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17 Otra Vez Película Completa en Español Latino
17 Otra Vez Película Completa en Español Latino
17 Otra Vez Película Completa en Español Latino


00:00:00Preparatoria Hayden.
00:00:02Casa de los Guerreros.
00:00:20Diecisiete otra vez.
00:00:23Mike O'Donnell, 1989.
00:00:25O'Donnell, guarda algo para el juego.
00:00:27Solo caliento, coach.
00:00:29Hablé con el Buscatalentos. Vendrá esta noche.
00:00:32Vas a jugar medio juego, sé que eres capaz de eso.
00:00:34Viene preparado a ofrecerte la beca completa.
00:00:36Directo a la universidad, y el mundo será tuyo, hijo.
00:00:40Gracias, coach.
00:00:42Muy bien, señores. Júntense. Hora de la foto.
00:00:44Traten de no romper la cámara.
00:00:47Hay que esperar. Ned no ha llegado.
00:00:49Es el aguador. ¿A quién le importa?
00:00:51Eso no importa, porque es parte del equipo, Don.
00:00:53¿Tenemos que esperar?
00:00:54Perdón. Llego tarde. Llego tarde.
00:00:56Perdón. ¿Qué clase de amo del calabozo sería así?
00:00:59Dejó a mi amigo en una batalla con un hipogrifo.
00:01:02¿La esposa de Merlyn ya llegó?
00:01:04Sí. Pero es que yo...
00:01:06Ned, Ned.
00:01:07Soy tu mejor amigo, ¿cierto? Y siempre cuido tu espalda.
00:01:10Pero no puedo hacer mucho cuando apareces en vestido.
00:01:12O'Donnell, ¿qué tal si tú y Boy George se unen para la foto?
00:01:16Solo un segundo.
00:01:17Denle al niñito la señal, por favor.
00:01:19Aquí vamos.
00:01:20Bien, chicos. Júntenselos de atrás.
00:01:23Deben verse bien por las chicas, por favor.
00:01:25Bien, adelante.
00:01:26Tres, dos, uno.
00:01:54Meninas, ven acá.
00:01:56¡Por el árbol!
00:02:33Oye, Vanina Ice, tenemos un partido.
00:02:36Y es importante.
00:02:39Perdón, era necesario. En serio.
00:02:41Oh, diablos, mira eso.
00:02:45¿Quién es esa chica tan linda?
00:02:48Oh, es mi novia.
00:02:51¡Aquí está O'Donnell!
00:02:53¡Hola! ¡La mujer que tanto amo!
00:02:56Me alegra que estés aquí, Scar. Eso de la selección me tiene muy nervioso.
00:03:01Siento que todo mi futuro está en este juego.
00:03:04Sí, sé cómo te sientes.
00:03:06Sí, todo está bien, ¿cierto?
00:03:09Sí, todo está perfecto.
00:03:13Tengo que irme. Adiós.
00:03:23¿Estás bien?
00:03:27¿Sabes qué? Hablemos de esto luego.
00:03:29No, solo dímelo.
00:03:30No, es tu gran noche. Disfrútala, en serio.
00:03:32No puedo disfrutarla si no me dices qué ocurre.
00:04:20¿Qué estás haciendo?
00:04:57¡Scar! ¡Oye! ¡Scarlett!
00:04:59¡Oye! ¡Oye! ¡Oye!
00:05:01¿Qué estás haciendo?
00:05:02Mike, ¿qué estás haciendo?
00:05:03Tú y yo estamos juntos en esto, ¿ok?
00:05:06Pero, el juego es tu futuro. Tienes que...
00:05:08No, mi bebé es mi futuro.
00:05:10Es una locura, Mike.
00:05:11Tú eres mi futuro.
00:05:12No, no puedo dejar que olvides todo. ¡No te dejaré!
00:05:41Mike O'Donnell, hoy.
00:05:58Gracias por dejarme quedar aquí, Ned.
00:06:00No, sí. No importa.
00:06:05¿Te gusta el cereal?
00:06:06Sí, me gusta mucho.
00:06:11Oye, Mike.
00:06:13Mike, sé que estás deprimido, pero confía en mí.
00:06:17Estás viendo que Scarlett te echará de la casa
00:06:19y que tus hijos no quieren saber nada de ti como algo negativo.
00:06:22¿Cuándo el hecho?
00:06:27Es que sí es negativo, ¿verdad?
00:06:28Creo que sí.
00:06:29No tengo nada que decir sobre eso.
00:06:32Hoy te darán el supuesto nuevo, ¿no?
00:06:34Sí. Sí, es hoy.
00:06:36Hoy, todo gira alrededor de mí.
00:06:38¿Lo ves? ¡Acábalos!
00:06:41¡Te quiero!
00:06:55Y, de cualquier forma, el corporativo quiere atacarlo.
00:06:58Tal vez se debe, en ciertas situaciones,
00:07:01a una erección de cuatro horas.
00:07:03No es algo tan terrible.
00:07:04¿La erección?
00:07:05Muy bien.
00:07:06¿Es la meta?
00:07:07¿Lo siguiente?
00:07:08Como deben saber, hoy me enorgullece nombrar
00:07:10a nuestro nuevo gerente regional de ventas.
00:07:12Aquí vamos.
00:07:13Ya saben, he estado en el ramo farmacéutico
00:07:15por casi dos años ya.
00:07:18Y la gente siempre pregunta,
00:07:20¿qué se necesita para ser gerente?
00:07:29Y lo más importante,
00:07:31dedicación a esta compañía.
00:07:34Así que, felicitaciones, Mike.
00:07:37Mike, si pudieras moverte para felicitar
00:07:38a la nueva gerente, ¡Wendy!
00:07:45Salgan al mundo y vendan mucho, amigas mías.
00:07:50Adiós. Gracias.
00:07:51Te veo en prácticas.
00:07:57¿Qué hongo alucina a tu mente?
00:07:59Bueno, te diré qué hongo alucina a mi mente.
00:08:01¿Esto es una broma?
00:08:02¡Wendy lleva dos meses!
00:08:04¡Yo llevo 16 años!
00:08:06¡Tengo los mejores números del equipo!
00:08:08Deberías pensarlo como un cumplido.
00:08:10Tómalo como se dice,
00:08:12algo muy valioso como para ascenderte.
00:08:14Eres un...
00:08:17Hola, amigo.
00:08:18No, no, no, tengo tiempo.
00:08:20Lo sé, claro.
00:08:21Escucha, jugamos tenis en...
00:08:27Somos tantas chicas.
00:08:28No digas eso.
00:08:31¡Wendy, lo lograste!
00:08:33¡Wendy! ¡Wendy! ¡Wendy!
00:08:35¡Wendy! ¡Wendy! ¡Wendy!
00:08:39Se pondrá mejor,
00:08:40porque vamos al TGI Friday.
00:09:41Mike O'Donnell.
00:09:46¿Lo conozco?
00:09:47No, pero yo sí.
00:09:49¿Ah, sí?
00:09:51Estrella del deporte.
00:09:53Jamás alcanzaste todo tu potencial.
00:09:56Tarde o temprano vuelven a la escuela.
00:09:59Se quedan aquí mirando la foto de los días de gloria,
00:10:02preguntándose qué pudo haber sido.
00:10:05Me parece que estás viviendo en el pasado.
00:10:07Me encantaría vivir en el pasado.
00:10:10Era mucho mejor.
00:10:13Apuesto a que quisieras vivirlo de nuevo.
00:10:17Tiene toda la razón.
00:10:21¿Estás seguro de ello?
00:10:23Ah, claro.
00:10:26¡Hola, señor O'Donnell!
00:10:28Hola, chicas.
00:10:29¿Qué haces aquí?
00:10:30Ah, solo hablaba con...
00:10:33¿Qué haces aquí?
00:10:34Ah, solo hablaba con...
00:10:39No importa.
00:10:40Hoy salí antes y creí que tal vez podríamos ir por un helado.
00:10:46¿Por qué?
00:10:47Solo ve por tu hermano. ¿Quieres?
00:10:50¿Necesitan algo más?
00:10:51No, estamos bien.
00:10:57¿Qué pasa, Maggie?
00:10:58Este era de tus lugares favoritos.
00:11:00Veníamos en tu cumpleaños.
00:11:01Sí, cuando tenía como ocho.
00:11:09Oye, Hal.
00:11:10Ya viene el básquetbol. ¿Estás listo?
00:11:13¿Has trabajado en el tiro largo?
00:11:15¿Los pases?
00:11:18Muy bien.
00:11:19Ser bueno no basta para lograr una vez.
00:11:20Es decir, es grandioso. Es grandioso, papá. Grandioso.
00:11:22Ese es mi hijo.
00:11:23No olvides, no es lo grande que seas.
00:11:25Lo grande de tu juego.
00:11:26Dame cinco.
00:11:27Ah, Maggie irá a Georgetown.
