• 2 months ago
बालाघाट जिले के चांगोटोला थानांतर्गत ग्राम मोहगांव में मुर्गी को लेकर हुए विवाद में एक भाई ने कुल्हाड़ी मारकर बहन की हत्या कर दी.


00:00This is the story of a woman who lost her husband in a car accident and lost her son in a car accident.
00:10There was a rooster.
00:12When the girl opened the door, the rooster came out.
00:15When I opened the door, the rooster came towards me.
00:18There was a rooster on one side and on the other.
00:21The rooster came towards the girl and left.
00:24She was asleep.
00:25When my sister-in-law saw her, she said,
00:27I don't want a rooster.
00:29When I saw her, the rooster was coming towards me.
00:33I was in my bed.
00:35The girl ran away.
00:37How did she hit you?
00:38She hit me with her legs.
00:39Around 9.30 am, we got the news
00:41that a person in Mogaon
00:43injured a young girl with an axe.
00:47After that, the young girl was taken to Islamabad hospital through 108.
00:52From there, she was referred to Balaghat.
00:54She died in Balaghat.
00:56Her cousin, her uncle's son, Dilip Durbe,
01:01killed her with an axe.
01:03The accused fled after the incident.
01:07We are looking for him.
