• 2 months ago
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00:00In Uttar Pradesh's Prayag Raj, Kumbh Prasputi is held on a regular basis.
00:05Mahakumbha is held every 12 years.
00:08Last year, in Uttar Pradesh's Prayag Raj, it was held from 13th January to 26th February.
00:16Kumbh Prasputi is one of the largest religious fairs in the world.
00:29Many pilgrims from all over the world come here to participate.
00:34In Prayag Raj, pilgrims bathe in the holy water of Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati.
00:40It is believed that if you bathe here, you can get rid of all kinds of sins.
00:45That is why, many pilgrims have started coming here.
00:50For the pilgrims, this is the best place to stay.
00:55In Mahakumbha, this year, the administration of Prayag Raj is making a record comeback.
01:01To prevent any inconvenience to the pilgrims,
01:05many cottages have been built in the Sangam.
01:12These are Pilash Mahul cottages.
01:17These cottages are built on 5 acres of land.
01:21Almost 200 cottages have been built for the pilgrims in the Tribeni Sangam.
01:27Among them, there is a cottage called Vishnu Nibash, Arjun Nibash, Ram Nibash, Krishna Nibash.
01:34Cottage Kuli is built with the shade of Geruwa Rang.
01:38This cottage Kuli has a wooden khat, dressing table, alna, table, and other necessary equipment.
01:45There is a boat facility nearby.
01:48This whole area is about 5 acres.
01:52Sir, we have built 200 luxury cottages in this area.
01:55It has three different categories.
01:57There is a semi-deluxe cottage, luxury cottages, and a deluxe category.
02:02In some of these cottages, we have also made arrangements according to the family.
02:06We have also made arrangements for Satvik food.
02:11The pilgrims who come here will enjoy Satvik food without onion or garlic.
02:18We have also added some small amenities here.
02:22We have also organized a Ganga Aarti in the evening.
02:25We have also done tie-ups with Bhajan Sandhya.
02:28The guests who stay here in the evening can enjoy the Ganga Aarti.
02:32We have tried to give a luxurious experience at an affordable price.
02:37Right behind us is the Gangaji Bhav.
02:41We are trying to develop a Ganga Ghat here in the evening.
02:45Gangaji Aarti will be performed daily.
02:49People can enjoy it.
02:51We have full-fledged this entire campus through speakers.
02:55From morning to evening, we will be reciting mantras.
02:59This will develop positivity in people.
03:03We will end the evening with the Ganga Aarti.
03:06Now, after 12 years, the arrangements have been made.
03:10Now, the crowd will not wait for the arrival of the pilgrims.
03:16Bureau Report, One India Bangla