00:11:30¡Maggie, eso es asombroso!
00:11:33¿Podrías apagar el...?
00:11:50Muy bien, chicos.
00:11:51Los veo pronto.
00:11:54Los quiero.
00:11:57Por su tiempo.
00:12:03¿Qué estás haciendo?
00:12:05¿Qué rayos estás haciendo?
00:12:08Oye, son mis cosas.
00:12:13¿Por qué destruyes nuestro jardín?
00:12:15No es nuestro jardín, es mi jardín. ¿Lo olvidaste?
00:12:17Tú decidiste acabar con lo nuestro.
00:12:19Y yo me quedo con él.
00:12:24Lo convertiré en un ejército.
00:12:30Lo convertiré en un exhibidor para mis clientes.
00:12:32¿Clientes de qué?
00:12:33Diseño de exteriores.
00:12:35¿Diseño de exteriores?
00:12:37Le mostraré a los demás lo que sé hacer.
00:12:40Sí, bueno, el divorcio será oficial en dos semanas, así que no tienes derecho.
00:12:44¿En serio?
00:12:45Así que pasé 18 años de mi vida escuchando tus quejas sobre todas las cosas que habrías hecho sin mí y no tengo derecho.
00:12:51Solo que trabajé tanto en este jardín.
00:12:53¿En verdad? ¿Así fue?
00:12:55¿Como la parrilla?
00:12:58Sí. Lo que recuerdo fue verte una hora trabajando en ella.
00:13:02Y luego pasaste dos días recriminándome.
00:13:05Que si hubieras ido a la universidad, habrías pagado por ello.
00:13:08No creo que hayan sido dos días.
00:13:10¿O la hamaca de por allá?
00:13:12Sí. Creo que renunciaste porque no quisiste seguir intentándolo, Mike.
00:13:17Oye, trata de ver las cosas desde mi punto de vista.
00:13:19En verdad, estoy decepcionado de mi vida.
00:13:22No te pedí nunca matrimonio.
00:13:24No, pero yo sí.
00:13:28Bueno, ya no tienes que hacerme más favores.
00:13:33No tenemos que seguir apoyándonos más, ¿okay?
00:13:37Te veo en la corte. Sí, para el juicio.
00:13:43¡Claro que vine!
00:13:44Oye, ¿qué clase de dama de honor sería si no te apoyara durante el divorcio?
00:13:47Ahora, no olvides que lo primero es lo duro.
00:13:53Me da igual.
00:13:54Bueno, hay que prepararte. Tienes que volver al mercado.
00:13:56Sí, soy un partido como ninguno, madre soltera, con dos hijos adolescentes y mugre debajo de las uñas.
00:14:01Ay, por favor, tienes el trasero de un chico de 12 años.
00:14:03Ay, qué linda. Ojalá nuestra hija haya escuchado.
00:14:06¿Hace cuánto te depilaste?
00:14:12Me voy, Mike.
00:14:48¿Estás seguro de ello?
00:15:13¡Oiga! ¡Bájale ahí!
00:15:27¡Ay, no! ¡Oiga! ¡Oiga! ¡Oiga!
00:15:40¿Qué es eso?
00:15:56¿Qué es eso?
00:16:28¡No, Nev! ¡Nev, no! ¡No, no! ¡No soy yo!
00:16:42¡Está loco!
00:16:57Oh, wow. Me siento muy bien.
00:17:05¿Qué estás haciendo, Nev? ¡No, no, no, no! ¡Nev! ¡No! ¡No!
00:17:12¡No, no, no, no, no!
00:17:23¡No, Nev, por favor! ¡Nev, soy yo!
00:17:30¡Nev, Nev, Nev! ¡Escuchame! ¡Escuchame! ¡Basta! ¡Basta! ¡Ahora!
00:17:35Ah. Un arma elegante, para un momento civilizado.
00:17:43It's me, Mike O'Donnell, your best friend.
00:17:48You have a retractable testicle.
00:17:51It's on the internet!
00:17:55You helped me copy in math, but I got caught.
00:17:58Everyone knows!
00:18:07You invited Princess Leia to the dance.
00:18:10It was on the news.
00:18:13It was on the news!
00:18:19I give up!
00:18:30My balls!
00:18:32No, no, no!
00:18:34Ned, Ned, Ned!
00:18:36You didn't fool me!
00:18:49Do you want to stop seeing me?
00:18:52You scared me, Mike.
00:18:53I scared myself!
00:18:54I'm a teenager!
00:19:00Okay, and...
00:19:02Is it a classic story of transformation?
00:19:04Does it appear in literature over and over again?
00:19:07Did you ever get a gamma ray?
00:19:11Did you ever get a gamma ray?
00:19:13No, Ned!
00:19:14You didn't.
00:19:15No, you would've seen it.
00:19:17That would eliminate some preliminary theories.
00:19:23Are you now, or have you been...
00:19:26a Nordic god, vampire, or robot of the future?
00:19:29I've known you since first grade.
00:19:30I think I might have told you!
00:19:32Vampires don't say it.
00:19:34Robots don't know it.
00:19:35Shut up.
00:19:37Well, if it's not one of those, I think it is...
00:19:39We're looking for the origin...
00:19:42of the magic of your spiritual guide.
00:19:44That sounds strange.
00:19:45In fact, it's...
00:19:47it's here.
00:19:48When the hero, who I think is you,
00:19:51that's right,
00:19:52is transformed by his spiritual guide to...
00:19:56find his way.
00:19:58Who would that be?
00:19:59And what do you think I am, your spiritual guide?
00:20:05The Concierge.
00:20:08The Concierge.
00:20:21Have you seen the Concierge?
00:20:22Have you seen the Concierge?
00:20:23Have you seen the Concierge?
00:20:25Have you seen the Concierge?
00:20:26Where is the Concierge?
00:20:27Where does the Concierge work?
00:20:28In this...
00:20:29Hey, excuse me!
00:20:30Are you okay?
00:20:31Yes, is there another Concierge in this school?
00:20:32Just me?
00:20:33No, no, no, no, no.
00:20:34There's an old man with white hair who works here.
00:20:36He was talking to the Concierge.
00:20:37I saw him.
00:20:38I'm in this picture.
00:20:42But that picture is from 1989.
00:20:47That's right.
00:20:48Forget it.
00:20:56Alex, amigo!
00:21:33Spiritual Guide?
00:21:37What am I supposed to do?
00:21:39I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
00:21:50No, no, no, no.
00:21:51Did you hit me?
00:21:52Did you hit me or was it someone who...
00:21:54I bet someone's waiting for me.
00:21:55It's a...
00:21:56It's a grenade.
00:21:59It's the kid.
00:22:00I found out.
00:22:01I found out what I'm supposed to do.
00:22:02I found out what my spiritual guide wants me to do.
00:22:04You hear me?
00:22:05I'll be back.
00:22:08I'll go back to school, amigo!
00:22:10No, no, no.
00:22:11What do you mean?
00:22:12Your spiritual guide wouldn't transform you with his magic
00:22:15to revive your last year and make you go to dance, right?
00:22:18Ned, it's my only chance to live again and do the right thing.
00:22:22Wouldn't you do it if you had it?
00:22:24No, no, no.
00:22:25I wouldn't.
00:22:26I'm rich and no one puts my face in the excuse.
00:22:28But it's not just about me.
00:22:29Yes, it is.
00:22:30It's much bigger than me.
00:22:33It's about you.
00:22:34Okay, maybe it's about me.
00:22:35What's wrong with that?
00:22:36You haven't done anything for me since 1989.
00:22:39Hey, do whatever you have to do.
00:22:41But don't even think I'm going to get involved with you.
00:22:44Hayden was the worst thing in my life.
00:22:46And I promised I would never go to that disgusting school again, damn it!
00:22:54Never, never, never, never, never!
00:22:56I hate you.
00:23:01I'm here to register my son in school.
00:23:07What's up?
00:23:15We'll sit down until he has time, as you can see.
00:23:18We'll be fine.
00:23:20What are you saying?
00:23:23What are you doing?
00:23:26It's in vogue, it's new.
00:23:28I have a picture of Kevin Federline wearing the same thing.
00:23:30And who is that?
00:23:31And what about your clothes?
00:23:33Don't you look like a decent adult?
00:23:34It's his son.
00:23:35You look like Clay Aiken.
00:23:36Don't mess with him.
00:23:39Are you sure it looks real?
00:23:40Of course, look who's here with you.
00:23:42It's your son.
00:23:43It's your son.
00:23:44It's your son.
00:23:45It's your son.
00:23:46It's your son.
00:23:47It's your son.
00:23:48It's your son.
00:23:49Their dad is still here with you.
00:23:51I invented the software which helps people not steal music.
00:23:54I also invented the software that helps people
00:23:56not steal music, but that was a coincidence.
00:24:00what is this?
00:24:02Oh my god.
00:24:03No, no, no.
