the harsh winter nights, while the students add their own touches to decorate the place
12:27to remain warm in spirit and beauty.
12:31We have distributed 75 tons of firewood according to the current year.
12:37In addition to reinforcing the study rooms with firewood, we must also strengthen the
12:45school by distributing 350 additional firewood.
12:49In addition to this, the care has been provided for the dormitories of the students and the
12:56university schools, thereby providing the necessary and appropriate conditions to deal with the
13:04harsh winter.
13:07This school is a living example of the royal care that ensures the development of the
13:13students in learning in an environment that preserves their dignity and instills hope in
13:20their future.
13:25The Ministry of Health and Social Protection has organized a medical convoy for the residents
13:30of areas that are experiencing harsh climatic conditions.
13:33It also provided a group of medical and nursing services.
13:37Report by Mohamed Rishi.
13:40In the context of facing the effects of the harsh winter that the mountainous and rural areas
13:46in the Kingdom are experiencing, Al-Hajab region witnessed the organization of a human
13:51medical convoy for the benefit of the affected residents in a humanitarian step under the
13:56supervision of the Regional Ministry of Health and Social Protection.
14:00In cooperation with specialized medical units through a multi-specialty medical convoy,
14:06the Ministry of Health and Social Protection has organized a medical convoy for the residents
14:12of areas that are experiencing low temperatures.
14:15We have a lot of cold.
14:17We have minus 15, minus 16 degrees.
14:20We have a lot of cold.
14:22The conditions are difficult.
14:24Life is difficult.
14:26The region is far from us.
14:28We thank God for this convoy that came to our villages.
14:32The conditions are difficult.
14:34This region belongs to Al-Hajab.
14:36Al-Hajab is known for its cold in this region.
14:39We would like to thank God for this event.
14:42We would like to thank the Ministry of Health for providing us with this convoy.
14:48We have been planning to have this convoy throughout the year.
14:52Not in the cold that we are experiencing now.
14:55The convoy included free medical tests, the distribution of basic medicines and the
15:00implementation of medical interventions in the emergency cases.
15:05The poor people, especially in this period of cold, have great difficulties.
15:09They have colds and fever.
15:11This convoy came to our village.
15:13People are helping each other.
15:15Thank God.
15:17We are doing a lot of good and we thank them.
15:21This convoy remains human and socially important and of great value for the residents of the
15:26and has great value for the residents of the area, as Al-Hajab is a model for positive
15:33interaction with the seasonal challenges by improving the living conditions of the
15:38rural residents, especially during difficult periods.
15:41This humanitarian work comes to embody the values ​​of solidarity and solidarity that
15:46the Moroccan society is based on.
15:50About 12 Palestinians were killed and hundreds of families left the Jenin camp in
15:55northwestern Syria with the continuation of the Israeli military operation.
16:00Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the purpose of the operation was
16:05to eradicate what he described as terrorism.
16:08The governor of the city, Kamal Abu Rabban, confirmed that the situation is very difficult
16:13and that hundreds of residents of the camp left their homes after threats of evacuation
16:18from the camp.
16:22Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan met with the new head of the administration
16:27in Syria, Ahmad al-Shar'a, at his first visit after the overthrow of the Assad regime.
16:32The new authority in Syria is looking at foreign investments and lifting international
16:38More in this report by Mohamed Anas Tamuh.
16:42At his first visit after the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad's regime, Saudi Foreign Minister
16:47Faisal bin Farhan met with the new head of the administration in Syria, Ahmad al-Shar'a,
16:52while Damascus is looking at investments from the Gulf countries.
16:56This visit by bin Farhan is the first visit by the Saudi Foreign Minister to Syria and
17:01the arrival of opposing factions to rule in Syria coming from Lebanon.
17:05This visit comes in the light of political changes in the region, where Iran lost its
17:10main ally in Syria, Bashar al-Assad, as the Hezbollah's influence in Lebanon receded.
17:15The new authority in Damascus has expressed its desire to open a new page in the relationship
17:20with Saudi Arabia, which was visited by the Syrian Foreign Minister, Assad al-Shaybani,
17:24in January last year, at his first foreign visit.
17:28I know that these calls may lead to some positive steps in the coming days.
17:34At least we are optimistic about that, and the work will not end and will not stop.
17:38We will continue to push in the right direction, and we will continue to coordinate with the
17:42factions here in Syria to process this file, so that we reach a final resolution of all
17:47these penalties, God willing.
17:49We emphasize the need for cooperation and support of the Arab factions in our next journey.
17:54Syria is part of the Arab League, and we are waiting for the first meeting of the League
17:59to participate in it.
18:01We aspire to be part of a project to achieve security and stability in the region.
18:06I would also like to emphasize the position of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on all that
18:10it has done to lift the penalties on Damascus.
18:13During a press conference, the new Syrian administration leader, Ahmed Shara, expected
18:18that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia would have a very important role in Syria, as it could
18:23benefit from major investment opportunities after the fall of the Assad regime.
18:27Saudi Arabia previously called for lifting penalties on Syria at the conclusion of the
18:32meeting of the foreign ministers and diplomats from the Middle East and Europe for discussing
18:37the situation in Syria.
18:39The new administration in Damascus hopes to get the support of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
18:44to build Syria, which has destroyed its economy and built its infrastructure in a conflict
18:49that has lasted for more than 13 years.
18:55US President Donald Trump has raised the secret of the files of the US government,
19:00including two assassinations of President John F. Kennedy in 1963 and his brother Robert F.
19:06Kennedy in 1968, in addition to the assassination of the first defender of civil rights,
19:12Martin Luther King.
