• 2 months ago
প্রজাতন্ত্র দিবসের আগেই দিল্লির কর্তব্যপথে সম্পূর্ণ পোশাকে চলছে প্যারেডের অনুশীলন। দিল্লির কর্তব্যপথে প্যারেডের অনুশীলন শুরু করে দিয়েছেন সেনাবাহিনী থেকে শুরু করে স্কুলের পড়ুয়ারা প্রত্যেকে।

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00:00On 26 January, the entire country will celebrate Proja Tantra Day.
00:15This is how it all started.
00:18Kuchkawach will be on the Delhi-Kartopu route.
00:21So, on the Delhi-Kartopu route, the parade has been started.
00:26From the members of the army, to the parents of the school, everyone.
00:30Almost every morning, Kuchkawach is on the parade.
00:34In the morning of Brihaspati, the parade is carried out in full gear.
00:39In the morning of Proja Tantra Day, on the Delhi-Kartopu route,
00:43the gear that the soldiers and students will be wearing on the parade,
00:47that gear is the parade gear.
00:51Kuchkawach, Delhi
00:55Kuchkawach, Delhi
01:00Kuchkawach, Delhi
01:05Kuchkawach, Delhi
01:10Kuchkawach, Delhi
01:15Kuchkawach, Delhi
01:21Now, there will be a special miracle on Proja Tantra Day in the parade.
01:25That's what is known.
01:27160 people from Indonesia,
01:29the marching contingent,
01:31and the band of 190 people,
01:33along with the Indian Armed Forces,
01:36on the 26th of January, on the Kartopu route,
01:39Chiatto Tomo will participate in the Proja Tantra Day Parade.
01:43That's what has been announced by the Defence Ministry.
01:46On the Kartopu route, on the Proja Tantra Day,
01:50300 artisans from different parts of the country
01:54will play their instruments and perform.
01:58Apart from this, there will be a few more special miracles.
02:02So, as usual, on the Proja Tantra Day,
02:06on the Kartopu route of Delhi,
02:08Kuchkawach will be held on the 9th of January.
02:20On the Kartopu route,
02:22on the Proja Tantra Day,
02:24on the 9th of January,
02:26on the Kartopu route of Delhi,
02:28on the 9th of January,
02:30on the Kartopu route of Delhi,
02:32on the 9th of January,
02:34on the 9th of January,
02:36on the 9th of January,
02:38on the 9th of January,
02:40on the 9th of January,
02:42on the 9th of January,
02:44on the 9th of January,
02:46on the 9th of January,
02:48on the 9th of January,
02:50on the 9th of January,
02:52on the 9th of January,
02:54on the 9th of January,
02:56on the 9th of January,
02:58on the 9th of January,
03:00on the 9th of January,
03:02on the 9th of January,
03:04on the 9th of January,
03:06on the 9th of January,
03:08on the 9th of January,
03:10on the 9th of January,
03:12on the 9th of January,
03:14on the 9th of January,