00:24:04Those are not mine, they belong to me.
00:24:05You are kidding.
00:24:06Eddy and Chewie are mine.
00:24:07Miss Masterson will take care of them.
00:24:11Don't play funny.
00:24:12Do you want something serious?
00:24:13The most serious...
00:24:14Enjoy it.
00:24:17I'm sorry, sir.
00:24:25Hi, I'm Jane Masterson, director of the Hayden Preparatory School.
00:24:44How are you?
00:24:48You can let me go now.
00:24:51I'm sorry.
00:24:53Our hands gave birth to a baby.
00:24:56I'm sorry, Dad.
00:24:57I don't usually talk to pretty women.
00:25:00Oh, thank you.
00:25:04For that cute, although inappropriate, comment.
00:25:07Take a seat.
00:25:10Before we begin, I think you need to know that Mark is a bastard.
00:25:15Excuse me?
00:25:16I had him out of the marriage, so...
00:25:19I'm single.
00:25:21And very rich.
00:25:26Did you bring your papers?
00:25:27Oh, yes.
00:25:30Let's see.
00:25:31The last school was Cutler's in Connecticut.
00:25:34Excellent grades. Impressive.
00:25:37Finalist in the Math Olympiad.
00:25:40With my sausages, you won that contest.
00:25:46Well, I think Hayden is honored to welcome you.
00:25:58Uh, yes, Mr. Gold.
00:25:59Do you have any questions?
00:26:01What a nice hair.
00:26:03Oh, it wasn't a question, but thank you.
00:26:08Would you mind if I blew it?
00:26:10It's a good time to tell you that I'm not going out with the parents of my children.
00:26:15Well, maybe I should tell you that I'm not going out with my son's teachers.
00:26:19Okay, let's go.
00:26:20Let's go, Dad.
00:26:22Let's go.
00:26:23No, wait.
00:26:24I was going to say goodbye.
00:26:26Easy, easy.
00:26:27You're a good father.
00:26:29Keep going.
00:26:30Keep going.
00:26:31Keep going.
00:26:32Keep going.
00:26:33Keep going.
00:26:34Keep going.
00:26:35Keep going.
00:26:36Keep going.
00:26:37Keep going.
00:26:38Keep going.
00:26:39Keep going.
00:26:40Keep going.
00:26:41Keep going.
00:26:42Keep going.
00:26:43Hi, Marco.
00:26:44¿Qué te crees rapero?
00:26:49Bienvenido al final de la cadena alimenticia.
00:26:54siempre me cuidaste en el preparatorio
00:26:56Así que,
00:26:57si tu guía espiritual quiere que seas un adolescente falso.
00:26:59Y que yo sea tu padre falso.
00:27:01Quiero... asegurarme
00:27:02que mi hijo falso no se vea igual
00:27:05igual que un niño.
00:27:07No me veo como niño niño .
00:27:09!Iremos de compras.
00:27:11¿En serio?
00:27:12What's so special about Pedrería?
00:27:14Pedrería is in vogue!
00:27:35I love school.
00:27:37Hey, what's that?
00:27:39Hey, don't go in there!
00:27:42I hear a call of a lifetime rain
00:27:45Love the need to get up for air
00:27:48I wanna cut out the middle man
00:27:50Get free from the middle man
00:27:52You got no time for the messenger
00:27:55Got no regard for the thing that you don't understand
00:27:58You got no fear of the underdog
00:28:01That's why you will not survive
00:28:12What's the matter with you?
00:28:19What are you looking at, Paco?
00:28:26Get out of the way!
00:28:28Don't hide!
00:28:30I'm sorry.
00:28:33No text messages, no cell phones.
00:28:39Sit down, guys.
00:28:41Calm down.
00:28:42Leave the talk for later, please.
00:28:52What are you doing?
00:28:55Oh, girl, the thing.
00:28:58Are you talking about the divorce?
00:29:00Are you taking it like a game?
00:29:02No, no, no, it's not a game.
00:29:03I'm taking it seriously.
00:29:04I have to get out of the country.
00:29:06It was sudden.
00:29:07Very sudden.
00:29:08I'm with the Mayans, the Incas.
00:29:09I'm with the Incas in Peru.
00:29:11I think we might find the next...
00:29:16Are you with a girl?
00:29:18No, no, no, sorry.
00:29:19A lot of burristas.
00:29:20Hey, would you consider going out with a 10th grade?
00:29:23I think we can ask for full custody.
00:29:26No, no, you can't take me away from my children.
00:29:28How long have you been interested?
00:29:34Look, I'm closer to them than you think.
00:29:39Let's change the date, okay?
00:29:44How are you?
00:29:48Why is the new guy looking at me?
00:29:50I don't know.
00:29:52But if it were an apple, I'd bite it.
00:29:56Oh, no.
00:29:59God, we're in great shape.
00:30:01Oh, God.
00:30:03Listen, friend.
00:30:05I'll tell you something.
00:30:07In 10 years, you're going to have a big belly.
00:30:09Not even the abs will take it away.
00:30:11And losing weight is not true.
00:30:13You know, I...
00:30:15Oh, I'm nervous.
00:30:17Forget it.
00:30:18Give me the ball.
00:30:19To the left.
00:30:21And his star move.
00:30:31Coach Murphy.
00:30:32Oh, wow.
00:30:33You're still here?
00:30:37He's a legend.
00:30:39Well, yeah, 20 years.
00:30:41In fact, he's my last.
00:30:43Good hand, good jump.
00:30:46We need a new guard.
00:30:51Come to the training.
00:30:55The talk is over.
00:31:00How's it going?
00:31:01Everything's fine.
00:31:02Murphy practically got me on the team.
00:31:05It's not a coincidence.
00:31:06This is the way.
00:31:07Yeah, it's great.
00:31:08It's great that you want to find your destiny and blah, blah, blah, whatever.
00:31:10Hey, there's something I need you to do for me.
00:31:12I need you to have problems.
00:31:14And no, no, no, not a big one.
00:31:16Enough for the director to have to talk to your father.
00:31:19Yeah, okay.
00:31:20I'll see.
00:31:21Oh, boom.
00:31:23Checkmate Samir.
00:31:26Hey, can you help me with this?
00:31:38How's that...
00:31:41Who did this to you?
00:31:43The basketball team.
00:31:47You're on the team.
00:31:48You are popular.
00:31:50Listen, it's something personal.
00:31:51It's something personal, and I don't know you.
00:31:54I was hit with an excuse.
00:31:55I'm sorry. I'm Mark Gold.
00:31:57I'm your uncle Ned's son.
00:31:59I just got here.
00:32:00Oh, sure, sure.
00:32:01Yeah, well, I'd say hi, but my hands are tied.
00:32:05Yeah, I know.
00:32:06Hey, would you mind...
00:32:07Yeah, yeah, sure.
00:32:10Just pull hard.
00:32:11Yeah, just...
00:32:13Do it now.
00:32:18How come we didn't know each other?
00:32:21Mom didn't want anyone to know she had a son with Ned.
00:32:24I can understand that.
00:32:26Yeah, since we're practically family and everything.
00:32:29Dad says we should take care of each other, you know?
00:32:32Yeah, why not?
00:32:34The next one gets here before I get hit with an excuse.
00:32:36That's right.
00:32:40That looks good.
00:32:47Who's she?
00:32:49She's Nicole.
00:32:50Oh, yeah? You go out with her?
00:32:51No, no. She's the main actress.
00:32:53I'd never go out with her.
00:32:55You know, Alex, when I met your mom, she was very nervous.
00:32:58You met my mom?
00:33:00My mom.
00:33:02You said when I met your mom, she was very nervous.
00:33:04Oh, that's weird.
00:33:05Is she pretty?
00:33:06Hey, what?
00:33:07It's a joke.
00:33:08What am I supposed to say?
00:33:09It's a joke.
00:33:17I hate that kid.
00:33:26Was he the one who hit you in the back?
00:33:29Yesterday he got me into the washing machine in my house.
00:33:31And what was that idiot doing in your house?
00:33:34He's Maggie's boyfriend.
00:33:36Maggie has a boyfriend?
00:33:42I'm very disappointed in your sister.
00:33:45He's looking.
00:33:46Don't look him in the eyes.
00:33:47It's something temperamental.
00:33:48And he's looking at you.
00:33:49And me at him.
00:33:50Stop, stop, stop, stop.
00:33:52Hey, man.
00:33:54If I wanted you at the cafeteria, I'd have hit you at the kitchen.
00:34:00You're abusive.
00:34:01You won't talk to him that way.
00:34:09What are you going to do?
00:34:14What am I going to do?
00:34:20I'm going to call your father.
00:34:25There he goes.
00:34:34Give me back my ball, bitch.
00:34:37You know, Stan, I'm so sorry.
00:34:40You don't know me.
00:34:41Oh, but still.
00:34:42You're one more.
00:34:44You're the man.