19:14More on this report on Thursday.
19:20US President Donald Trump continues to make unprecedented executive decisions in American
19:26He has raised the secret of the files of the assassination of John F. Kennedy and Martin
19:31Luther King, another decision signed by the US president just days after making him
19:36president of the United States.
19:38A decision, according to the US president, that people have been waiting for decades.
19:45Many people have been waiting for this for years, decades.
19:49Everything will be revealed.
19:52After more than 50 years of the assassination of Kennedy and Martin Luther King,
19:58it is expected that the US president's decision to reveal a lot of data will be revealed
20:03after raising the secret of thousands of documents related to this file.
20:07In December 2022, the US National Archive published more than 13,000 documents,
20:14except that US President Joe Biden decided not to publish thousands of other documents.
20:19This is a great advance on the security of the American people.
20:24According to the National Archive, 99% of the original 5 million pages of this file are
20:30currently available to everyone.
20:32Donald Trump's decision to raise the secret of these famous events in modern American history
20:37represents a key step towards revealing all the facts related to these events.
20:42This decision also reflects the loyalty of the US president to the promises he made
20:47during the presidential election campaign.
20:51If Donald Trump, on many occasions, insisted on raising the secret of these events,
20:56and the US administration confirms that the decision to raise the secret of the US National Archive
21:01related to these assassinations represents the transparency and truth of the American people.
21:06Since the assassination of former US President John Kennedy in 1963,
21:11many speculations and hypotheses have been raised about the famous assassination.
21:18Washington announced the evacuation of hundreds of non-regimental Mexican immigrants,
21:22which led to their arrest after Donald Trump took office.
21:25Meanwhile, Mexico continues to work to build dozens of refugee centers in border areas
21:31in preparation for the arrival of displaced immigrants.
21:34A report by Kauthar Hammoumi.
21:40On these 3,100-kilometer-long borders,
21:44the hopes of hundreds of Mexicans who want to embrace American dreams have been shattered.
21:50US President Donald Trump, as soon as he took office,
21:54issued executive orders to stop the immigration to his country in a firm and immediate way.
22:00Hundreds of non-regimental immigrants who were arrested after Trump took office
22:06were returned to the border town of Ciudad Juarez.
22:10Their numbers are estimated, according to official statistics, to be more than 530 immigrants.
22:16Some of them were evacuated by military aircraft.
22:20We are here in the middle of the bridge between Mexico and the United States.
22:26The Messenger Angel group is here in the middle of the bridge between Mexico and the United States
22:32to welcome all immigrants who have already been evacuated from America to Mexico.
22:38We are here to join them.
22:41In parallel with the evacuation process,
22:45work is underway in northern Mexico to build about 10 refugee centers on the border with America.
22:51According to what Mexican President Claudia Chimbaum announced,
22:55two reception centers have been built so that the other centers are fully ready by the end of the week.
23:03And there is talk of the hypothetical reception of between 200 and 250 people a day
23:09coming from the United States.
23:12Estimates indicate that 6 million Mexicans live without permanent papers in the United States,
23:20in addition to 12 million Mexicans living legally.
23:25We conclude Morocco in the work of Medina in the White House.
23:33The youth who carry out projects in the digital field and the English language benefit.
23:39Abiy Ashraf from the Digital Professions Association and the National Initiative for Human Development.
23:44More in this report by Younes Mazieh.
23:46The Digital Professions Association,
23:50an institution in the Haraoui region,
23:53works in Medina in the White House.
23:55It provides training for the youth who carry out certificates and projects
24:00in multiple fields in three months.
24:04It is supervised by the Ibdaa Institute,
24:07in partnership with the National Initiative for Human Development.
24:11We provide training in digital marketing, web creation,
24:15programming, 3D design, and artificial intelligence.
24:19Thanks to the Ibdaa Promotion,
24:22we have reached 148 certificates in three months.
24:27This reflects the debate of the youth about their certificates.
24:32Thank God, we have now started the second promotion.
24:35In addition to the training of the youth,
24:38we provide training for the youth who carry out projects,
24:41the youth of the region who have ideas and projects in the digital field,
24:45and the youth of the Haraoui region who have ideas and projects in the digital field.
24:51Today, we will study the content creation, digital marketing,
24:55and entrepreneurship.
24:56The beneficiaries are the youth of the Haraoui region.
24:59This is one of the first centers that supports the youth
25:01to serve their ideas in order to support the real world.
25:04There is a competition every two to three months.
25:07The goal is that at the end of the training,
25:09the young people come out with their ideas and projects,
25:13and they will be able to enter the job market and find their place.
25:16A foundation that supports the youth who carry out projects,
25:21in addition to components in the digital field,
25:24such as programming, artificial intelligence, digital marketing,
25:28content creation, journalism, and English,
25:31where they benefited from the first stage of these components,
25:36which included between three to six months, 150 young people.
25:42My training was in three main fields,
25:45journalism, media, audiovisual, visual, and content creation.
25:49As for the main skills that I gained,
25:52I was able to do one of my projects,
25:54which is an awareness podcast,
25:56and it is developing its download on YouTube platforms
26:01and also social media sites.
26:03This is a foundation that aims to integrate young people into the job market,
26:07and it provides several fields,
26:10including content creation and e-commerce.
26:13I personally use e-commerce now,
26:16and I gained several skills through it.
26:19In addition to the components,
26:21the association supervises training workshops and specialized campaigns
26:25in the digital field and the protection of personal data.
26:30This is the end of the program.
26:32See you next time.