• 2 months ago
નડીયાદમાં એક માથાભેર બુટલેગર દ્વારા પરિણીતા પર અવારનવાર દુષ્કર્મ ગુજારવાના આરોપમાં પોલીસે આરોપીનું સરઘસ કાઢ્યું હતું.


00:00In Nadiad, a case has been brought against the Bhutlegars for being unlawful.
00:04The city's Kukhiyat Bhutlegar has filed a complaint against the Bhutlegars for harming the women of the Bhutlegars' family.
00:11The Kukhiyat Bhutlegar, a rich woman, has accused the Bhutlegars of harming the Bhutlegars' husband, Viklangwai,
00:17who had come to the Bhutlegars' home to harass them.
00:20The Bhutlegars have filed a complaint against the Bhutlegars for taking money from the Bhutlegars,
00:25as much as 10 lakh rupees.
00:28The Bhutlegars had threatened the victim, and the victim, who was beaten up, had filed a police complaint.
00:33On the basis of the victim's complaint, the accused has come to the Bhutlegars' home to harass them.
00:37Taking the seriousness of the matter into account, the Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
00:42The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
00:48The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
00:54The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
01:25The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
01:27The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
01:29The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
01:31The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
01:33The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
01:35The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
01:37The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
01:39The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
01:41The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
01:43The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
01:45The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
01:47The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
01:49The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
01:51The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
01:53The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
01:55The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
01:57The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
01:59The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:01The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:03The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:05The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:07The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:09The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:11The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:13The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:15The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:17The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:19The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:21The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:23The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:25The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:27The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:29The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:31The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:33The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:35The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:37The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:39The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:41The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:43The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:45The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:47The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:49The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:51The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:53The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:55The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:57The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
02:59The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
03:01The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
03:03The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
03:05The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
03:07The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
03:09The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
03:11The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
03:13The Bhutlegars have come to the Bhutlegars' home to conduct an investigation.