00:34:45The captain of the basketball team.
00:34:47You go out with pretty girls.
00:34:50School is your kingdom.
00:34:53But, friends...
00:34:55Stan is an abuser.
00:34:59It's so easy to say that Stan annoys the weak, just because he's a fool.
00:35:07Our Stan...
00:35:09is much more complex than that.
00:35:11You see, according to psychiatric studies,
00:35:14Stan is an abuser for one of three reasons.
00:35:20Underneath all that macho bravado,
00:35:22there's an insecure little girl knocking on the closet to get out.
00:35:29Like a caveman,
00:35:31Stan's brain is...
00:35:35So Stan is unable to have self-control.
00:35:38So he acts...
00:35:39very aggressively.
00:35:41And the third reason?
00:35:43Stan has a little man.
00:36:02Don't get hurt, little friend.
00:36:15Hey, hey, hey, hey.
00:36:16The age to drink is 21 years old, thank you.
00:36:18Unless your spiritual guide gives you a false identification, this is mine.
00:36:26And what do you eat?
00:36:27I don't even know.
00:36:28I'm hungry.
00:36:30All the time.
00:36:31That's not safe or hygienic.
00:36:33Now it's your can and I'll put your initials on it.
00:36:37¿Y qué aprendió el nene en la escuela hoy?
00:36:42Que soy un mal padre.
00:36:43¿Qué dices, que no todo está bien?
00:36:45Todo estaba fantástico.
00:36:46Para mí.
00:36:47¿Y luego qué?
00:36:51Luego descubrí que mi hijo lleva un año siendo humillado en la escuela.
00:36:55Y vi a mi hija dar un beso de lengua a un tonto psicópata.
00:36:58Y lo lindo de la escuela, ¿no?
00:37:01Pero creo que me equivoqué con mi camino espiritual.
00:37:04¿Y quién tenía razón?
00:37:05Te lo dije.
00:37:06Te dije que la escuela era la peor pal...
00:37:07No, no, no, no.
00:37:08La escuela está bien.
00:37:09Pero no es sobre el básquetbol.
00:37:11Es para ayudar a Alex y Maggie.
00:37:19Ya me voy.
00:37:21Mis hijos necesitan un padre.
00:37:29¿Qué ocurre?
00:37:30Hola, Mark.
00:37:34¿Qué fue eso?
00:37:36Tres puntos.
00:37:39¿Puedes hacerlo dos veces seguidas?
00:37:45Muy bien.
00:37:46Veamos cómo lo haces con presión.
00:37:54Oye, eres bueno.
00:37:55Deberías estar en el equipo.
00:37:58Deberías estar en el equipo.
00:38:00Te inscribiré en el equipo.
00:38:03Eso es.
00:38:04Eso resolverá las cosas.
00:38:06¿De qué estás hablando?
00:38:16Eso fue divertido.
00:38:17No había ido a la hora feliz en como semana y media.
00:38:20Naomi, te agradezco mucho.
00:38:21Esto es justo lo que necesitaba.
00:38:23Oh, excelente.
00:38:24¿Cuál Mike?
00:38:25Sí, ¿Mike qué?
00:38:26Jamás oí nada de él.
00:38:29Hola, mamá.
00:38:30Él es Mark, el bastardo de tío Ned.
00:38:32Lo sé.
00:38:33Alguien tuvo un hijo con el tío Ned.
00:38:37¿Todo bien, señora O'Donnell?
00:38:40Sí, bien.
00:38:41Es señorita, niño.
00:38:42Señorita Scarlett, no lo olvides.
00:38:43Ah, sí.
00:38:51Te pareces a mi esposo.
00:38:53¿No lo creen?
00:38:54Mi ex-esposo.
00:38:56Es tan raro.
00:38:58Sí, es raro.
00:38:59¿Qué es esto?
00:39:00Scarlett, Scarlett, necesito que vengas.
00:39:02¡Qué extraño!
00:39:03Lo viste, ¿no?
00:39:04Sí, claro.
00:39:05¿Viste su cara?
00:39:06¿Te fijaste en él?
00:39:08Pero míralo bien.
00:39:09Y sé, querida, que necesitas dejar en paz al chico.
00:39:10Sácalo de tu cerebro y vámonos.
00:39:11Sé que necesitas el duelo en una relación.
00:39:13Es muy natural.
00:39:14Oye, aguarda.
00:39:16Oleré su aroma.
00:39:17No, no, no, amiga, amiga, amiga.
00:39:19No se permite oler adolescentes.
00:39:21Amiga, tienes que escucharme, ¿quieres?
00:39:22Las cosas son así, las cosas son así.
00:39:24Sí, las cosas son así, pero tienes que reconocer el hecho
00:39:26de que es idéntico a Mike de adolescente en la escuela.
00:39:29Ya discutimos esto.
00:39:30Tengo que mirarlo.
00:39:31Pero, querida, la cosa es que tienes que salir
00:39:33con alguien nuevo.
00:39:35Sí, merezco tener a alguien que me sonría.
00:39:38Y que me diga que soy bella.
00:39:39No eres.
00:39:40Aunque lo único que quiera sea llevarme a la cama con él.
00:39:43O a cenar, pero sí, lo haremos.
00:39:45Te encontraremos una nueva pareja.
00:39:48Eres un tonto.
00:39:49Eres un soquete.
00:39:50Perdone, cielos.
00:39:51Lo siento.
00:39:52Creí que iba, creo que estaba distraído.
00:39:54Y creí que Alex estaba escuchando,
00:39:56que su madre, que aún está casada.
00:39:58Por cierto, planea salir con cualquier hombre
00:40:00que quiera tocarla.
00:40:01Si esto fuera Afganistán, sería arrastrada por las calles
00:40:03con ovejas y le cortaría las manos.
00:40:05Solo digo eso, Naomi.
00:40:07Me da igual.
00:40:16Clase de salud.
00:40:22Hola, chicos.
00:40:25Todo el mundo tome asiento.
00:40:29Stan, gracias.
00:40:31Escuchen, hoy continuaremos nuestra discusión
00:40:33de la sexualidad humana.
00:40:35Y como ya vimos, la política oficial de la escuela
00:40:38es la abstinencia.
00:40:40Eso es muy interesante.
00:40:42Me alegra que alguien aquí tenga una idea tan inteligente.
00:40:45Creo que deberíamos hacer un pacto de abstinencia del sexo.
00:40:48¿Quién está conmigo?
00:40:49¿Quién se anima?
00:40:51Está loco.
00:40:57Sin embargo, siendo realistas,
00:40:59sé que pedirle a los adolescentes que se abstengan
00:41:01es como pedirle a un puerco espín que defeque queso.
00:41:06Como la mayoría ya son o serán sexualmente activos
00:41:09en algún punto...
00:41:10Pero ese punto debería estar muy, muy en el futuro, ¿cierto?
00:41:14Bueno, la posición oficial de la escuela
00:41:17es que los preparemos para el sexo seguro.
00:41:19Ahora, por favor, tomen uno y pásenlos hacia atrás.
00:41:28Tengo necesidades.
00:41:31Uno los necesita.
00:41:32Stan, dale uno a Mark.
00:41:35No. No, ¿sabe qué? Tienes razón.
00:41:37Tienes razón. No lo necesito. ¿Sabe por qué?
00:41:39¿Sabe por qué no lo necesito?
00:41:40Porque no hay nadie de quien esté enamorado.
00:41:42Se llama hacer el amor, ¿no es cierto?
00:41:44Y tal vez sea anticuado,
00:41:45pero yo creo que significa que lo hagas con alguien a quien amas.
00:41:49Y de preferencia cuando estés casado.
00:41:51Cuando estés listo para tomar ese amor
00:41:53y convertirlo en un bebé.
00:41:57Porque eso es el amor.
00:41:59Es ese momento cuando tomas a tu bebita
00:42:03y te das cuenta que no hay nada más pequeño o delicado
00:42:08y sientes ese corazoncito latir.
00:42:11Y te das cuenta que no amas a nada ni a nadie como a ella.
00:42:16Y esperas hacer lo correcto por esa niñita.
00:42:20Y siempre estar ahí cuando se caiga
00:42:22y que nada nunca la lastime.
00:42:24Ni un brazo roto o un mal sueño o...
00:42:30un corazón roto.
00:42:38Yo no quiero.
00:42:39Tampoco yo.
00:42:42Genial. Bien. Maravilloso.
00:42:44Más para mí.
00:42:46Tengo muchos para el fin de semana.
00:42:56¡Suéltalos dos!
00:42:59¡Guarden los teléfonos!
00:43:03¡Todo lo que se está pasando vamos a salvarlo!
00:43:05¡Aganchenlos muchachos!
00:43:19Mira lo que me envió mi primo de Nueva York.
00:43:24¡Que nos vuelven!
00:43:31Espero no llegar tarde a nuestra junta.
00:43:34Detenido por pelea. Eso, ¿eh?
