• 2 months ago
Dilantik sebagai Presiden Amerika Serikat ke-47, Donald Trump, dalam pidatonya selama setengah jam mencantumkan serangkaian tindakan eksekutif yang ingin diambilnya segera pada hari pertama Pemerintahan. Namun, kabar positifnya Trump dinilai tidak akan segera terapkan tarif perdagangan, hal ini pun membuat pasar berekspektasi Trump akan lebih lunak.


00:00Okay, now we're going to talk about the response from the public, there's also a response from the global market, where Donald Trump has been appointed as the 47th President of the United States for half an hour.
00:17This includes a series of executive actions that he wants to take immediately on the first day of government.
00:24Yes, and thus the positive news, Trump is estimated not to immediately impose a trade tariff. This also makes the market expect that Trump will be more relaxed.
00:33So help me God. Congratulations Mr. Trump.
01:03Yes, and thus the positive news, Trump is estimated not to immediately impose a trade tariff. This also makes the market expect that Trump will be more relaxed.
01:08Trump's appointment brought the dollar to a standstill on Monday after the news of the new government of President Donald Trump will not immediately raise the trade tariff.
01:18Meanwhile, gold shines in the middle of the dollar depreciation. The price of gold rose sharply on Monday after the market witnessed the potential economic impact of the policy of the second-in-command US President Donald Trump during his term.
01:32Gold rose 0.3% to US$2,709 per ounce at 1.49 p.m. WEST INDONESIA, with a low volume of trade because the US market was closed for the holiday of Martin Luther King Jr.
01:47Oil weakened after Trump's appointment. The price of oil weakened on Monday after the US President Donald Trump was appointed for the second time and said that he would immediately resolve the national energy emergency by agreeing to fill strategic savings and export American energy to the world.
02:05International oil prices fell 0.8% to US$80.15 per barrel in a colder settlement due to the holiday of Martin Luther King Jr. in America.
02:18Meanwhile, US oil prices fell 1.7% to US$76.58 per barrel.
02:34For more UN videos visit www.un.org