00:43:35¿Quién ganó?
00:43:37Bueno, estuvo bastante pareja.
00:43:40¿Ah, sí?
00:43:41En YouTube parecía que estabas perdiendo.
00:43:43La vi un par de veces.
00:43:46¿Qué te pusiste?
00:43:49No, ¿qué?
00:43:50La ropa, claro.
00:43:51Para un ojo normal me veo como un total idiota.
00:43:54Sí, así es, de hecho.
00:43:56Pero es en realidad una técnica de seducción conocida como el pavo real.
00:43:59Mi atuendo tiene una doble función.
00:44:01Romper el hielo y llamar la atención.
00:44:04Ya pueden pasar.
00:44:14¿Es el pavo real?
00:44:16¿En serio?
00:44:17¿Cree que va a funcionar?
00:44:18Sí, podría ser.
00:44:29¿Acaso es la señora O'Donnell?
00:44:31¿Cómo le va?
00:44:32Hola, ¿cómo estás?
00:44:34Bien, ¿usted qué tal?
00:44:38Wow, tendré que acostumbrarme a esto.
00:44:41¿Eres hijo de Ned?
00:44:42Sí, sí, Ned me parió.
00:44:45Bueno, él no puede parir, ya sabe.
00:44:48¿Está arreglando su jardín?
00:44:50Lo estoy reconstruyendo.
00:44:52¿Quieres ir?
00:44:54Sí, seguro. Tengo bastante tiempo.
00:44:58Oh, wow.
00:45:00Sí, es obvio, aún tengo tanto por hacer.
00:45:04¿Puedes ponerlo...
00:45:05¿Por aquí?
00:45:09¿Es esto?
00:45:11Es esto.
00:45:12Y se veía peor.
00:45:14Básicamente, lo que planeo hacer es hacer un estanque aquí...
00:45:20...y tener un riachuelo de ambos lados,
00:45:24y luego poner un dique justo aquí,
00:45:28y un gran patio de losa ahí, y césped en medio.
00:45:33Eso sería hermoso.
00:45:35Y quizá poner lucecitas sobre todo el terreno
00:45:41para que todas las noches haya estrellas.
00:45:45Será asombroso, Scar.
00:45:47¿Me dijiste cómo?
00:45:50Solo dije, será asombroso.
00:45:52Me llamaste Scar.
00:45:53Mi esposo era el único que me llamaba así.
00:45:55¿Necesita ayuda?
00:45:58Un voluntario. Soy joven y fuerte.
00:46:01Ah, claro, entiendo. Está bien.
00:46:06Ya entiendo.
00:46:07Entiendo. Esto es un adolescente queriendo acostarse con una mujer mayor.
00:46:12Ya sé, como sea, es una fantasía muy grande, ¿no?, para los adolescentes.
00:46:17Pues eso no va a pasar, porque tú y yo, no.
00:46:20Ni siquiera pensé en algo como eso.
00:46:22No, estaba pensando en otra forma.
00:46:24Experiencia laboral para la universidad.
00:46:27Pero si usted quiere ir por ahí...
00:46:29¿Iré a traerte una pala entonces?
00:46:33But I found myself today.
00:46:35I found inspiration.
00:46:37Yeah, the people I've been hanging around.
00:46:40Come on.
00:46:41Constriction that I turned into someone that I didn't like.
00:46:45And that's no fun.
00:46:47From now on, I'm only gonna look out for number one.
00:46:49And that's me.
00:46:50I'm on my own, I'm on my own.
00:46:52I'm on my own, I'm on my own.
00:46:54I'm on my own, I'm on my own.
00:46:56I'm on my own, I'm on my own.
00:46:58I'm on my own, I'm on my own.
00:47:00I'm on my own, I'm on my own.
00:47:02I'm on my own, I'm on my own.
00:47:04I'm on my own, I'm on my own.
00:47:07I won't take things for granted.
00:47:09Because nothing's as it seems.
00:47:11And I won't cuff myself in other people's broken dreams.
00:47:15Oh, I'm on my own, I'm on my own.
00:47:17I'm on my own, I'm on my own.
00:47:19I'm on my own, I'm on my own.
00:47:21In this world.
00:47:32I'm on my own, I'm on my own.
00:47:34I'm on my own, I'm on my own.
00:47:36I'm on my own, I'm on my own.
00:47:38In this world.
00:48:02Good, very good, Mark. Excellent.
00:48:04You play very well.
00:48:07Like me.
00:48:08Get in the team!
00:48:09Oh, great!
00:48:10What a joy!
00:48:11I'm very proud of you.
00:48:12Me too.
00:48:13You're doing well.
00:48:14Oh, Mark.
00:48:15That's super inappropriate.
00:48:16Oh, I said...
00:48:17About work today.
00:48:18Good job!
00:48:20I'll show you something.
00:48:21Come, I want you to see something.
00:48:28You hung the lights.
00:48:32I wanted you to see it first.
00:48:34Mom, how beautiful.
00:48:36It's great.
00:48:38It's beautiful.
00:48:41Oh, Mark.
00:48:42Mark, we should go practice, right?
00:48:45The game is on Friday.
00:48:46Mom, good job.
00:48:51What do you think?
00:48:53It's amazing.
00:48:54When people see it, when they see how talented you are,
00:48:56you'll be designing the gardens of the whole city.
00:49:00Thank you, Mark.
00:49:01You're so sweet.
00:49:07I have to go.
00:49:08I have a date tonight.
00:49:09You have to...
00:49:10I have to go.
00:49:11A date?
00:49:12I'm going to dance.
00:49:13Which is ridiculous because I don't know how to do it.
00:49:15So I'm going to...
00:49:16You're an excellent dancer.
00:49:21It looks like you're moving very well.
00:49:24I'm leaving.
00:49:25So have fun, Mark.
00:49:28You too.
00:49:29What an idiot.
00:49:44What are you looking at?
00:49:45You're good.
00:49:47This is the worm.
00:49:49It was very popular when you were a year old.
00:49:53Show me.
00:49:54I can't.
00:49:55It's a very difficult step.
00:49:56Which is not easy to believe
00:49:58because I make it look very simple.
00:50:01That's the secret of every great dancer.
00:50:04Show me.
00:50:07Why did you choose that song?
00:50:10Oh, well, I don't know.
00:50:11It's just...
00:50:12It talks about me.
00:50:14How funny.
00:50:15That's the song my husband and I danced at our wedding.
00:50:19Man of good taste.
00:50:20Do you want me to show you some dance steps?
00:50:21I'd love to see.
00:50:22I learned them at my wedding.
00:50:26You stand here.
00:50:27Like this.
00:50:29And me here.
00:50:31You there.
00:50:33You there.
00:50:34Are you ready?
00:50:35Your right foot back.
00:50:36And then the left.
00:50:37And then fast.
00:50:38Right, left, right, left, right.
00:50:40And then right.
00:50:44Left, right, left, right.
00:50:46That's it.
00:50:47Oh, it was amazing.
00:50:49You learned so fast.
00:50:51You were mentioning your husband.
00:50:53And do you think they'll be together again?
00:50:57Why are you so sure?
00:50:59Is there something I can do to fix things?
00:51:02I love my husband.
00:51:03And I worry about him.
00:51:07But there are times when that's not enough.
00:51:11Well, I'll ruin it.
00:51:31Hi, Alex.
00:51:34I'm your mother.
00:51:36Yes, I'm her mother, Mark.
00:51:40Your date is here.
00:51:42The door in front of you.
00:51:43Your date.
00:51:44Oh, yes.
00:51:45She's nervous.
00:51:47Strange, isn't it?
00:51:48A little.
00:51:49It's so weird.
00:51:52Are you going out with your friends' mothers?
00:51:54Something like that.
00:51:55Something like that.
00:51:57Hi, Scarlett.
00:51:59Wow, you look great.
00:52:01For Boo.
00:52:03What a detail.
00:52:05No, it's okay.
00:52:06I'm a father.
00:52:07I'm sorry.
00:52:08I know, I'm a single father.
00:52:09It's very normal for people to feel jealous that their mothers have dates.
00:52:11They're in their father's place, protecting the castle.
00:52:14He's not my son, but...
00:52:16Oh, how strange.
00:52:18He is.
00:52:20Do you want to go to...
00:52:22I'll wait for you.
00:52:23I'm going to get my coat.
00:52:25That man?
00:52:26Don't be rude.
00:52:27After Uncle Mike?
00:52:28Don't meddle.
00:52:30Do me a favor.
00:52:31He's a fool.
00:52:33Give this to Ned.
00:52:34Tell him to give it to Mike.
00:52:35These are the divorce papers.
00:52:36And remind him that he needs to be there on the 27th.
00:52:54Hey, where are you going?
00:52:56To Jamey's party!
00:53:04Yes, seriously.
00:53:05I can't be here.
00:53:06I really can't.
00:53:07Do you know how dangerous and painful it is?
00:53:09Have you ever had a brightening cream on your head?
00:53:11It's not a scalp massage.
00:53:13You're on the team.
00:53:14You're on the team.
00:53:15I'm on the team.
00:53:16I'm on the team.
00:53:17I'm on the team.
00:53:18I'm on the team.
00:53:19I'm on the team.
00:53:20I'm on the team.
00:53:21I'm on the team.
00:53:22I'm on the team.
00:53:23I'm on the team.
00:53:24You're on the basketball team.
00:53:25It's your party.
00:53:26No, but...
00:53:28It's okay.
00:53:29It's okay.
00:53:30Oh, there's Nicole.
00:53:31Oh God.
00:53:32Oh no.
00:53:34Right there.
00:53:35You're looking at three.
00:53:36I say at two.
00:53:38Stop, stop.
00:53:39She's in front of you.
00:53:40What are you doing?
00:53:43What was that?
00:53:46It was an eruption.
00:53:47Why are you erupting?
00:53:48It's my stomach.
00:53:49Get over it.
00:53:50Your stomach?
00:53:51She won't like me.
00:53:52What do you know about girls?
00:53:54What do I know about girls?
00:53:56I used to go out with the most beautiful girl at school.
00:53:59And I let her go for a fool.
00:54:01I'm not going to let that happen to you.
00:54:03Okay, you're right. I'll just walk to her and introduce myself.
00:54:07Yes. Tomorrow at school. Maybe. Maybe not.
00:54:10Go get her.
00:54:11Leave me alone.
00:54:13And I told her that if she didn't go through me in her car, she wouldn't even notice.
00:54:16Hello girls.
00:54:17Hello stranger.
00:54:18How are you?
00:54:19Good. Hello.
00:54:20Have you seen Maggie? I've looked everywhere for her.
00:54:22Maggie isn't here.
00:54:24But I am.
00:54:26And I'm very, very happy that you're here.
00:54:29It's my birthday.
00:54:30I didn't bring you a gift. I'm sorry.
00:54:32I'm going to take the wrapping off.
00:54:36They took me out of the cheerleading team.
00:54:38Because I'm very flexible.
00:54:43Okay, okay. Sit down.
00:54:45Sit down.
00:54:48If you don't respect each other, how do you expect others to respect you?
00:54:54Do you understand?
00:54:56You don't respect me.
00:54:57No, you don't respect me.
00:54:58You don't even have to remember my name.
00:55:00To start with, slut.
00:55:01You're a slut.
00:55:02Yes, totally.
00:55:04I don't know how this works.
00:55:06I just wanted to tell you that you look like my dog.
00:55:09Excuse me?
00:55:10Your hair looks like my dog's because...
00:55:13No, no. It's shiny and soft.
00:55:15We give my dog special food.
00:55:17It contains flax.
00:55:19Yes, it was a charm.
00:55:20How sweet.
00:55:21He's dead.
00:55:22So you think he's just like me?
00:55:25Oh my God, I'm very nervous.
00:55:27And I've wanted to talk to you for a long time.
00:55:29No, don't worry.
00:55:31Yes, oh my God, you know my name?
00:55:33You have fire.
00:55:35Really, you have fire.
00:55:38Literally, fire.
00:55:40Oh, okay.
00:55:41I'm going to get out of here.
00:55:42See you.
00:55:43Go now!
00:55:48Hey, you.
00:55:49Pass me those keys that are there.
00:55:50Yes, they are inside.
00:55:53If the keys are inside, I don't know how we're going to get them out.
00:55:58Keep your oxygen.
00:56:00Don't scream.
00:56:01They have a limited amount of oxygen.
00:56:04They are beautiful.
00:56:05We have some beautiful ladies here.
00:56:08No, here you are.
00:56:24What do you want?
00:56:25I just want to talk about Stan.
00:56:29Why are you dating him?
00:56:30You know he's not a good guy.
00:56:32He's crazy.
00:56:34Hey, don't talk like that about Stan.
00:56:36You don't know him.
00:56:37Of course I do.
00:56:38I really do.
00:56:39I know him better than you.
00:56:40Hey, we'll live together after graduation.
00:56:42Did they accept you in Georgetown?
00:56:47No, Stan.
00:56:48He was given the administration of Home Depot.
00:56:52And I'm going to the University of Westwick Community to be with my Stan.
00:56:56He's my soul mate.
00:57:00You can't do that.
00:57:01Excuse me?
00:57:02I won't let any of that happen.
00:57:06Do you think I'm going to let you ruin your future?
00:57:08Do you think I'm going to let you waste everything you've worked for?
00:57:11Everything you've achieved for any guy?
00:57:13For a psychopath who doesn't care about you?
00:57:15I forbid you.
00:57:16I forbid you to see him again.
00:57:19What's wrong with you?
00:57:20Who do you think you are?
00:57:21My father?
00:57:23Don't go, Maggie.
00:57:24Are you okay?
00:57:25Don't go.
00:57:26Don't leave me talking to myself.
00:57:27Margaret Sarah O'Donnell.
00:57:30Hi, how did it go?
00:57:33What happened to your leg?
00:57:35Home of the Warriors.
00:57:37Remember, with defense we win the game.
00:57:39What's wrong?
00:57:40You look uncomfortable.
00:57:45I was remembering that the last time I was here, my husband asked me to marry him.
00:57:52How do you compete with that?
00:57:54Local 58. Visitor 64.
00:57:55Down by six.
00:57:57Give the ball to Gold.
00:57:58Warriors on three.
00:57:59One, two, three.
00:58:07Stan, what are you doing?
00:58:09Let's go!
00:58:10Let's go, Alex!
00:58:20To the left.
00:58:22Let's go, over there.
00:58:32Move to the left.
00:58:33There's a lot of time, quick!
00:58:35Move it to the corner.
00:58:39Over there.
00:58:50Go get McKinley.
00:58:51Go get him, let's go!
00:59:00Go with the player on the outside.
00:59:03O'Donnell, give the ball to Gold!
00:59:05Give the ball to Gold!
00:59:07No, no, no, no, no!
00:59:18We did it!
00:59:19You were fantastic!
00:59:22I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:59:23I'm sweating.
00:59:25You did a great job.
00:59:26You did a great job.
00:59:28Vielle, what a beautiful dance.
00:59:30Yes, I think Augusto.
00:59:31Augusto is very good.
00:59:33Well, good night.
00:59:35See you tomorrow.
00:59:39See you tomorrow.
00:59:49And now what is it, Ned?
00:59:50Did you buy me the Statue of Liberty?
00:59:52I wanted to invite you out, okay?
00:59:54As adults, only two friends at a dinner.
00:59:57And then...
00:59:59Well, then if something comes up, we'll see what happens.
01:00:05Each student will have their laptop.
01:00:09You won't deny those kids their laptop!
01:00:11Miss Masters, they're the kids!
01:00:13Okay, okay.
01:00:15But this is not a date.
01:00:17No, it's not a date.
01:00:18And if I do, you'll stop doing inappropriate things and giving me gifts.
01:00:22And we're just going to park in any restaurant.
01:00:24We're not going to fly through space or drive any flashy limousine.
01:00:30No, no, no.
01:00:31In your car.
01:00:32Come on.
01:00:36This way.
01:00:37Ned, the driver. Abort. Abort. Abort. Abort. Abort. Abort. Abort.
01:00:43I ruined it.
01:00:44It came towards me. I should have kissed it, but I froze.
01:00:47Don't worry. Don't worry. You'll have another chance.
01:00:49How? How are you going to do it?
01:00:56Let's celebrate the triumph in my house!
01:01:23Hey, Maggie.
01:01:24Get away.
01:01:26Hey, what happened?
01:01:28What do you want?
01:01:30To rub it in my face and tell you I told you?
01:01:32No, no. Not really.
01:01:34Just tell me what happened.
01:01:41Stan dumped me.
01:01:43Oh, no.
01:01:47Stan dumped you?
01:01:48Stan dumped you?
01:01:50What? Why?
01:01:51What did he do?
01:01:53What did he do?
01:01:56After the game.
01:02:00He took me to the stadium and...
01:02:01Oh, no, no, no.
01:02:02I can't hear this.
01:02:04Did you do it?
01:02:06No, Max.
01:02:12That's why he dumped me.
01:02:18Max, come on.
01:02:20Calm down.
01:02:24You know...
01:02:27When you're young, everything seems like the end of the world.
01:02:32It's not.
01:02:34Yes, it is.
01:02:36It's just the beginning.
01:02:39You'll probably meet your idiots,
01:02:41but one day you'll meet a man
01:02:44who will always treat you the way you deserve.
01:02:49As if you were the only thing in his life.
01:02:56Do you really think so?
01:03:00Yes, I do.
01:03:04You're so beautiful.
01:03:08There, there.
01:03:10Calm down.
01:03:13Whenever you want.
01:03:16I came here looking for you to invite you to my party.
01:03:19I don't know if you want to come.
01:03:22I'd love to.
01:03:24How exciting.
01:03:25Thank you!
01:03:27Yes, it's very exciting.
01:03:28I know.
01:03:29It's great.
01:03:31I'll see you tonight.
01:03:35Party at Marc's.
01:03:36Don't miss it.
01:03:40At Marc's and...
01:03:58Hey, what a great party.
01:04:00It's incredible.
01:04:02Don't touch the toys.
01:04:03Did you see that?
01:04:05Believe me, I'll try not to set myself on fire tonight.
01:04:08You'll be near the fire extinguisher.
01:04:09Oh, God.
01:04:11Do you want to sit outside?
01:04:14Of course.
01:04:56I don't know how to be normal.
01:04:58I know.
01:04:59It's the story of my life.
01:05:00I'm not polite.
01:05:01I'm just trying to impress you, okay?
01:05:03I'm not the kind of guy who comes to these places.
01:05:05I'm a fool.
01:05:06I spend $10,000 on Gandalf the Grey's magic wand
01:05:08from the two towers.
01:05:12Yes, that makes you a fool.
01:05:17Especially because Gandalf the Grey only appeared in the first part.
01:05:21He returned to the two towers as Gandalf the White.
01:05:31Do not make me angry.
01:05:46I was angry.
01:05:47I'm sorry, okay?
01:05:49I need you to show me that you love me
01:05:52so we can be together.
01:05:54Leave me alone.
01:05:55I'm dating someone else.
01:05:59The party is over, Stan.
01:06:01Get out of here.
01:06:05Oh, yeah?
01:06:07And who's going to get me out of here?
01:06:12You know I would.
01:06:13But it looks like you're drunk, so...
01:06:16I'll let the cops do it.
01:06:23You can stay with the nun.
01:06:25She's not going to do it with you anyway.
01:06:27Hey, think about it.
01:06:32Oh, I had the craziest dream.
01:06:37I was 17.
01:06:40I was in high school and it was horrible.
01:06:51I don't know what you're talking about.
01:06:53Hey, I know why you don't want me to be with Stan.
01:06:56It's because you love me.
01:07:01Do you want to play with me?
01:07:03Can we play something?
01:07:04No, no, no.
01:07:05I'm hungry.
01:07:06I'm the lioness and you're the little gazelle.
01:07:09Maggie, Maggie, Maggie!
01:07:10No, no, no, no, no, Maggie!
01:07:12No, Maggie!
01:07:13No, this isn't right!
01:07:14It's so dysfunctional!
01:07:15No, stop!
01:07:16Please stop!
01:07:18Maggie, I'm not the person you think I am!
01:07:20No, Maggie, please!
01:07:21No, Maggie, stop!
01:07:22You are.
01:07:23You are.
01:07:24It's okay, you're cute.
01:07:25You're not like the others.
01:07:26I'm not like the others.
01:07:27I'm very different from the others.
01:07:28I'm very different.
01:07:29So cute.
01:07:36It can't be.
01:07:37What are you trying to say?
01:07:39You're confused.
01:07:41Very confused, yes.
01:07:42Extremely confused.
01:07:44Oh, no, I...
01:07:45Now I don't understand.
01:07:47Your hair...
01:07:49Your hair is always perfect.
01:07:51You have reflexes.
01:07:53What are you talking about?
01:07:56You wear tight pants.
01:08:01I'm not gay.
01:08:03I'm in love, Maggie.
01:08:04I'm in love.
01:08:05I've been in love.
01:08:07With the same girl since I was 17.
01:08:13Do you go to school?
01:08:15Do I know her?
01:08:17Tell me her name.
01:08:19What's her name?
01:08:20No, Maggie.
01:08:21Just tell me.
01:08:24Go tell your girlfriend to keep an eye on you.
01:08:30For the love of God.
01:08:35Enjoy your meal.
01:08:51The bill, yes?
01:09:03I'm dead.
01:09:08Excuse me.
01:09:12Scarlett, Scarlett!
01:09:14What are you doing here?
01:09:15Have you seen Alex?
01:09:16He's not answering his phone.
01:09:17It's time for us to go back.
01:09:18Alex is fine.
01:09:19He's fine.
01:09:20Where is Alex?
01:09:21In fact, if things go well,
01:09:22at the end of the night,
01:09:23Alex could have a girlfriend.
01:09:24Alex has a girlfriend?
01:09:25Yes, and she's fantastic.
01:09:26She's pretty.
01:09:27Come, I'll show you.
01:09:29Up the stairs, walk behind me,
01:09:30and we'll be there in a second.
01:09:31Where did you get the new version of Halo?
01:09:34It should be out in six months.
01:09:36Well, let's just say I did some things that I didn't...
01:09:41I'm very proud.
01:09:53I'm going to kill him.
01:10:09Let's go!
01:10:10Get out!
01:10:15No, no, no, no!
01:10:16No, no, no!
01:10:17It's not Doctor!
01:10:21The party is over!
01:10:22If you don't want to spend the next three months in jail,
01:10:25get out!
01:10:29Hey, let's go get Mark.
01:10:35Are you really worried about him?
01:10:39He's cute. Really, he's cute.
01:10:41I think he needs a male role.
01:10:44He's a great guy.
01:10:46Both of them are.
01:10:51I think you're a great mother.
01:10:55He's on the balcony over there.
01:11:00You've been wonderful.
01:11:02And I consider you part of the family.
01:11:06You don't know how wonderful it is to hear you say that.
01:11:22I'm not Mark.
01:11:23I'm him.
01:11:24I'm him, Scarlett.
01:11:25I'm your husband.
01:11:26Do you want to shut up?
01:11:27No, no, no.
01:11:28I'm the father of your children.
01:11:29Scarlett, let me explain.
01:11:30Don't call me that.
01:11:31Don't call me that.
01:11:33You're a kid with an adult complex.
01:11:35Give me two seconds and I'll explain.
01:11:37You're a pervert.
01:11:44One more.
01:11:51Leave those things.
01:11:52You can go.
01:11:56this isn't exactly what I was looking for in a discreet relationship.
01:12:01Now do you understand why I don't go out with the parents of my students?
01:12:05I'm sorry.
01:12:12I'm sorry.
01:12:13I had no idea that everything was going to end with you.
01:12:23Okay, son. I'm sorry.
01:12:24I guess I deserve it.
01:12:27The second one was because you touched me.
01:12:29I'm sorry.
01:12:30Are you okay?
01:12:31I'm really sorry.
01:12:33You deserve this.
01:12:34We're even.
01:12:38How are you? Are you okay?
01:12:50And I'm done.
01:12:53With the rug.
01:12:55I feel like we made a great progress.
01:12:58I'll rest a little.
01:13:00I lost my family.
01:13:03Hey, Mike.
01:13:04If it's a consolation, I think you really helped your children.
01:13:08You did your job and now the hero can continue.
01:13:11I don't want to.
01:13:13Maybe they don't need me anymore, but I do need them.
01:13:18I don't want to be a party pooper, but you must be in court in 22 minutes.
01:13:24Ned, I need more time.
01:13:26I have to stop this.
01:13:28To the mobile network.
01:13:29Wait, Ned, Ned, Ned.
01:13:30What's up?
01:13:32Oh, my pantaloons, my pantaloons.
01:13:44Wait, Glenn.
01:13:46I'm a sick watchman of power.
01:13:48Don't intimidate me with that vest.
01:13:50Do me a favor. Take it.
01:13:52It's down. Hold it.
01:13:53Where'd you get it?
01:13:54My best $20 spent.
01:13:55Saves me half an hour at work.
01:13:57Now hold it up, up, up, up.
01:14:16All the truth and nothing but the truth so that God assists you?
01:14:18I swear.
01:14:20You requested a divorce from the State of California citing irreconcilable differences.
01:14:23Is that correct?
01:14:24Yes, Your Honor.
01:14:26Is Michael O'Donnell present?
01:14:28No, Your Honor.
01:14:29I take your absence as in accordance with the terms of the divorce.
01:14:31Let's continue.
01:14:36You did not request full custody.
01:14:38No, Your Honor.
01:14:40I can't stand the truth!
01:14:43Sorry to scare you.
01:14:44It was the first thing that came to mind.
01:14:45Your Majesty?
01:14:46Your Majesty?
01:14:47Who are you?
01:14:48My husband's best friend.
01:14:50Are you a friend and a lawyer?
01:14:54I think the title I have in my pocket says yes.
01:14:58And it's a little wrinkled because I sat on it in the car.
01:15:01Not because it's just been printed.
01:15:07Let's pretend it's real.
01:15:08Do you want to explain to us what you're doing here?
01:15:12we will stop a great...
01:15:16misunderstanding of justice!
01:15:18That's it!
01:15:20I'm going, I'm going.
01:15:21Let me explain.
01:15:22No, no, no, my arm, my arm.
01:15:23If you only listen to me.
01:15:24My arm.
01:15:25I have a letter.
01:15:26I have a letter.
01:15:27I have a letter from Michael O'Donnell.
01:15:28He's the husband.
01:15:29No, I'm sorry, but we're in the middle of a...
01:15:30Yes, Your Honor.
01:15:31If you agree, I would like to hear the letter, please.
01:15:34Thank you, Your Honor.
01:15:38This is a letter from Michael O'Donnell.
01:15:40I wanted him to read it to you.
01:15:48Before you continue with this,
01:15:50I want to remind you of September 7, 1988.
01:15:56I want to remind you of September 7, 1988.
01:16:01I want to remind you of September 7, 1988.
01:16:05It was the first time I saw you.
01:16:09You were reading Less Than Zero
01:16:12and you were wearing a Guns N' Roses shirt.
01:16:17I never saw anything so perfect.
01:16:23I remember thinking it was supposed to be mine or I would die.
01:16:27Then you whispered that you loved me
01:16:32at the school dance.
01:16:37And I felt
01:16:39so much peace
01:16:42and security
01:16:46because I knew that no matter what happened,
01:16:48from that day on, nothing could ever be so bad
01:16:52because I had you.
01:16:56And then I...
01:16:58Then I matured and...
01:17:01I lost my way.
01:17:05And I blamed you for my mistakes.
01:17:12And I know you think you have to do this today.
01:17:16I don't want you to do it.
01:17:22But I believe
01:17:27that if I love you,
01:17:32I have to let you go.
01:17:38Thank you, son. You have to go now.
01:18:01Let's continue.
01:18:05I'm sorry, ma'am.
01:18:06Could we postpone this for another day?
01:18:10Is that possible?
01:18:12Postponed for 30 days. Next case!
01:18:26Just in your honor
01:18:30You wore me down
01:18:33Like a red sun
01:18:35You can watch
01:18:37Since the school, I haven't seen you train.
01:18:39Yeah, well...
01:18:40I want to impress the talent hunters.
01:18:42I have to stay focused.
01:18:45Hey, hey, hey. You still don't want a scholarship, do you?
01:18:49Be careful, man.
01:18:50We don't want you to get out of your spiritual path.
01:18:52There's no path, Ned!
01:18:53There's no path!
01:18:54I can't do it!
01:18:56I just made things worse.
01:18:58My wife is happier.
01:18:59Everyone is happier with me offscreen.
01:19:03It's time to move on.
01:19:27I wish I could finish everything I started, Mike.
01:19:32Let's go, Mom.
01:19:47Hey, Gold. Save something for the game, pal.
01:19:49I'm just warming up, Coach.
01:19:51I have information for you.
01:19:53The talent hunter from Ohio is back and the coach is with him.
01:19:56You'll play half of the game. Can you do it?
01:19:58You'll play at the university next year, right?
01:20:01That's the plan, Coach.
01:20:02Give me the ball.
01:20:05Very good, girls. Come closer.
01:20:07Time for the picture.
01:20:08Try not to break the camera.
01:20:23The beat that I'm making is delicious.
01:20:26It's so delicious.
01:20:28It's hot, hot.
01:20:29It's so delicious.
01:20:31I get them boys on fire, fire.
01:20:33It's so delicious.
01:20:34They wanna taste of what I got.
01:20:36It's so delicious.
01:20:37It's so delicious.
01:20:39It's so delicious.
01:20:40It's so delicious.
01:20:42It's so delicious.
01:20:44It's so delicious.
01:20:45It's so delicious.
01:20:55I can't wait to go to Georgetown and go out with college students.
01:21:02I thought Mark was playing with Alex for me, not for you.
01:21:06It's time, ladies. Let's start.
01:21:11Jane, Jane, Jane.
01:21:14Excuse me, excuse me.
01:21:16Ned, Ned, Ned, Ned, Ned, Ned.
01:21:19How are you?
01:21:22I want to talk to you.
01:21:23What are you doing?
01:21:24Practice this.
01:21:28I just saw my best friend lose everything important to him.
01:21:32And maybe we've never been like this, but...
01:21:35Yes, I understand.
01:21:37But I've already told you before that I'm the principal.
01:21:40And I can't be seen with college students.
01:21:43But Jane, how can they see you with me if I'm wearing the invisibility cloak?
01:21:51Jane, all I ask is that we can be friends.
01:21:56Because it's you, the one I want by my side.
01:21:58When I face the Elf Castle, I want you by my side.
01:22:07Enter my castle whenever you want.
01:22:09I'll take my big bow.
01:22:14Let's go for everything!
01:22:15Go ahead!
01:22:29Oh, Mother of God.
01:22:32Are you okay?
01:22:34I can't be here.
01:22:35I'm leaving.
01:22:36I can't be here.
01:22:37I'm leaving.
01:22:57But the game is your future.
01:22:58You have to...
01:22:59The game is my future.
01:23:00It's crazy, Mike.
01:23:01No, I can't let you forget everything.
01:23:02I won't let you...
01:23:03I'm leaving, Mike.
01:23:04Sports star.
01:23:05You never achieved all your potential.
01:23:08I'd love to live again.
01:23:09I bet you'd like to live again.
01:23:13It's a classic story of transformation.
01:23:16Spiritual guide.
01:23:18You and I are together.
01:23:22Now it's your turn.
01:23:30There's a change.
01:23:31You can come in.
01:23:33Come in now!
01:23:58It's you.
01:24:08I can explain.
01:24:13Of course not.
01:24:15You didn't have to come after me again.
01:24:17Yes, I did.
01:24:18Because I love you.
01:24:20You're the best decision I've ever made.
01:24:22And I forgot.
01:24:24And I fell off the bridge.
01:24:26And everything got weird.
01:24:28After that, I realized I was wrong.
01:24:30And everything got weird.
01:24:31After that, but I'll never forget it.
01:24:35Listen, I know I've been bad in these...
01:24:3920 years.
01:24:41But if you let me, I swear...
01:24:43I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you.
01:24:47I thought I wanted a second chance to live,
01:24:49but now I know it's a second chance with you.
01:24:56That's weird.
01:25:00Love, I missed you.
01:25:08Hey, I'm going to get you out, because...
01:25:10it was easier before.
01:25:13Yes, you had a washbasin abdomen.
01:25:15And it's gone now.
01:25:16Do you think I can see it again?
01:25:19I knew you were spying on me.
01:25:22I see you look for love all over town
01:25:27And you're so nice...
01:25:29Adults can do it too.
01:25:31Well, I'll try.
01:25:32Maybe I'll make it.
01:25:35Oh, aren't your sweet arms sweet?
01:25:40Ned, hey, Ned.
01:25:41I already packed all my things,
01:25:43and I wanted to return your key and thank you.
01:25:45Hey, but I didn't expect to see you here,
01:25:48Director Masterson.
01:25:49You look very...
01:25:53The force is always with you.
01:25:54Well, I guess I'll see you at work, boss.
01:25:57Oh, yes, Coach O'Donnell.
01:25:59And we're very happy to have you on board.
01:26:02Hey, friend, and I have something for your first day at your new job.
01:26:05Don't think about how much it cost.
01:26:07Not much.
01:26:10Hey, it's a whistle.
01:26:13Don't play it.
01:26:17Good luck.
01:26:19You too.
01:26:21Good luck.
01:26:22I love you.
01:26:23I love you.
01:26:25School, Heidi.
01:26:49I love you.
01:26:50I love you.
01:26:51I love you.
01:26:52I love you.
01:26:53I love you.
01:26:54I love you.
01:26:55I love you.
01:26:56I love you.
01:26:57I love you.
01:26:58I love you.
01:26:59I love you.
01:27:00I love you.
01:27:01I love you.
01:27:02I love you.
01:27:03I love you.
01:27:04I love you.
01:27:05I love you.
01:27:06I love you.
01:27:07I love you.
01:27:08I love you.
01:27:09I love you.
01:27:10I love you.
01:27:11I love you.
01:27:12I love you.
01:27:13I love you.
01:27:14I love you.
01:27:15I love you.
01:27:16I love you.
01:27:17I love you.
01:27:18I love you.
01:27:19I love you.
01:27:20I love you.
01:27:21I love you.
01:27:22I love you.
01:27:23I love you.
01:27:24I love you.
01:27:25I love you.
01:27:26I love you.
01:27:27I love you.
01:27:28I love you.
01:27:29I love you.
01:27:30I love you.
01:27:31I love you.
01:27:32I love you.
01:27:33I love you.
01:27:34I love you.
01:27:35I love you.
01:27:36I love you.
01:27:37I love you.
01:27:38I love you.
01:27:39I love you.
01:27:40I love you.
01:27:41I love you.
01:27:42I love you.
01:27:43I love you.
01:27:44I love you.
01:27:45I love you.
01:27:46I love you.
